# [`Socketioxide`](https://github.com/totodore/socketioxide) 🚀🦀 A [***`socket.io`***](https://socket.io) server implementation in Rust that integrates with the [***`Tower`***](https://tokio.rs/#tk-lib-tower) ecosystem and the [***`Tokio stack`***](https://tokio.rs). It integrates with any server framework based on tower like [***`Axum`***](https://docs.rs/axum/latest/axum/), [***`Warp`***](https://docs.rs/warp/latest/warp/), [***`Salvo`***](https://salvo.rs), [***`Viz`***](https://viz.rs) or [***`Hyper`***](https://docs.rs/hyper/latest/hyper/). Add any other tower based middleware on top of socketioxide such as CORS, authorization, compression, etc with [***`tower-http`***](https://docs.rs/tower-http/latest/tower_http/). > ⚠️ This crate is under active development and the API is not yet stable. [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/socketioxide.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/socketioxide) [![Documentation](https://docs.rs/socketioxide/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/socketioxide) [![CI](https://github.com/Totodore/socketioxide/actions/workflows/github-ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Totodore/socketioxide/actions/workflows/github-ci.yml) ## Features : * Integrates with : * [Axum](https://docs.rs/axum/latest/axum/): [🏓echo example](./examples/axum-echo/axum_echo.rs) * [Warp](https://docs.rs/warp/latest/warp/): [🏓echo example](https://github.com/Totodore/socketioxide/blob/v0.8.0/examples/warp-echo/warp_echo.rs) (Not supported with `socketioxide >= 0.9.0` as long as warp doesn't migrate to hyper v1) * [Hyper](https://docs.rs/hyper/latest/hyper/): [🏓echo example](./examples/hyper-echo/hyper_echo.rs) * [Salvo](https://salvo.rs): [🏓echo example](./examples/salvo-echo/salvo_echo.rs) * [Viz](https://viz.rs): [🏓echo example](./examples/viz-echo/viz_echo.rs) * Out of the box support for any other middleware based on tower : * [🔓CORS](https://docs.rs/tower-http/latest/tower_http/cors) * [📁Compression](https://docs.rs/tower-http/latest/tower_http/compression) * [🔐Authorization](https://docs.rs/tower-http/latest/tower_http/auth) * Namespaces and Dynamic Namespaces * Rooms * Ack and emit with ack * Binary packets * Polling & Websocket transports * Common (default) & Msgpack parsers * Extensions to add custom data to sockets * Memory efficient http payload parsing with streams * Flexible axum-like API to handle events. With extractors to extract data from your handlers * Well tested with the official [end to end test-suite](https://github.com/totodore/socketioxide/actions) * Socket.io versions supported : * [🔌protocol v5](https://socket.io/docs/v4/) : socket.io js from v3.0.0..latest, it is enabled by default * [🔌protocol v4](https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-protocol/tree/v4) : based on engine.io v3, under the feature flag `v4`, (socket.io js from v1.0.3..latest) ## Planned features : * Other adapter to share state between server instances (like redis adapter), currently only the in memory adapter is implemented * State recovery when a socket reconnects ## Examples :
Chat app 💬 (see full example here) ```rust io.ns("/", |s: SocketRef| { s.on("new message", |s: SocketRef, Data::(msg)| { let username = s.extensions.get::().unwrap().clone(); let msg = Res::Message { username, message: msg, }; s.broadcast().emit("new message", msg).ok(); }); s.on( "add user", |s: SocketRef, Data::(username), user_cnt: State| { if s.extensions.get::().is_some() { return; } let num_users = user_cnt.add_user(); s.extensions.insert(Username(username.clone())); s.emit("login", Res::Login { num_users }).ok(); let res = Res::UserEvent { num_users, username: Username(username), }; s.broadcast().emit("user joined", res).ok(); }, ); s.on("typing", |s: SocketRef| { let username = s.extensions.get::().unwrap().clone(); s.broadcast() .emit("typing", Res::Username { username }) .ok(); }); s.on("stop typing", |s: SocketRef| { let username = s.extensions.get::().unwrap().clone(); s.broadcast() .emit("stop typing", Res::Username { username }) .ok(); }); s.on_disconnect(|s: SocketRef, user_cnt: State| { if let Some(username) = s.extensions.get::() { let num_users = user_cnt.remove_user(); let res = Res::UserEvent { num_users, username: username.clone(), }; s.broadcast().emit("user left", res).ok(); } }); }); ```
Echo implementation with Axum 🏓 ```rust use axum::routing::get; use serde_json::Value; use socketioxide::{ extract::{AckSender, Bin, Data, SocketRef}, SocketIo, }; use tracing::info; use tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber; fn on_connect(socket: SocketRef, Data(data): Data) { info!("Socket.IO connected: {:?} {:?}", socket.ns(), socket.id); socket.emit("auth", data).ok(); socket.on( "message", |socket: SocketRef, Data::(data), Bin(bin)| { info!("Received event: {:?} {:?}", data, bin); socket.bin(bin).emit("message-back", data).ok(); }, ); socket.on( "message-with-ack", |Data::(data), ack: AckSender, Bin(bin)| { info!("Received event: {:?} {:?}", data, bin); ack.bin(bin).send(data).ok(); }, ); } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(FmtSubscriber::default())?; let (layer, io) = SocketIo::new_layer(); io.ns("/", on_connect); io.ns("/custom", on_connect); let app = axum::Router::new() .route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" })) .layer(layer); info!("Starting server"); let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap(); axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap(); Ok(()) } ```
Other examples are available in the example folder ## Contributions and Feedback / Questions : Any contribution is welcome, feel free to open an issue or a PR. If you want to contribute but don't know where to start, you can check the [issues](https://github.com/totodore/socketioxide/issues). If you have any question or feedback, please open a thread on the [discussions](https://github.com/totodore/socketioxide/discussions) page. ## License 🔐 This project is licensed under the [MIT license](./LICENSE).