# sod-actix-web This crate provides `sod::Service` abstractions around `actix_web` via `Handler` implementations. # Handlers The `ServiceHandler` acts as an `actix_web` `Handler`, dispatching requests to an underlying `sod::AsyncService` or `sod::Service` implementation. ## Service I/O The input to the underlying `AsyncService` is directly compatible with the native `FromRequest` trait in `actix_web`. As such, a tuple of `FromRequest` impls can be handled as input for an `AsyncService`. The output from the underlying `AsyncService` must implement the native `Responder` trait from `actix_web`. This means that all output type from the service should be compatible with all output types from `actix_web`. This should include a simple `String` or full `actix_web::HttpResponse`. ## Greet Server Example The following example mirrors the default `actix_web` greeter example, except it uses the service abstraction provided by this library: ```rust use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer}; use sod::Service; use sod_actix_web::ServiceHandler; #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { struct GreetService; impl Service for GreetService { type Input = web::Path; type Output = String; type Error = std::convert::Infallible; fn process(&self, name: web::Path) -> Result { Ok(format!("Hello {name}!")) } } HttpServer::new(|| { App::new().service( web::resource("/greet/{name}").route(web::get().to(ServiceHandler::new(GreetService.into_async()))), ) }) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await } ``` ## Math Server Example The following example is slightly more advanced, demonstrating how `AsyncService` and a tuple of inputs may be used: ```rust use std::{io::Error, io::ErrorKind}; use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer}; use serde_derive::Deserialize; use sod::{async_trait, AsyncService}; use sod_actix_web::ServiceHandler; #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct MathParams { a: i64, b: i64, } struct MathService; #[async_trait] impl AsyncService for MathService { type Input = (web::Path, web::Query); type Output = String; type Error = Error; async fn process( &self, (func, params): (web::Path, web::Query), ) -> Result { let value = match func.as_str() { "add" => params.a + params.b, "sub" => params.a - params.b, "mul" => params.a * params.b, "div" => params.a / params.b, _ => return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "invalid func")), }; Ok(format!("{value}")) } } HttpServer::new(|| { App::new().service( web::resource("/math/{func}").route(web::get().to(ServiceHandler::new(MathService))), ) }) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await } ``` # websockets An `actix_web` `Handler` that instantiates `MutService` impls to handle individual sessions. ## Session Factory The `WsSessionFactory` is the entry point to this module. It is used to create session services as connections are established by client, and acts as a `actix_web` `Handler`. The `WsSessionFactory` encapsulates 2 functions to be defined be the user. - `F: Fn(&HttpRequest) -> Result + 'static` - The factory that produces session services, which can produce either an Ok(`Service`), Ok(`MutService`), or Err(`Error`). - `E: Fn(&mut S, S::Error)-> Result<(), S::Error>+ Unpin + 'static` - The error handler, which is used as a callback to handle errors returned by your service implementation. Actix Wiring: ```rust web::resource("/echo").route(web::get().to(WsSessionFactory::new( |_req| Ok(EchoService), |_service, err| println!("ERROR: {err}"), ))), ``` ## Session Services The underlying session `MutService` impls that are produced by the session service factory must accept a `WsSessionEvent` as input and produce a `Option` as output. - `WsSessionEvent` input alerts the session of session lifecycle events and received messages. - `Option` output can optionally send response payloads to a session. ## Error Handling The `WsSessionFactory` requires an `Fn(&mut S, S::Error) -> Result<(), S::Error>` error handler function to be provided by the user where `S: MutService` or `S: Service`. Since actix uses an asynchronous thread-pool behind the scenes to handle websocket requests, `Service` `Err` results are not able to bubble up outside of the underlying `StreamHandler`. Instead of make assumptions about how a user wants to handle errors returned by a service, that is left entirely up to the user via the error handler. When the error handler returns `Ok(())`, no action will be taken against the underlying session. When the `Err` is returned by the error handler, the session will be closed. A common error handler impl is to log the error and close the session: ```rust |_, err| { log::error!("Session Error: {err}"); Err(err) } ``` ## WsSendService To produce messages to a session outside of input event handling, use the `WsSendService` provided by the initial `WsSessionEvent::Started` event. You may take ownership of the `WsSendService` to asynchronously produce messages to the service outside of the session's input handler service, which will return a `SendError` once the session has been closed/shutdown. ## Ping/Pong Pong replies are automatically sent by this framework, so you may ignore Ping requests for the purpose of Ping/Pong responses. ## Echo Example ```rust use std::convert::Infallible; use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer}; use sod::MutService; use sod_actix_web::ws::{WsMessage, WsSessionEvent, WsSessionFactory}; #[actix_web::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { struct EchoService; impl MutService for EchoService { type Output = Option; type Error = Infallible; fn process(&mut self, event: WsSessionEvent) -> Result { Ok(match event { WsSessionEvent::Started(_) => { Some(WsMessage::Text("Welcome to EchoServer!".to_owned())) } WsSessionEvent::Message(message) => match message { WsMessage::Binary(data) => Some(WsMessage::Binary(data)), WsMessage::Text(text) => Some(WsMessage::Text(text)), _ => None, // note: pongs are sent automatically }, _ => None, }) } } HttpServer::new(|| { App::new().service( web::resource("/echo").route(web::get().to(WsSessionFactory::new( |_| Ok(EchoService), |_, err| { println!("ERROR: {err}"); Err(err) }, ))), ) }) .bind(("", 8080))? .run() .await } ```