/*=============================================================================| | PROJECT SNAP7 1.3.0 | |==============================================================================| | Copyright (C) 2013, 2015 Davide Nardella | | All rights reserved. | |==============================================================================| | SNAP7 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | | it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by | | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | | (at your option) any later version. | | | | It means that you can distribute your commercial software linked with | | SNAP7 without the requirement to distribute the source code of your | | application and without the requirement that your application be itself | | distributed under LGPL. | | | | SNAP7 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | | Lesser GNU General Public License for more details. | | | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a | | copy of Lesser GNU General Public License along with Snap7. | | If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ | |=============================================================================*/ #include "snap_msgsock.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static SocketsLayer SocketsLayerInitializer; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Base class endian aware //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSnapBase::TSnapBase() { int x = 1; LittleEndian=*(char *)&x == 1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- word TSnapBase::SwapWord(word Value) { if (LittleEndian) return ((Value >> 8) & 0xFF) | ((Value << 8) & 0xFF00); else return Value; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- longword TSnapBase::SwapDWord(longword Value) { if (LittleEndian) return (Value >> 24) | ((Value << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((Value >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | (Value << 24); else return Value; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Msg_CloseSocket(socket_t FSocket) { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS closesocket(FSocket); #else close(FSocket); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- longword Msg_GetSockAddr(socket_t FSocket) { sockaddr_in RemoteSin; #ifdef OS_WINDOWS int namelen = sizeof(RemoteSin); #else uint32_t namelen = sizeof(RemoteSin); #endif namelen=sizeof(sockaddr_in); if (getpeername(FSocket,(struct sockaddr*)&RemoteSin, &namelen)==0) return RemoteSin.sin_addr.s_addr; else return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMsgSocket::TMsgSocket() { Pinger = new TPinger(); // Set Defaults strcpy(LocalAddress,""); LocalPort=0; strcpy(RemoteAddress,""); RemotePort=0; WorkInterval=100; RecvTimeout=500; SendTimeout=10; PingTimeout=750; Connected=false; FSocket=INVALID_SOCKET; LastTcpError=0; LocalBind=0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMsgSocket::~TMsgSocket() { DestroySocket(); delete Pinger; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::SetSin(sockaddr_in &sin, char *Address, u_short Port) { uint32_t in_addr; in_addr=inet_addr(Address); memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); LastTcpError=0; if (in_addr!=INADDR_NONE) { sin.sin_addr.s_addr = in_addr; sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(Port); } else LastTcpError=WSAEINVALIDADDRESS; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::GetSin(sockaddr_in sin, char *Address, u_short &Port) { strcpy(Address,inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr)); Port=htons(sin.sin_port); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::GetLocal() { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS int namelen = sizeof(LocalSin); #else uint32_t namelen = sizeof(LocalSin); #endif if (getsockname(FSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&LocalSin, &namelen)==0) GetSin(LocalSin, LocalAddress, LocalPort); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::GetRemote() { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS int namelen = sizeof(RemoteSin); #else uint32_t namelen = sizeof(RemoteSin); #endif if (getpeername(FSocket,(struct sockaddr*)&RemoteSin, &namelen)==0) GetSin(RemoteSin, RemoteAddress, RemotePort); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::GetLastSocketError() { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS return WSAGetLastError(); #else return errno; #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::Purge() { // small buffer to empty the socket char Trash[512]; int Read; if (LastTcpError!=WSAECONNRESET) { if (CanRead(0)) { do { Read=recv(FSocket, Trash, 512, MSG_NOSIGNAL ); } while(Read==512); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::CreateSocket() { DestroySocket(); LastTcpError=0; FSocket =socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ); if (FSocket!=INVALID_SOCKET) SetSocketOptions(); else LastTcpError =GetLastSocketError(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::GotSocket() { ClientHandle=RemoteSin.sin_addr.s_addr; // could be inherited it if wee need further actions on the socket } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::SetSocket(socket_t s) { FSocket=s; if (FSocket!=INVALID_SOCKET) { SetSocketOptions(); GetLocal(); GetRemote(); GotSocket(); } Connected=FSocket!=INVALID_SOCKET; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::DestroySocket() { if(FSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { if (shutdown(FSocket, SD_SEND)==0) Purge(); #ifdef OS_WINDOWS closesocket(FSocket); #else close(FSocket); #endif FSocket=INVALID_SOCKET; } LastTcpError=0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::WaitingData() { int result = 0; u_long x = 0; #ifdef OS_WINDOWS if (ioctlsocket(FSocket, FIONREAD, &x) == 0) result = x; #else if (ioctl(FSocket, FIONREAD, &x) == 0) result = x; #endif if (result>MaxPacketSize) result = MaxPacketSize; return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::WaitForData(int Size, int Timeout) { longword Elapsed; // Check for connection active if (CanRead(0) && (WaitingData()==0)) LastTcpError=WSAECONNRESET; else LastTcpError=0; // Enter main loop if (LastTcpError==0) { Elapsed =SysGetTick(); while((WaitingData()=(longword)(Timeout)) LastTcpError =WSAETIMEDOUT; else SysSleep(1); } } if(LastTcpError==WSAECONNRESET) Connected =false; return LastTcpError; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::SetSocketOptions() { int NoDelay = 1; int KeepAlive = 1; LastTcpError=0; SockCheck(setsockopt(FSocket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY,(char*)&NoDelay, sizeof(NoDelay))); if (LastTcpError==0) SockCheck(setsockopt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE,(char*)&KeepAlive, sizeof(KeepAlive))); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::SockCheck(int SockResult) { if (SockResult == (int)(SOCKET_ERROR)) LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); return LastTcpError; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TMsgSocket::CanWrite(int Timeout) { timeval TimeV; int64_t x; fd_set FDset; if(FSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) return false; TimeV.tv_usec = (Timeout % 1000) * 1000; TimeV.tv_sec = Timeout / 1000; FD_ZERO(&FDset); FD_SET(FSocket, &FDset); x = select(FSocket + 1, NULL, &FDset, NULL, &TimeV); //<-Ignore this warning in 64bit Visual Studio if (x==(int)SOCKET_ERROR) { LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); x=0; } return (x > 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TMsgSocket::CanRead(int Timeout) { timeval TimeV; int64_t x; fd_set FDset; if(FSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) return false; TimeV.tv_usec = (Timeout % 1000) * 1000; TimeV.tv_sec = Timeout / 1000; FD_ZERO(&FDset); FD_SET(FSocket, &FDset); x = select(FSocket + 1, &FDset, NULL, NULL, &TimeV); //<-Ignore this warning in 64bit Visual Studio if (x==(int)SOCKET_ERROR) { LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); x=0; } return (x > 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef NON_BLOCKING_CONNECT // // Non blocking connection (UNIX) Thanks to Rolf Stalder // int TMsgSocket::SckConnect() { int n, flags, err; socklen_t len; fd_set rset, wset; struct timeval tval; SetSin(RemoteSin, RemoteAddress, RemotePort); if (LastTcpError == 0) { CreateSocket(); if (LastTcpError == 0) { flags = fcntl(FSocket, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags >= 0) { if (fcntl(FSocket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) != -1) { n = connect(FSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&RemoteSin, sizeof(RemoteSin)); if (n < 0) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); } else { // still connecting ... FD_ZERO(&rset); FD_SET(FSocket, &rset); wset = rset; tval.tv_sec = PingTimeout / 1000; tval.tv_usec = (PingTimeout % 1000) * 1000; n = select(FSocket+1, &rset, &wset, NULL, (PingTimeout ? &tval : NULL)); if (n == 0) { // timeout LastTcpError = WSAEHOSTUNREACH; } else { if (FD_ISSET(FSocket, &rset) || FD_ISSET(FSocket, &wset)) { err = 0; len = sizeof(err); if (getsockopt( FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &len) == 0) { if (err) { LastTcpError = err; } else { if (fcntl(FSocket, F_SETFL, flags) != -1) { GetLocal(); ClientHandle = LocalSin.sin_addr.s_addr; } else { LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); } } } else { LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); } } else { LastTcpError = -1; } } } // still connecting } else if (n == 0) { // connected immediatly GetLocal(); ClientHandle = LocalSin.sin_addr.s_addr; } } else { LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); } // fcntl(F_SETFL) } else { LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); } // fcntl(F_GETFL) } //valid socket } // LastTcpError==0 Connected=LastTcpError==0; return LastTcpError; } #else // // Regular connection (Windows) // int TMsgSocket::SckConnect() { int Result; SetSin(RemoteSin, RemoteAddress, RemotePort); if (LastTcpError==0) { if (Ping(RemoteSin)) { CreateSocket(); if (LastTcpError==0) { Result=connect(FSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&RemoteSin, sizeof(RemoteSin)); if (SockCheck(Result)==0) { GetLocal(); // Client handle is self_address (here the connection is ACTIVE) ClientHandle=LocalSin.sin_addr.s_addr; } } } else LastTcpError=WSAEHOSTUNREACH; } Connected=LastTcpError==0; return LastTcpError; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::SckDisconnect() { DestroySocket(); Connected=false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMsgSocket::ForceClose() { if(FSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { try { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS closesocket(FSocket); #else close(FSocket); #endif } catch (...) { } FSocket=INVALID_SOCKET; } LastTcpError=0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::SckBind() { int Res; int Opt=1; SetSin(LocalSin, LocalAddress, LocalPort); if (LastTcpError==0) { CreateSocket(); if (LastTcpError==0) { setsockopt(FSocket ,SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&Opt, sizeof(int)); Res =bind(FSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&LocalSin, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); SockCheck(Res); if (Res==0) { LocalBind=LocalSin.sin_addr.s_addr; } } } else LastTcpError=WSAEINVALIDADDRESS; return LastTcpError; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::SckListen() { LastTcpError=0; SockCheck(listen(FSocket ,SOMAXCONN)); return LastTcpError; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TMsgSocket::Ping(char *Host) { return Pinger->Ping(Host, PingTimeout); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TMsgSocket::Ping(sockaddr_in Addr) { if (PingTimeout == 0) return true; else return Pinger->Ping(Addr.sin_addr.s_addr, PingTimeout); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- socket_t TMsgSocket::SckAccept() { socket_t result; LastTcpError=0; result = accept(FSocket, NULL, NULL); if(result==INVALID_SOCKET) LastTcpError =GetLastSocketError(); return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::SendPacket(void *Data, int Size) { int Result; LastTcpError=0; if (SendTimeout>0) { if (!CanWrite(SendTimeout)) { LastTcpError = WSAETIMEDOUT; return LastTcpError; } } if (send(FSocket, (char*)Data, Size, MSG_NOSIGNAL)==Size) return 0; else Result =SOCKET_ERROR; SockCheck(Result); return Result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TMsgSocket::PacketReady(int Size) { return (WaitingData()>=Size); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::Receive(void *Data, int BufSize, int &SizeRecvd) { LastTcpError=0; if (CanRead(RecvTimeout)) { SizeRecvd=recv(FSocket ,(char*)Data ,BufSize ,MSG_NOSIGNAL ); if (SizeRecvd>0) // something read (default case) LastTcpError=0; else if (SizeRecvd==0) LastTcpError = WSAECONNRESET; // Connection reset by Peer else LastTcpError=GetLastSocketError(); // we need to know what happened } else LastTcpError = WSAETIMEDOUT; if (LastTcpError==WSAECONNRESET) Connected = false; return LastTcpError; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::RecvPacket(void *Data, int Size) { int BytesRead; WaitForData(Size, RecvTimeout); if (LastTcpError==0) { BytesRead=recv(FSocket, (char*)Data, Size, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (BytesRead==0) LastTcpError = WSAECONNRESET; // Connection reset by Peer else if (BytesRead<0) LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); } else // After the timeout the bytes waiting were less then we expected if (LastTcpError==WSAETIMEDOUT) Purge(); if (LastTcpError==WSAECONNRESET) Connected =false; return LastTcpError; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int TMsgSocket::PeekPacket(void *Data, int Size) { int BytesRead; WaitForData(Size, RecvTimeout); if (LastTcpError==0) { BytesRead=recv(FSocket, (char*)Data, Size, MSG_PEEK | MSG_NOSIGNAL ); if (BytesRead==0) LastTcpError = WSAECONNRESET; // Connection reset by Peer else if (BytesRead<0) LastTcpError = GetLastSocketError(); } else // After the timeout the bytes waiting were less then we expected if (LastTcpError==WSAETIMEDOUT) Purge(); if (LastTcpError==WSAECONNRESET) Connected =false; return LastTcpError; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TMsgSocket::Execute() { return true; } //============================================================================== // PING //============================================================================== static int PingKind; #ifdef OS_WINDOWS // iphlpapi, is loaded dinamically because if this fails we can still try // to use raw sockets static char const *iphlpapi = "\\iphlpapi.dll"; #pragma pack(1) //typedef byte TTxBuffer[40]; typedef byte TTxBuffer[32]; #pragma pack() typedef HANDLE (__stdcall *pfn_IcmpCreateFile)(); typedef bool (__stdcall *pfn_IcmpCloseHandle)(HANDLE PingHandle); typedef int (__stdcall *pfn_IcmpSendEcho2)( HANDLE PingHandle, void *Event, void *AcpRoutine, void *AcpContext, unsigned long DestinationAddress, void *RequestData, int RequestSize, void *not_used, //should be *IP_OPTION_INFORMATION but we don't use it void *ReplyBuffer, int ReplySize, int Timeout ); static pfn_IcmpCreateFile IcmpCreateFile; static pfn_IcmpCloseHandle IcmpCloseHandle; static pfn_IcmpSendEcho2 IcmpSendEcho2; static HINSTANCE IcmpDllHandle = 0; static bool IcmpAvail = false; bool IcmpInit() { char iphlppath[MAX_PATH+12]; int PathLen = GetSystemDirectoryA(iphlppath, MAX_PATH); if (PathLen != 0) { strcat(iphlppath, iphlpapi); IcmpDllHandle = LoadLibraryA(iphlppath); } else IcmpDllHandle = 0; if (IcmpDllHandle != 0) { IcmpCreateFile=(pfn_IcmpCreateFile)GetProcAddress(IcmpDllHandle,"IcmpCreateFile"); IcmpCloseHandle=(pfn_IcmpCloseHandle)GetProcAddress(IcmpDllHandle,"IcmpCloseHandle"); IcmpSendEcho2=(pfn_IcmpSendEcho2)GetProcAddress(IcmpDllHandle,"IcmpSendEcho2"); return (IcmpCreateFile!=NULL) && (IcmpCloseHandle!=NULL) && (IcmpSendEcho2!=NULL); } else return false; } void IcmpDone() { if (IcmpDllHandle!=0) FreeLibrary(IcmpDllHandle); IcmpAvail=false; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RAW Socket Pinger //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRawSocketPinger::TRawSocketPinger() { FSocket =socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP); FId =word(size_t(this)); FSeq =0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRawSocketPinger::~TRawSocketPinger() { if (FSocket!=INVALID_SOCKET) { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS closesocket(FSocket); #else close(FSocket); #endif FSocket=INVALID_SOCKET; }; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TRawSocketPinger::InitPacket() { memset(&IcmpBuffer,0,ICmpBufferSize); FSeq++; SendPacket=PIcmpPacket(pbyte(&IcmpBuffer)+sizeof(TIPHeader)); SendPacket->Header.ic_type=ICMP_ECHORQ; SendPacket->Header.ic_code=0; SendPacket->Header.ic_cksum=0; SendPacket->Header.ic_id=FId; SendPacket->Header.ic_seq=FSeq; memset(&SendPacket->Data,0,sizeof(SendPacket->Data)); SendPacket->Header.ic_cksum=PacketChecksum(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- word TRawSocketPinger::PacketChecksum() { word *P = (word*)(SendPacket); longword Sum = 0; int c; for (c = 0; c < int(sizeof(TIcmpPacket) / 2); c++) { Sum+=*P; P++; } Sum=(Sum >> 16) + (Sum & 0xFFFF); Sum=Sum+(Sum >> 16); return word(~Sum); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TRawSocketPinger::CanRead(int Timeout) { timeval TimeV; int64_t x; fd_set FDset; TimeV.tv_usec = (Timeout % 1000) * 1000; TimeV.tv_sec = Timeout / 1000; FD_ZERO(&FDset); FD_SET(FSocket, &FDset); x = select(FSocket + 1, &FDset, NULL, NULL, &TimeV); //<-Ignore this warning in 64bit Visual Studio if (x==(int)(SOCKET_ERROR)) x=0; return (x > 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TRawSocketPinger::Ping(longword ip_addr, int Timeout) { sockaddr_in LSockAddr; sockaddr_in RSockAddr; PIcmpReply Reply; if (FSocket==INVALID_SOCKET) return true; // Init packet InitPacket(); Reply=PIcmpReply(&IcmpBuffer); // Init Remote and Local Addresses struct RSockAddr.sin_family=AF_INET; RSockAddr.sin_port=0; RSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr=ip_addr; LSockAddr.sin_family=AF_INET; LSockAddr.sin_port=0; LSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(""); // Bind to local if (bind(FSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&LSockAddr, sizeof(sockaddr_in))!=0) return false; // Connect to remote (not a really TCP connection, only to setup the socket) if (connect(FSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&RSockAddr, sizeof(sockaddr_in))!=0) return false; // Send ICMP packet if (send(FSocket, (char*)SendPacket, sizeof(TIcmpPacket), MSG_NOSIGNAL)!=int(sizeof(TIcmpPacket))) return false; // Wait for a reply if (!CanRead(Timeout)) return false;// time expired // Get the answer if (recv(FSocket, (char*)&IcmpBuffer, ICmpBufferSize, MSG_NOSIGNAL)IPH.ip_src==RSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr) && // the peer is what we are looking for (Reply->ICmpReply.Header.ic_type==ICMP_ECHORP); // type = reply } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pinger //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TPinger::TPinger() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TPinger::~TPinger() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TPinger::RawPing(longword ip_addr, int Timeout) { PRawSocketPinger RawPinger = new TRawSocketPinger(); bool Result; Result=RawPinger->Ping(ip_addr, Timeout); delete RawPinger; return Result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef OS_WINDOWS bool TPinger::WinPing(longword ip_addr, int Timeout) { HANDLE PingHandle; TTxBuffer TxBuffer; TIcmpBuffer IcmpBuffer; bool Result; PingHandle = IcmpCreateFile(); if (PingHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { memset(&TxBuffer,'\55',sizeof(TTxBuffer)); Result=(IcmpSendEcho2(PingHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, ip_addr, &TxBuffer, sizeof(TxBuffer), NULL, &IcmpBuffer, ICmpBufferSize, Timeout))>0; IcmpCloseHandle(PingHandle); return Result; } else return false; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TPinger::Ping(char *Host, int Timeout) { longword Addr; Addr=inet_addr(Host); return Ping(Addr, Timeout); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TPinger::Ping(longword ip_addr, int Timeout) { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS if (PingKind==pkWinHelper) return WinPing(ip_addr, Timeout); else #endif if (PingKind==pkRawSocket) return RawPing(ip_addr, Timeout); else return true; // we still need to continue } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Checks if raw sockets are allowed //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RawSocketsCheck() { socket_t RawSocket; bool Result; RawSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP); Result=RawSocket != INVALID_SOCKET; if (Result) #ifdef OS_WINDOWS closesocket(RawSocket); #else close(RawSocket); #endif return Result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sockets init // - Winsock Startup (Windows) // - ICMP Helper Load (Windows) // - Check for raw socket (Unix or Windows if ICMP load failed) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SocketsLayer::SocketsLayer() { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS timeBeginPeriod(1); // it's not strictly related to socket but here is a nice place WSAStartup(0x202,&wsaData); if (IcmpInit()) PingKind=pkWinHelper; else #endif if (RawSocketsCheck()) PingKind=pkRawSocket; else PingKind=pkCannotPing; } SocketsLayer::~SocketsLayer() { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS IcmpDone(); WSACleanup(); timeEndPeriod(1); #endif }