# sn0int-signal Provides a simple api for the kpcyrd/notify-signal sn0int module. You need a second phone number to register with signal. A landline number could work for this. ## Setup Make sure you have [`signal-cli`](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli) installed, setup, and in your path! Afterwards install the http api like this: git clone 'https://github.com/kpcyrd/sn0int-signal' cd sn0int-signal cargo install --path . ## Usage sudo install -m 600 -o "$USER" /dev/null /etc/sn0int-signal.key < /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1 > /etc/sn0int-signal.key sn0int-signal -k /etc/sn0int-signal.key +31337 ## Testing curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "x-signal-auth: $(cat /etc/sn0int-signal.key)" \ -d '{"to": "+313372", "body": "ohai"}' \ ## Start on boot # /etc/systemd/system/sn0int-your-other-service.service [Unit] Description=sn0int-signal: api for signal notifications [Service] User=your-user ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/sn0int-signal -k /etc/sn0int-signal.key +31337 ## License GPLv3+