# snapshotfs [![crates.io](https://badgen.net/crates/v/snapshotfs)](https://crates.io/crates/snapshotfs) A fuse-based read-only filesystem to provide a snapshot view (tar archives) of directories or files without actually creating the archives. It uses tar POSIX.1-2001/pax format to handle long file paths. Snapshotfs is useful for backup or file transfer without creating duplicate archives, which supports efficient random access to the tar files. Currently, only Linux system is supported. ## Installation Pre-built binaries are available at the GitHub release page. You can also use cargo to install it: ```sh cargo install snapshotfs ``` ## Usage To mount source dir to a mount point: ```sh snapshotfs ``` The mount point will be a read-only filesystem providing a snapshot view of all entries in the the source directory. Users should make sure the source directory doesn't change when reading the archives in snapshotfs. Otherwise, the archives might be corrupted. Note that the program will run in the background by default. Use flag `--foreground` to run it in the foreground. The filesystem should be unmounted by command `fusermount -u . ```