use std::env; use std::env::consts; use std::path::PathBuf; fn probe_env_var() -> Option> { let paths = env::var_os("SOAPY_SDR_ROOT").or_else(|| env::var_os("SoapySDR_DIR"))?; for path in env::split_paths(&paths) { let dylib_name = format!("{}SoapySDR{}", consts::DLL_PREFIX, consts::DLL_SUFFIX); let inc_path = path.join("./include"); let lib_path = path.join("./lib"); if lib_path.is_dir() && inc_path.is_dir() && lib_path.join(dylib_name).exists() { println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", lib_path.to_str().unwrap()); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=SoapySDR"); return Some(vec![inc_path]); } } None } fn probe_pkg_config() -> Option> { match pkg_config::Config::new() .atleast_version("0.6.0") .probe("SoapySDR") { Err(e) => { eprintln!("pkg_config: {}", e); None } Ok(lib) => Some(lib.include_paths), } } // Find PothosSDR in paths in windows fn probe_pothos_sdr() -> Option> { #[cfg(windows)] { let lib = "SoapySDR"; let dll = lib.to_owned() + ".dll"; let paths = env::var_os("PATH")?; for dir in env::split_paths(&paths) { let dll_path = dir.join(&dll); let inc_path = dir.join("../include"); let lib_path = dir.join("../lib"); if dll_path.is_file() && inc_path.is_dir() { // Add lib directory for MSVC if lib_path.is_dir() { println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", lib_path.to_str().unwrap()); } println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", dir.to_str().unwrap()); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}", lib); return Some(vec![inc_path]); } } } None } fn main() { let include_paths = probe_env_var() .or_else(probe_pkg_config) .or_else(probe_pothos_sdr) .expect("Couldn't find SoapySDR"); let mut bindgen_builder = bindgen::Builder::default() .trust_clang_mangling(false) .size_t_is_usize(true) .header("wrapper.h"); let mut cc_builder = cc::Build::new(); cc_builder.file("wrapper.c"); for inc in include_paths { let inc_str = &inc.to_str().expect("PathBuf to string conversion problem"); bindgen_builder = bindgen_builder.clang_arg("-I".to_owned() + inc_str); cc_builder.include(&inc); } // Wrapped by _rust_wrapper_SoapySDRDevice_setupStream for 0.7 -> 0.8 compatibility bindgen_builder = bindgen_builder.blocklist_function("SoapySDRDevice_setupStream"); let bindings = bindgen_builder.generate() .expect("Unable to generate bindings"); let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); bindings .write_to_file(out_path.join("")) .expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); cc_builder.compile("soapysdr-sys-wrappers"); }