{ "arguments": { "data": { "type_value": "Array", "description": "Atomic type must be numeric." }, "edges": { "type_value": "Jagged", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "Set of edges to bin continuous-valued data. Used only if data are of `continuous` nature." }, "categories": { "type_value": "Jagged", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "Set of categories in data. Used only if data are of `categorical` nature." }, "null_value": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "The value to which elements not included in `categories` will be mapped for each column of the data. Used only if `categories` is not `None`. The null value is the final category- counts for the null category are at the end of the vector of counts." }, "lower": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "0", "description": "Estimated minimum possible value of bin counts. Useful to help bound elapsed time when sampling for the geometric mechanism. Required for the snapping mechanism." }, "upper": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "Estimated maximum possible value of bin counts. Useful to help bound elapsed time when sampling for the geometric mechanism. Required for the snapping mechanism." }, "inclusive_left": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "True", "description": "Whether or not the left edge of the bin is inclusive. If `true` bins are of the form [lower, upper). Otherwise, bins are of the form (lower, upper]. Used only if data are of `continuous` nature." } }, "id": "DPHistogram", "name": "dp_histogram", "options": { "mechanism": { "type_proto": "string", "type_rust": "String", "default_python": "\"SimpleGeometric\"", "default_rust": "String::from(\"SimpleGeometric\")", "description": "Privatizing mechanism to use. One of [`SimpleGeometric`, `Laplace`, `Snapping`, `Gaussian`, `AnalyticGaussian`]. Only `SimpleGeometric` is accepted if floating-point protections are enabled." }, "privacy_usage": { "type_proto": "repeated PrivacyUsage", "type_rust": "Vec", "default_python": "None", "description": "Object describing the type and amount of privacy to be used for the mechanism release." } }, "return": { "type_value": "Array", "description": "Differentially private histogram." }, "description": "Returns a differentially private histogram over user-defined categories. The final cell contains the counts for null values (outside the set of categories).", "proto_id": 10 }