# Spare Merkle Tree Map (SMT-Map) A Spare Merkle Tree Map (SMT-Map) is a map from uint to uint backed by Sparse Merkle Tree (SMT), which supports proving the value of a key with Merkle Proof. In particular it can prove that a key is unset (has never been set to a non-zero value or has been reset to zero). SMT has a form of full binary tree. Therefore an SMT of, for example, uint256 always has 2**256 leaf node. Each leaf node corresponds to a key-value pair of the SMT-Map: the value is stored on the node, and the key is the uint representation of the path from the root to the leaf. See the [documentation](https://docs.rs/smt_map/0.0.1/smt_map) and references for more details. ## References: [1] [Revocation Transparency]( https://www.links.org/files/RevocationTransparency.pdf) [2] [Data availability proof-friendly state tree transitions]( https://ethresear.ch/t/data-availability-proof-friendly-state-tree-transitions/1453) # Library Status Pre-alpha. Basically tested and documented. The APIs are subject to change. Pull requests and feature requests are welcome.