{ "arguments": { "data": { "type_value": "Array", "description": "Atomic type must be numeric." }, "candidates": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "Set from which the Exponential mechanism will return an element. Type must match with atomic type of data. This value must be column-conformable with data." } }, "id": "Quantile", "name": "quantile", "options": { "alpha": { "type_proto": "double", "type_rust": "f64", "description": "Desired quantiles, defined on `[0,1]`. Examples: 0: min, 0.5: median, 1: max" }, "interpolation": { "type_proto": "string", "type_rust": "String", "default_python": "\"midpoint\"", "default_rust": "String::from(\"midpoint\")", "description": "Interpolation strategy. One of [`lower`, `upper`, `midpoint`, `nearest`, `linear`]" } }, "return": { "type_value": "Array", "description": "Quantile values for each column." }, "description": "Get values corresponding to specified quantiles for each column of the data.", "proto_id": 47 }