use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use std::{convert::TryInto, num::NonZeroU32}; use smithay_client_toolkit::reexports::client::{ globals::registry_queue_init, protocol::{wl_keyboard, wl_output, wl_pointer, wl_seat, wl_shm, wl_surface}, Connection, Proxy, QueueHandle, }; use smithay_client_toolkit::reexports::csd_frame::{ DecorationsFrame, FrameAction, FrameClick, ResizeEdge, }; use smithay_client_toolkit::reexports::protocols::xdg::shell::client::xdg_toplevel::ResizeEdge as XdgResizeEdge; use smithay_client_toolkit::{ compositor::{CompositorHandler, CompositorState}, delegate_compositor, delegate_keyboard, delegate_output, delegate_pointer, delegate_registry, delegate_seat, delegate_shm, delegate_subcompositor, delegate_xdg_shell, delegate_xdg_window, output::{OutputHandler, OutputState}, registry::{ProvidesRegistryState, RegistryState}, registry_handlers, seat::{ keyboard::{KeyEvent, KeyboardHandler, Keysym, Modifiers}, pointer::{ CursorIcon, PointerData, PointerEvent, PointerEventKind, PointerHandler, ThemeSpec, ThemedPointer, }, Capability, SeatHandler, SeatState, }, shell::{ xdg::{ fallback_frame::FallbackFrame, window::{DecorationMode, Window, WindowConfigure, WindowDecorations, WindowHandler}, XdgShell, XdgSurface, }, WaylandSurface, }, shm::{ slot::{Buffer, SlotPool}, Shm, ShmHandler, }, subcompositor::SubcompositorState, }; // Cursor shapes. const CURSORS: &[CursorIcon] = &[ CursorIcon::Default, CursorIcon::Crosshair, CursorIcon::Pointer, CursorIcon::Move, CursorIcon::Text, CursorIcon::Wait, CursorIcon::Help, CursorIcon::Progress, CursorIcon::NotAllowed, CursorIcon::ContextMenu, CursorIcon::Cell, CursorIcon::VerticalText, CursorIcon::Alias, CursorIcon::Copy, CursorIcon::NoDrop, CursorIcon::Grab, CursorIcon::Grabbing, CursorIcon::AllScroll, CursorIcon::ZoomIn, CursorIcon::ZoomOut, CursorIcon::EResize, CursorIcon::NResize, CursorIcon::NeResize, CursorIcon::NwResize, CursorIcon::SResize, CursorIcon::SeResize, CursorIcon::SwResize, CursorIcon::WResize, CursorIcon::EwResize, CursorIcon::NsResize, CursorIcon::NeswResize, CursorIcon::NwseResize, CursorIcon::ColResize, CursorIcon::RowResize, ]; fn main() { env_logger::init(); let conn = Connection::connect_to_env().unwrap(); let (globals, mut event_queue) = registry_queue_init(&conn).unwrap(); let qh = event_queue.handle(); let registry_state = RegistryState::new(&globals); let seat_state = SeatState::new(&globals, &qh); let output_state = OutputState::new(&globals, &qh); let compositor_state = CompositorState::bind(&globals, &qh).expect("wl_compositor not available"); let subcompositor_state = SubcompositorState::bind(compositor_state.wl_compositor().clone(), &globals, &qh) .expect("wl_subcompositor not available"); let shm_state = Shm::bind(&globals, &qh).expect("wl_shm not available"); let xdg_shell_state = XdgShell::bind(&globals, &qh).expect("xdg shell not available"); let width = NonZeroU32::new(256).unwrap(); let height = NonZeroU32::new(256).unwrap(); let pool = SlotPool::new(width.get() as usize * height.get() as usize * 4, &shm_state) .expect("Failed to create pool"); let window_surface = compositor_state.create_surface(&qh); let window = xdg_shell_state.create_window(window_surface, WindowDecorations::ServerDefault, &qh); window.set_title("A wayland window"); // GitHub does not let projects use the `org.github` domain but the `io.github` domain is fine. window.set_app_id("io.github.smithay.client-toolkit.SimpleWindow"); window.set_min_size(Some((width.get(), height.get()))); // In order for the window to be mapped, we need to perform an initial commit with no attached buffer. // For more info, see WaylandSurface::commit // // The compositor will respond with an initial configure that we can then use to present to the window with // the correct options. window.commit(); println!("Press `n` to cycle through cursor icons."); let mut simple_window = SimpleWindow { registry_state, seat_state, output_state, compositor_state, subcompositor_state: Arc::new(subcompositor_state), shm_state, _xdg_shell_state: xdg_shell_state, exit: false, first_configure: true, pool, width, height, shift: None, buffer: None, window, window_frame: None, keyboard: None, keyboard_focus: false, themed_pointer: None, set_cursor: false, window_cursor_icon_idx: 0, decorations_cursor: None, }; // We don't draw immediately, the configure will notify us when to first draw. loop { event_queue.blocking_dispatch(&mut simple_window).unwrap(); if simple_window.exit { println!("Exiting example."); break; } } } struct SimpleWindow { registry_state: RegistryState, seat_state: SeatState, output_state: OutputState, compositor_state: CompositorState, subcompositor_state: Arc, shm_state: Shm, _xdg_shell_state: XdgShell, exit: bool, first_configure: bool, pool: SlotPool, width: NonZeroU32, height: NonZeroU32, shift: Option, buffer: Option, window: Window, window_frame: Option>, keyboard: Option, keyboard_focus: bool, themed_pointer: Option, set_cursor: bool, window_cursor_icon_idx: usize, decorations_cursor: Option, } impl CompositorHandler for SimpleWindow { fn scale_factor_changed( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, _surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, _new_factor: i32, ) { // Not needed for this example. } fn transform_changed( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, _surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, _new_transform: wl_output::Transform, ) { // Not needed for this example. } fn frame( &mut self, conn: &Connection, qh: &QueueHandle, _surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, _time: u32, ) { self.draw(conn, qh); } fn surface_enter( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, _surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, _output: &wl_output::WlOutput, ) { // Not needed for this example. } fn surface_leave( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, _surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, _output: &wl_output::WlOutput, ) { // Not needed for this example. } } impl OutputHandler for SimpleWindow { fn output_state(&mut self) -> &mut OutputState { &mut self.output_state } fn new_output( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, _output: wl_output::WlOutput, ) { } fn update_output( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, _output: wl_output::WlOutput, ) { } fn output_destroyed( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, _output: wl_output::WlOutput, ) { } } impl WindowHandler for SimpleWindow { fn request_close(&mut self, _: &Connection, _: &QueueHandle, _: &Window) { self.exit = true; } fn configure( &mut self, conn: &Connection, qh: &QueueHandle, window: &Window, configure: WindowConfigure, _serial: u32, ) { self.buffer = None; println!( "Configure size {:?}, decorations: {:?}", configure.new_size, configure.decoration_mode ); let (width, height) = if configure.decoration_mode == DecorationMode::Client { let window_frame = self.window_frame.get_or_insert_with(|| { FallbackFrame::new( &self.window, &self.shm_state, self.subcompositor_state.clone(), qh.clone(), ) .expect("failed to create client side decorations frame.") }); // Un-hide the frame. window_frame.set_hidden(false); // Configure state before touching any resizing. window_frame.update_state(configure.state); // Update the capabilities. window_frame.update_wm_capabilities(configure.capabilities); let (width, height) = match configure.new_size { (Some(width), Some(height)) => { // The size could be 0. window_frame.subtract_borders(width, height) } _ => { // You might want to consider checking for configure bounds. (Some(self.width), Some(self.height)) } }; // Clamp the size to at least one pixel. let width = width.unwrap_or(NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap()); let height = height.unwrap_or(NonZeroU32::new(1).unwrap()); println!("New dimentions: {width}, {height}"); window_frame.resize(width, height); let (x, y) = window_frame.location(); let outer_size = window_frame.add_borders(width.get(), height.get()); window.xdg_surface().set_window_geometry( x, y, outer_size.0 as i32, outer_size.1 as i32, ); (width, height) } else { // Hide the frame, if any. if let Some(frame) = self.window_frame.as_mut() { frame.set_hidden(true) } let width = configure.new_size.0.unwrap_or(self.width); let height = configure.new_size.1.unwrap_or(self.height); self.window.xdg_surface().set_window_geometry( 0, 0, width.get() as i32, height.get() as i32, ); (width, height) }; // Update new width and height; self.width = width; self.height = height; // Initiate the first draw. if self.first_configure { self.first_configure = false; self.draw(conn, qh); } } } impl SeatHandler for SimpleWindow { fn seat_state(&mut self) -> &mut SeatState { &mut self.seat_state } fn new_seat(&mut self, _: &Connection, _: &QueueHandle, _: wl_seat::WlSeat) {} fn new_capability( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, qh: &QueueHandle, seat: wl_seat::WlSeat, capability: Capability, ) { if capability == Capability::Keyboard && self.keyboard.is_none() { println!("Set keyboard capability"); let keyboard = self.seat_state.get_keyboard(qh, &seat, None).expect("Failed to create keyboard"); self.keyboard = Some(keyboard); } if capability == Capability::Pointer && self.themed_pointer.is_none() { println!("Set pointer capability"); let surface = self.compositor_state.create_surface(qh); let themed_pointer = self .seat_state .get_pointer_with_theme( qh, &seat, self.shm_state.wl_shm(), surface, ThemeSpec::default(), ) .expect("Failed to create pointer"); self.themed_pointer.replace(themed_pointer); } } fn remove_capability( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _: &QueueHandle, _: wl_seat::WlSeat, capability: Capability, ) { if capability == Capability::Keyboard && self.keyboard.is_some() { println!("Unset keyboard capability"); self.keyboard.take().unwrap().release(); } if capability == Capability::Pointer && self.themed_pointer.is_some() { println!("Unset pointer capability"); self.themed_pointer.take().unwrap().pointer().release(); } } fn remove_seat(&mut self, _: &Connection, _: &QueueHandle, _: wl_seat::WlSeat) {} } impl KeyboardHandler for SimpleWindow { fn enter( &mut self, _: &Connection, _: &QueueHandle, _: &wl_keyboard::WlKeyboard, surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, _: u32, _: &[u32], keysyms: &[Keysym], ) { if self.window.wl_surface() == surface { println!("Keyboard focus on window with pressed syms: {keysyms:?}"); self.keyboard_focus = true; } } fn leave( &mut self, _: &Connection, _: &QueueHandle, _: &wl_keyboard::WlKeyboard, surface: &wl_surface::WlSurface, _: u32, ) { if self.window.wl_surface() == surface { self.keyboard_focus = false; } } fn press_key( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, _: &wl_keyboard::WlKeyboard, _: u32, event: KeyEvent, ) { if event.keysym == Keysym::N { // Cycle through cursor icons. self.window_cursor_icon_idx = (self.window_cursor_icon_idx + 1) % CURSORS.len(); println!("Setting cursor icon to: {}", CURSORS[self.window_cursor_icon_idx].name()); self.set_cursor = true; } } fn release_key( &mut self, _: &Connection, _: &QueueHandle, _: &wl_keyboard::WlKeyboard, _: u32, _: KeyEvent, ) { } fn update_modifiers( &mut self, _: &Connection, _: &QueueHandle, _: &wl_keyboard::WlKeyboard, _serial: u32, _: Modifiers, _layout: u32, ) { } } impl PointerHandler for SimpleWindow { fn pointer_frame( &mut self, _conn: &Connection, _qh: &QueueHandle, pointer: &wl_pointer::WlPointer, events: &[PointerEvent], ) { use PointerEventKind::*; for event in events { let (x, y) = event.position; match event.kind { Enter { .. } => { self.set_cursor = true; self.decorations_cursor = self.window_frame.as_mut().and_then(|frame| { frame.click_point_moved(Duration::ZERO, &, x, y) }); } Leave { .. } => { if &event.surface != self.window.wl_surface() { if let Some(window_frame) = self.window_frame.as_mut() { window_frame.click_point_left(); } } } Motion { time } => { if let Some(new_cursor) = self.window_frame.as_mut().and_then(|frame| { frame.click_point_moved( Duration::from_millis(time as u64), &, x, y, ) }) { self.set_cursor = true; self.decorations_cursor = Some(new_cursor); } } Press { button, serial, time } | Release { button, serial, time } => { let pressed = matches!(event.kind, Press { .. }); if &event.surface != self.window.wl_surface() { let click = match button { 0x110 => FrameClick::Normal, 0x111 => FrameClick::Alternate, _ => continue, }; if let Some(action) = self.window_frame.as_mut().and_then(|frame| { frame.on_click(Duration::from_millis(time as u64), click, pressed) }) { self.frame_action(pointer, serial, action); } } else if pressed { self.shift = self.shift.xor(Some(0)); } } Axis { .. } => {} } } } } impl SimpleWindow { fn frame_action(&mut self, pointer: &wl_pointer::WlPointer, serial: u32, action: FrameAction) { let pointer_data =; let seat =; match action { FrameAction::Close => self.exit = true, FrameAction::Minimize => self.window.set_minimized(), FrameAction::Maximize => self.window.set_maximized(), FrameAction::UnMaximize => self.window.unset_maximized(), FrameAction::ShowMenu(x, y) => self.window.show_window_menu(seat, serial, (x, y)), FrameAction::Resize(edge) => { let edge = match edge { ResizeEdge::None => XdgResizeEdge::None, ResizeEdge::Top => XdgResizeEdge::Top, ResizeEdge::Bottom => XdgResizeEdge::Bottom, ResizeEdge::Left => XdgResizeEdge::Left, ResizeEdge::TopLeft => XdgResizeEdge::TopLeft, ResizeEdge::BottomLeft => XdgResizeEdge::BottomLeft, ResizeEdge::Right => XdgResizeEdge::Right, ResizeEdge::TopRight => XdgResizeEdge::TopRight, ResizeEdge::BottomRight => XdgResizeEdge::BottomRight, _ => return, }; self.window.resize(seat, serial, edge); } FrameAction::Move => self.window.move_(seat, serial), _ => (), } } } impl ShmHandler for SimpleWindow { fn shm_state(&mut self) -> &mut Shm { &mut self.shm_state } } impl SimpleWindow { pub fn draw(&mut self, conn: &Connection, qh: &QueueHandle) { if self.set_cursor { let cursor_icon = self.decorations_cursor.unwrap_or(CURSORS[self.window_cursor_icon_idx]); let _ = self.themed_pointer.as_mut().unwrap().set_cursor(conn, cursor_icon); self.set_cursor = false; } let width = self.width.get(); let height = self.height.get(); let stride = self.width.get() as i32 * 4; let buffer = self.buffer.get_or_insert_with(|| { self.pool .create_buffer(width as i32, height as i32, stride, wl_shm::Format::Argb8888) .expect("create buffer") .0 }); let canvas = match self.pool.canvas(buffer) { Some(canvas) => canvas, None => { // This should be rare, but if the compositor has not released the previous // buffer, we need double-buffering. let (second_buffer, canvas) = self .pool .create_buffer(width as i32, height as i32, stride, wl_shm::Format::Argb8888) .expect("create buffer"); *buffer = second_buffer; canvas } }; // Draw to the window: { let shift = self.shift.unwrap_or(0); canvas.chunks_exact_mut(4).enumerate().for_each(|(index, chunk)| { let x = ((index + shift as usize) % width as usize) as u32; let y = (index / width as usize) as u32; let a = 0xFF; let r = u32::min(((width - x) * 0xFF) / width, ((height - y) * 0xFF) / height); let g = u32::min((x * 0xFF) / width, ((height - y) * 0xFF) / height); let b = u32::min(((width - x) * 0xFF) / width, (y * 0xFF) / height); let color = (a << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b; let array: &mut [u8; 4] = chunk.try_into().unwrap(); *array = color.to_le_bytes(); }); if let Some(shift) = &mut self.shift { *shift = (*shift + 1) % width; } } // Draw the decorations frame. if let Some(frame) = self.window_frame.as_mut() { if frame.is_dirty() && !frame.is_hidden() { frame.draw(); } } // Damage the entire window self.window.wl_surface().damage_buffer(0, 0, width as i32, height as i32); // Request our next frame self.window.wl_surface().frame(qh, self.window.wl_surface().clone()); // Attach and commit to present. buffer.attach_to(self.window.wl_surface()).expect("buffer attach"); self.window.wl_surface().commit(); } } delegate_compositor!(SimpleWindow); delegate_subcompositor!(SimpleWindow); delegate_output!(SimpleWindow); delegate_shm!(SimpleWindow); delegate_seat!(SimpleWindow); delegate_keyboard!(SimpleWindow); delegate_pointer!(SimpleWindow); delegate_xdg_shell!(SimpleWindow); delegate_xdg_window!(SimpleWindow); delegate_registry!(SimpleWindow); impl ProvidesRegistryState for SimpleWindow { fn registry(&mut self) -> &mut RegistryState { &mut self.registry_state } registry_handlers![OutputState, SeatState,]; }