{ "arguments": { "data": { "nature": [ "continuous", "categorical" ], "type_value": "Array", "description": "Data to be binned." }, "edges": { "nature": [ "continuous", "categorical" ], "type_value": "Jagged", "description": "Values representing the edges of bins." }, "null_value": { "nature": [ "continuous", "categorical" ], "type_value": "Array", "description": "Value to which to map if there is no valid bin (e.g. if the element falls outside the bin range)." }, "inclusive_left": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "True", "default_rust": "true", "description": "Whether or not the left edge of the bin is inclusive. If `true` bins are of the form [lower, upper). Otherwise, bins are of the form (lower, upper]." } }, "id": "Bin", "name": "bin", "options": { "side": { "type_proto": "string", "default_python": "'lower'", "default_rust": "\"lower\"", "description": "How to refer to each bin. Will be either the `lower` edge, the `upper` edge, or the `midpoint` (the arithmetic mean of the `lower` edge and the `upper` edge)." } }, "return": { "nature": [ "continuous" ], "type_value": "Array" }, "description": "Maps data to bins.\n\nBins will be of the form [lower, upper) or (lower, upper]." }