use snafu::{prelude::*, Backtrace, ErrorCompat}; type AnotherError = Box; #[derive(Debug, Snafu)] enum Error { #[snafu(display("Invalid user {user_id}:\n{backtrace}"))] _InvalidUser { user_id: i32, backtrace: Backtrace, }, _WithSource { source: AnotherError, backtrace: Backtrace, }, _WithSourceAndOtherInfo { user_id: i32, source: AnotherError, backtrace: Backtrace, }, WithBacktrace { backtrace: Backtrace, }, } type Result = std::result::Result; fn example() -> Result<()> { } #[test] fn is_compatible_with_std_error_trait() { fn expects_std_trait() {} expects_std_trait::(); } #[test] fn is_compatible_with_std_backtrace_type() { fn expects_std_type(_: &std::backtrace::Backtrace) {} let error = example().unwrap_err(); let backtrace = ErrorCompat::backtrace(&error).unwrap(); expects_std_type(&backtrace); } #[test] fn backtrace_contains_function_names() { let error = example().unwrap_err(); let backtrace = ErrorCompat::backtrace(&error).unwrap(); assert!(backtrace.to_string().contains("::example")); } mod delegation { use snafu::{prelude::*, ErrorCompat}; mod house { use snafu::{prelude::*, Backtrace}; #[derive(Debug, Snafu)] pub struct FatalError { backtrace: Backtrace, } pub fn answer_telephone() -> Result<(), FatalError> { } } #[derive(Debug, Snafu)] enum Error { MovieTrope { #[snafu(backtrace)] source: house::FatalError, }, SourceAndBacktraceAttrs { // Testing source and backtrace attributes; the field should be recognized as a source, // and allow us to get a backtrace delegated from the source error #[snafu(source, backtrace)] cause: house::FatalError, }, } fn delegate_example() -> Result<(), Error> { house::answer_telephone().context(MovieTropeSnafu)?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn backtrace_comes_from_delegated_error() { let e = delegate_example().unwrap_err(); let text = ErrorCompat::backtrace(&e) .map(ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_default(); assert!( text.contains("answer_telephone"), "{:?} does not contain `answer_telephone`", text, ); } fn delegate_and_rename_example() -> Result<(), Error> { house::answer_telephone().context(SourceAndBacktraceAttrsSnafu) } #[test] fn backtrace_comes_from_renamed_delegated_error() { let e = delegate_and_rename_example().unwrap_err(); let text = ErrorCompat::backtrace(&e) .map(ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_default(); assert!( text.contains("answer_telephone"), "{:?} does not contain `answer_telephone`", text, ); } } mod whatever_nested { use snafu::{prelude::*, Whatever}; fn inner_outer() -> Result<(), Whatever> { not_a_whatever().with_whatever_context(|_| format!("Outer failure")) } fn not_a_whatever() -> Result<(), Box> { inner_whatever().map_err(Into::into) } fn inner_whatever() -> Result<(), Whatever> { whatever!("Inner failure"); } #[test] fn backtrace_method_delegates_to_nested_whatever() { let e = inner_outer().unwrap_err(); let bt = e.backtrace().expect("Must have a backtrace"); let text = bt.to_string(); assert!( text.contains("::inner_whatever"), "{:?} does not contain `::inner_whatever`", text, ); } }