{ "arguments": { "data": { "type_value": "Array", "description": "Result to be released privately via the Snapping mechanism. Array members must be of type float or of type integer." }, "lower": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "Estimated minimum possible value of the data. Only useful for the snapping mechanism. This argument is required." }, "upper": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "Estimated maximum possible value of the statistic. Only useful for the snapping mechanism. This argument is required." }, "binding_probability": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "Upper bound on probability that final clamp binds. Must be within [0, 1)." }, "sensitivity": { "type_value": "Array", "default_python": "None", "default_rust": "None", "description": "Override the sensitivity computed by the library. Rejected unless `protect_sensitivity` is disabled." } }, "id": "SnappingMechanism", "name": "snapping_mechanism", "options": { "privacy_usage": { "type_proto": "repeated PrivacyUsage", "type_rust": "Vec", "default_python": "None", "description": "Object describing the type and amount of privacy to be used for the mechanism release." } }, "return": { "type_value": "Array", "description": "Original data perturbed via the Snapping mechanism." }, "description": "Privatizes a result by returning it perturbed via the Snapping mechanism. This mechanism is generally intended for non-integer numerical data. Note that snapping may not operate on integers when floating-point protections are enabled. For this situation, use the geometric mechanism instead.", "proto_id": 64 }