smolbar(1) # NAME smolbar - smol status command for *sway*(1) # SYNOPSIS *smolbar* [_OPTIONS_] # DESCRIPTION *smolbar* is a status command for the sway Wayland compositor. When run, *smolbar* will write JSON _Block_ objects to standard output, as per *swaybar-protocol*(7). To use it in your sway configuration, invoke _bar_ _status_command_ with _smolbar_. ``` bar { status_command smolbar # the rest of your bar config } ``` # OPTIONS *-c*, *--config*=_PATH_ Path to configuration file, see *smolbar*(5) for details. Default: _config.toml_ in _$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/smolbar_ or otherwise _$HOME/.config/smolbar_. *-t*, *--terse* Decrease log verbosity. *-l*, *--license* Print license information. *-V*, *--version* Print smolbar version. *--help* Display usage information. # MENTAL MODEL This is not an explanation of the configuration file, see *smolbar*(5) for that. *smolbar* fulfills the role described by *swaybar-protocol*(7). The user controls *smolbar*'s behavior through its configuration file. Note that its configurable behavior is a superset of the behavior outlined in the protocol. ## BLOCK A block is a unit of refreshable content. The structure of this content is defined by the _Body_ JSON object from the protocol, with additional information to make them useful. To be dynamic, blocks require both a "what" (a source of content) and a "when" (when to refresh the content). The "what" is implemented by giving blocks a command to execute. The entire _Body_ JSON object is filled in with the output of this command. The "when" is currently implemented in two ways: periodic intervals and operating system signals. This means that a block's content gets refreshed on a timer and whenever *smolbar* receives a specific signal. ## BAR The bar is the owner of blocks. The core behavior of *smolbar* is to send the bar's blocks whenever a block has new content. The bar is also responsible for responding to _cont_signal_ and _stop_signal_, which it sends in the _Header_ JSON object (also from the protocol). If it receives _stop_signal_, *smolbar* will gracefully shut down, as per spec. Upon receiving _cont_signal_, *smolbar* will reload its configuration. Note that *smolbar* has given new meaning to _cont_signal_, since the meaning described by the protocol isn't particularly applicable. # AUTHORS Maintained by Nissa . Source code and issue tracker can be found at . # SEE ALSO *smolbar*(5), *swaybar-protocol*(7), *sway*(5), *sway-bar*(5)