// Copyright 2024 Aleo Network Foundation // This file is part of the snarkOS library. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at: // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #[macro_use] extern crate tracing; use snarkos_account::Account; use snarkos_node_bft::{ helpers::{init_consensus_channels, init_primary_channels, ConsensusReceiver, PrimarySender, Storage}, Primary, BFT, MEMORY_POOL_PORT, }; use snarkos_node_bft_ledger_service::TranslucentLedgerService; use snarkos_node_bft_storage_service::BFTMemoryService; use snarkvm::{ console::{account::PrivateKey, algorithms::BHP256, types::Address}, ledger::{ block::Transaction, committee::{Committee, MIN_VALIDATOR_STAKE}, narwhal::{BatchHeader, Data}, puzzle::{Solution, SolutionID}, store::{helpers::memory::ConsensusMemory, ConsensusStore}, Block, Ledger, }, prelude::{Field, Hash, Network, Uniform, VM}, utilities::{to_bytes_le, FromBytes, TestRng, ToBits, ToBytes}, }; use ::bytes::Bytes; use anyhow::{anyhow, ensure, Error, Result}; use axum::{ extract::{Path, State}, http::StatusCode, response::{IntoResponse, Response}, routing::get, Router, }; use axum_extra::response::ErasedJson; use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum}; use indexmap::IndexMap; use rand::{CryptoRng, Rng, SeedableRng}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, net::SocketAddr, path::PathBuf, str::FromStr, sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, Arc, Mutex, OnceLock}, }; use tokio::{net::TcpListener, sync::oneshot}; use tracing_subscriber::{ layer::{Layer, SubscriberExt}, util::SubscriberInitExt, }; type CurrentNetwork = snarkvm::prelude::MainnetV0; /**************************************************************************************************/ /// Initializes the logger. pub fn initialize_logger(verbosity: u8) { match verbosity { 0 => std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"), 1 => std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "debug"), 2..=4 => std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "trace"), _ => std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"), }; // Filter out undesirable logs. (unfortunately EnvFilter cannot be cloned) let [filter] = std::array::from_fn(|_| { let filter = tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env() .add_directive("mio=off".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("tokio_util=off".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("hyper=off".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("reqwest=off".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("want=off".parse().unwrap()) .add_directive("warp=off".parse().unwrap()); let filter = if verbosity > 3 { filter.add_directive("snarkos_node_bft::gateway=trace".parse().unwrap()) } else { filter.add_directive("snarkos_node_bft::gateway=off".parse().unwrap()) }; if verbosity > 4 { filter.add_directive("snarkos_node_tcp=trace".parse().unwrap()) } else { filter.add_directive("snarkos_node_tcp=off".parse().unwrap()) } }); // Initialize tracing. let _ = tracing_subscriber::registry() .with(tracing_subscriber::fmt::Layer::default().with_target(verbosity > 2).with_filter(filter)) .try_init(); } /**************************************************************************************************/ /// Starts the BFT instance. pub async fn start_bft( node_id: u16, num_nodes: u16, peers: HashMap, ) -> Result<(BFT, PrimarySender)> { // Initialize the primary channels. let (sender, receiver) = init_primary_channels(); // Initialize the components. let (committee, account) = initialize_components(node_id, num_nodes)?; // Initialize the translucent ledger service. let ledger = create_ledger(&account, num_nodes, committee, node_id); // Initialize the storage. let storage = Storage::new( ledger.clone(), Arc::new(BFTMemoryService::new()), BatchHeader::::MAX_GC_ROUNDS as u64, ); // Initialize the gateway IP and dev mode. let (ip, dev) = match peers.get(&node_id) { Some(ip) => (Some(*ip), None), None => (None, Some(node_id)), }; // Initialize the trusted validators. let trusted_validators = trusted_validators(node_id, num_nodes, peers); // Initialize the consensus channels. let (consensus_sender, consensus_receiver) = init_consensus_channels::(); // Initialize the consensus receiver handler. consensus_handler(consensus_receiver); // Initialize the BFT instance. let mut bft = BFT::::new(account, storage, ledger, ip, &trusted_validators, dev)?; // Run the BFT instance. bft.run(Some(consensus_sender), sender.clone(), receiver).await?; // Retrieve the BFT's primary. let primary = bft.primary(); // Handle OS signals. handle_signals(primary); // Return the BFT instance. Ok((bft, sender)) } /// Starts the primary instance. pub async fn start_primary( node_id: u16, num_nodes: u16, peers: HashMap, ) -> Result<(Primary, PrimarySender)> { // Initialize the primary channels. let (sender, receiver) = init_primary_channels(); // Initialize the components. let (committee, account) = initialize_components(node_id, num_nodes)?; // Initialize the translucent ledger service. let ledger = create_ledger(&account, num_nodes, committee, node_id); // Initialize the storage. let storage = Storage::new( ledger.clone(), Arc::new(BFTMemoryService::new()), BatchHeader::::MAX_GC_ROUNDS as u64, ); // Initialize the gateway IP and dev mode. let (ip, dev) = match peers.get(&node_id) { Some(ip) => (Some(*ip), None), None => (None, Some(node_id)), }; // Initialize the trusted validators. let trusted_validators = trusted_validators(node_id, num_nodes, peers); // Initialize the primary instance. let mut primary = Primary::::new(account, storage, ledger, ip, &trusted_validators, dev)?; // Run the primary instance. primary.run(None, sender.clone(), receiver).await?; // Handle OS signals. handle_signals(&primary); // Return the primary instance. Ok((primary, sender)) } /// Initialize the translucent ledger service. fn create_ledger( account: &Account, num_nodes: u16, committee: Committee, node_id: u16, ) -> Arc>> { let gen_key = account.private_key(); let public_balance_per_validator = (CurrentNetwork::STARTING_SUPPLY - (num_nodes as u64) * MIN_VALIDATOR_STAKE) / (num_nodes as u64); let mut balances = IndexMap::, u64>::new(); for address in committee.members().keys() { balances.insert(*address, public_balance_per_validator); } let mut rng = TestRng::default(); let gen_ledger = genesis_ledger(*gen_key, committee.clone(), balances.clone(), node_id, &mut rng); Arc::new(TranslucentLedgerService::new(gen_ledger, Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)))) } pub type CurrentLedger = Ledger>; fn genesis_cache() -> &'static Mutex, Block>> { static CACHE: OnceLock, Block>>> = OnceLock::new(); CACHE.get_or_init(|| Mutex::new(HashMap::new())) } fn genesis_block( genesis_private_key: PrivateKey, committee: Committee, public_balances: IndexMap, u64>, rng: &mut (impl Rng + CryptoRng), ) -> Block { // Initialize the store. let store = ConsensusStore::<_, ConsensusMemory<_>>::open(None).unwrap(); // Initialize a new VM. let vm = VM::from(store).unwrap(); // Initialize the genesis block. let bonded_balances: IndexMap<_, _> = committee.members().iter().map(|(address, (amount, _, _))| (*address, (*address, *address, *amount))).collect(); vm.genesis_quorum(&genesis_private_key, committee, public_balances, bonded_balances, rng).unwrap() } fn genesis_ledger( genesis_private_key: PrivateKey, committee: Committee, public_balances: IndexMap, u64>, node_id: u16, rng: &mut (impl Rng + CryptoRng), ) -> CurrentLedger { let cache_key = to_bytes_le![genesis_private_key, committee, public_balances.iter().collect::>()].unwrap(); // Initialize the genesis block on the first call; other callers // will wait for it on the mutex. let block = genesis_cache() .lock() .unwrap() .entry(cache_key.clone()) .or_insert_with(|| { let hasher = BHP256::::setup("aleo.dev.block").unwrap(); let file_name = hasher.hash(&cache_key.to_bits_le()).unwrap().to_string() + ".genesis"; let file_path = std::env::temp_dir().join(file_name); if file_path.exists() { let buffer = std::fs::read(file_path).unwrap(); return Block::from_bytes_le(&buffer).unwrap(); } let block = genesis_block(genesis_private_key, committee, public_balances, rng); std::fs::write(&file_path, block.to_bytes_le().unwrap()).unwrap(); block }) .clone(); // Initialize the ledger with the genesis block. CurrentLedger::load(block, aleo_std::StorageMode::Development(node_id)).unwrap() } /// Initializes the components of the node. fn initialize_components(node_id: u16, num_nodes: u16) -> Result<(Committee, Account)> { // Ensure that the node ID is valid. ensure!(node_id < num_nodes, "Node ID {node_id} must be less than {num_nodes}"); // Sample a account. let account = Account::new(&mut rand_chacha::ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(node_id as u64))?; println!("\n{account}\n"); // Initialize a map for the committee members. let mut members = IndexMap::with_capacity(num_nodes as usize); // Add the validators as members. for i in 0..num_nodes { // Sample the account. let account = Account::new(&mut rand_chacha::ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(i as u64))?; // Add the validator. members.insert(account.address(), (MIN_VALIDATOR_STAKE, false, i as u8)); println!(" Validator {}: {}", i, account.address()); } println!(); // Initialize the committee. let committee = Committee::::new(0u64, members)?; // Return the committee and account. Ok((committee, account)) } /// Handles the consensus receiver. fn consensus_handler(receiver: ConsensusReceiver) { let ConsensusReceiver { mut rx_consensus_subdag } = receiver; tokio::task::spawn(async move { while let Some((subdag, transmissions, callback)) = rx_consensus_subdag.recv().await { // Determine the amount of time to sleep for the subdag. let subdag_ms = subdag.values().flatten().count(); // Determine the amount of time to sleep for the transmissions. let transmissions_ms = transmissions.len() * 25; // Add a constant delay. let constant_ms = 100; // Compute the total amount of time to sleep. let sleep_ms = (subdag_ms + transmissions_ms + constant_ms) as u64; // Sleep for the determined amount of time. tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(sleep_ms)).await; // Call the callback. callback.send(Ok(())).ok(); } }); } /// Returns the trusted validators. fn trusted_validators(node_id: u16, num_nodes: u16, peers: HashMap) -> Vec { // Initialize a vector for the trusted nodes. let mut trusted = Vec::with_capacity(num_nodes as usize); // Iterate through the nodes. for i in 0..num_nodes { // Initialize the gateway IP. let ip = match peers.get(&i) { Some(ip) => *ip, None => SocketAddr::from_str(&format!("{}", MEMORY_POOL_PORT + i)).unwrap(), }; // If the node is not the current node, add it to the trusted nodes. if i != node_id { trusted.push(ip); } } // Return the trusted nodes. trusted } /// Handles OS signals for the node to intercept and perform a clean shutdown. /// Note: Only Ctrl-C is supported; it should work on both Unix-family systems and Windows. fn handle_signals(primary: &Primary) { let node = primary.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { match tokio::signal::ctrl_c().await { Ok(()) => { node.shut_down().await; std::process::exit(0); } Err(error) => error!("tokio::signal::ctrl_c encountered an error: {}", error), } }); } /**************************************************************************************************/ /// Fires *fake* unconfirmed solutions at the node. fn fire_unconfirmed_solutions(sender: &PrimarySender, node_id: u16, interval_ms: u64) { let tx_unconfirmed_solution = sender.tx_unconfirmed_solution.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { // This RNG samples the *same* fake solutions for all nodes. let mut shared_rng = rand_chacha::ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(123456789); // This RNG samples *different* fake solutions for each node. let mut unique_rng = rand_chacha::ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(node_id as u64); // A closure to generate a solution ID and solution. fn sample(mut rng: impl Rng) -> (SolutionID, Data>) { // Sample a random fake solution ID. let solution_id = rng.gen::().into(); // Sample random fake solution bytes. let solution = Data::Buffer(Bytes::from((0..1024).map(|_| rng.gen::()).collect::>())); // Return the ID and solution. (solution_id, solution) } // Initialize a counter. let mut counter = 0; loop { // Sample a random fake solution ID and solution. let (solution_id, solution) = if counter % 2 == 0 { sample(&mut shared_rng) } else { sample(&mut unique_rng) }; // Initialize a callback sender and receiver. let (callback, callback_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); // Send the fake solution. if let Err(e) = tx_unconfirmed_solution.send((solution_id, solution, callback)).await { error!("Failed to send unconfirmed solution: {e}"); } let _ = callback_receiver.await; // Increment the counter. counter += 1; // Sleep briefly. tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(interval_ms)).await; } }); } /// Fires *fake* unconfirmed transactions at the node. fn fire_unconfirmed_transactions(sender: &PrimarySender, node_id: u16, interval_ms: u64) { let tx_unconfirmed_transaction = sender.tx_unconfirmed_transaction.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { // This RNG samples the *same* fake transactions for all nodes. let mut shared_rng = rand_chacha::ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(123456789); // This RNG samples *different* fake transactions for each node. let mut unique_rng = rand_chacha::ChaChaRng::seed_from_u64(node_id as u64); // A closure to generate an ID and transaction. fn sample( mut rng: impl Rng, ) -> (::TransactionID, Data>) { // Sample a random fake transaction ID. let id = Field::::rand(&mut rng).into(); // Sample random fake transaction bytes. let transaction = Data::Buffer(Bytes::from((0..1024).map(|_| rng.gen::()).collect::>())); // Return the ID and transaction. (id, transaction) } // Initialize a counter. let mut counter = 0; loop { // Sample a random fake transaction ID and transaction. let (id, transaction) = if counter % 2 == 0 { sample(&mut shared_rng) } else { sample(&mut unique_rng) }; // Initialize a callback sender and receiver. let (callback, callback_receiver) = oneshot::channel(); // Send the fake transaction. if let Err(e) = tx_unconfirmed_transaction.send((id, transaction, callback)).await { error!("Failed to send unconfirmed transaction: {e}"); } let _ = callback_receiver.await; // Increment the counter. counter += 1; // Sleep briefly. tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(interval_ms)).await; } }); } /**************************************************************************************************/ /// An enum of error handlers for the REST API server. pub struct RestError(pub String); impl IntoResponse for RestError { fn into_response(self) -> Response { (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, format!("Something went wrong: {}", self.0)).into_response() } } impl From for RestError { fn from(err: anyhow::Error) -> Self { Self(err.to_string()) } } #[derive(Clone)] struct NodeState { bft: Option>, primary: Primary, } /// Returns the leader of the previous round, if one was present. async fn get_leader(State(node): State) -> Result { match &node.bft { Some(bft) => Ok(ErasedJson::pretty(bft.leader())), None => Err(RestError::from(anyhow!("BFT is not enabled"))), } } /// Returns the current round. async fn get_current_round(State(node): State) -> Result { Ok(ErasedJson::pretty(node.primary.current_round())) } /// Returns the certificates for the given round. async fn get_certificates_for_round( State(node): State, Path(round): Path, ) -> Result { Ok(ErasedJson::pretty(node.primary.storage().get_certificates_for_round(round))) } /// Starts up a local server for monitoring the node. async fn start_server(bft: Option>, primary: Primary, node_id: u16) { // Initialize the routes. let router = Router::new() .route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" })) .route("/leader", get(get_leader)) .route("/round/current", get(get_current_round)) .route("/certificates/:round", get(get_certificates_for_round)) // Pass in the `NodeState` to access state. .with_state(NodeState { bft, primary }); // Construct the IP address and port. let addr = format!("{}", 3000 + node_id); // Run the server. info!("Starting the server at '{addr}'..."); let rest_addr: SocketAddr = addr.parse().unwrap(); let rest_listener = TcpListener::bind(rest_addr).await.unwrap(); axum::serve(rest_listener, router.into_make_service_with_connect_info::()).await.unwrap(); } /**************************************************************************************************/ /// The operating mode of the node. #[derive(Debug, Clone, ValueEnum)] enum Mode { /// Runs the node with the Narwhal memory pool protocol. Narwhal, /// Runs the node with the Bullshark BFT protocol (on top of Narwhal). Bft, } /// A simple CLI for the node. #[derive(Parser, Debug)] struct Args { /// The mode to run the node in. #[arg(long)] mode: Mode, /// The ID of the node. #[arg(long, value_name = "ID")] id: u16, /// The number of nodes in the network. #[arg(long, value_name = "N")] num_nodes: u16, /// If set, the path to the file containing the committee peers. #[arg(long, value_name = "PATH")] peers: Option, /// Enables the solution cannons, and optionally the interval in ms to run them on. #[arg(long, value_name = "INTERVAL_MS")] fire_solutions: Option>, /// Enables the transaction cannons, and optionally the interval in ms to run them on. #[arg(long, value_name = "INTERVAL_MS")] fire_transactions: Option>, /// Enables the solution and transaction cannons, and optionally the interval in ms to run them on. #[arg(long, value_name = "INTERVAL_MS")] fire_transmissions: Option>, /// Enables the metrics exporter. #[clap(long, default_value = "false")] metrics: bool, } /// A helper method to parse the peers provided to the CLI. fn parse_peers(peers_string: String) -> Result, Error> { // Expect list of peers in the form of `node_id=ip:port`, one per line. let mut peers = HashMap::new(); for peer in peers_string.lines() { let mut split = peer.split('='); let node_id = u16::from_str(split.next().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Bad Format"))?)?; let addr: String = split.next().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Bad Format"))?.parse()?; let ip = SocketAddr::from_str(addr.as_str())?; peers.insert(node_id, ip); } Ok(peers) } /**************************************************************************************************/ #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { initialize_logger(1); let args = Args::parse(); let peers = match args.peers { Some(path) => parse_peers(std::fs::read_to_string(path)?)?, None => Default::default(), }; // Initialize an optional BFT holder. let mut bft_holder = None; // Start the node. let (primary, sender) = match args.mode { Mode::Bft => { // Start the BFT. let (bft, sender) = start_bft(args.id, args.num_nodes, peers).await?; // Set the BFT holder. bft_holder = Some(bft.clone()); // Return the primary and sender. (bft.primary().clone(), sender) } Mode::Narwhal => start_primary(args.id, args.num_nodes, peers).await?, }; // The default interval to fire transmissions at. const DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS: u64 = 450; // ms // Fire unconfirmed solutions. match (args.fire_transmissions, args.fire_solutions) { // Note: We allow the user to overload the solutions rate, even when the 'fire-transmissions' flag is enabled. (Some(rate), _) | (_, Some(rate)) => { fire_unconfirmed_solutions(&sender, args.id, rate.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS)); } _ => (), }; // Fire unconfirmed transactions. match (args.fire_transmissions, args.fire_transactions) { // Note: We allow the user to overload the transactions rate, even when the 'fire-transmissions' flag is enabled. (Some(rate), _) | (_, Some(rate)) => { fire_unconfirmed_transactions(&sender, args.id, rate.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS)); } _ => (), }; // Initialize the metrics. #[cfg(feature = "metrics")] if args.metrics { info!("Initializing metrics..."); metrics::initialize_metrics(); } // Start the monitoring server. start_server(bft_holder, primary, args.id).await; // // Note: Do not move this. // std::future::pending::<()>().await; Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn parse_peers_empty() -> Result<(), Error> { let peers = parse_peers("".to_owned())?; assert_eq!(peers.len(), 0); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_peers_ok() -> Result<(), Error> { let s = r#"0= 1= 2= 3="#; let peers = parse_peers(s.to_owned())?; assert_eq!(peers.len(), 4); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_peers_bad_id() -> Result<(), Error> { let s = "A="; let peers = parse_peers(s.to_owned()); assert!(peers.is_err()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn parse_peers_bad_format() -> Result<(), Error> { let s = "foo"; let peers = parse_peers(s.to_owned()); assert!(peers.is_err()); Ok(()) } }