# Safe Network Node (sn_node) ## Overview The `sn_node` directory provides the `safenode` binary, which is the node implementation for the Safe Network. This directory contains the core logic for node operations, including API definitions, error handling, event management, and data validation. ## Table of Contents - [Overview](#overview) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Directory Structure](#directory-structure) - [Testing](#testing) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Conventional Commits](#conventional-commits) - [License](#license) ## Installation Follow the main project's installation guide to set up the `safenode` binary. ## Usage To run the `safenode` binary, follow the instructions in the main project's usage guide. ## Directory Structure - `src/`: Source code files - `api.rs`: API definitions - `error.rs`: Error types and handling - `event.rs`: Event-related logic - `get_validation.rs`: Validation for GET requests - `put_validation.rs`: Validation for PUT requests - `replication.rs`: Data replication logic - `spends.rs`: Logic related to spending tokens or resources - `tests/`: Test files - `common/mod.rs`: Common utilities for tests - `data_with_churn.rs`: Tests related to data with churn - `sequential_transfers.rs`: Tests for sequential data transfers - `storage_payments.rs`: Tests related to storage payments - `verify_data_location.rs`: Tests for verifying data locations ## Testing To run tests, navigate to the `sn_node` directory and execute: ```bash cargo test ``` ## Contributing Please feel free to clone and modify this project. Pull requests are welcome. ## Conventional Commits We follow the [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/) specification for all commits. Make sure your commit messages adhere to this standard. ## License This Safe Network repository is licensed under the General Public License (GPL), version 3 ([LICENSE](LICENSE) http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html). --- Feel free to modify or expand upon this README as needed. Would you like to add or change anything else?