# Smol webhook A small rust crate project that is based on the webserver project in the [rust book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch20-00-final-project-a-web-server.html). This script will listen to the github webhook for a push event. It will check branch and it will execute a script placed near the executable. ## Configuration This application could be configured by using environment variables. * `SMOL_WEBHOOK_IP` `ip_addr` - IPv4 to listen. default= * `SMOL_WEBHOOK_PORT` `port_number` - port to listen. default=7878 * `SMOL_WEBHOOK_BRANCH` `branch_name` - a branch name that this webhook will watch on. default=master * `SMOL_WEBHOOK_SCRIPT` `script_path` - path of the executable script. default=./test.sh * `SMOL_WEBHOOK_KEY` `secret_key` - secret key to check in the webhook event. default=""(empty string)