# sn_auditor This is a small webserver application that allows you to audit the SAFE Network Currency by gathering a DAG of Spends on the Network. ![](./resources/dag.svg) ## Usage Running an auditor instance: ```bash # on a Network with known peers cargo run --release --peer "/ip4/" # on a local testnet cargo run --release --features=local-discovery ``` It can be run with the following flags: ```bash -f, --force-from-genesis Force the spend DAG to be updated from genesis -c, --clean Clear the local spend DAG and start from scratch -o, --offline-viewer Visualize a local DAG file offline, does not connect to the Network -b, --beta-participants Beta rewards program participants to track Provide a file with a list of Discord usernames as argument -k, --beta-encryption-key Secret encryption key of the beta rewards to decypher discord usernames of the beta participants ``` The following env var: ``` # time in seconds UTXOs are refetched in DAG crawl UTXO_REATTEMPT_INTERVAL=3600 ``` ## Endpoints The webserver listens on port `4242` and has the following endpoints: | route | description | |-------------------|---------------------------------------------------| |`"/"` | `svg` representation of the DAG | |`"/spend/"` | `json` information about the spend at this `addr` | |`"/beta-rewards"` | `json` list of beta rewards participants | Note that for the `"/"` endpoint to work properly you need: - to have [graphviz](https://graphviz.org/download/) installed - to enable the `svg-dag` feature flag (with `cargo run --release --features=svg-dag`)