# Solana Airdrop Service

## Linux/macOS Setup

### Create a Systemd Service

1. Open a terminal and create a systemd service file:
   sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/solana-airdrop.service
2. Add the following configuration:

   Description=Solana Airdrop Service

   ExecStart=/usr/bin/env cargo run --release


3. Reload the systemd daemon:
   sudo systemctl daemon-reload
4. Enable and start the service:
   sudo systemctl enable solana-airdrop
   sudo systemctl start solana-airdrop
5. Check logs:
   journalctl -u solana-airdrop -f
6. Stop the service if needed:
   sudo systemctl stop solana-airdrop

## Windows Setup

### Build the Executable

cargo build --release

### Add Service Using Windows Task Scheduler

1. Press `Windows + R`, type `taskschd.msc`, and press Enter.
2. Click **"Create Basic Task"**.
3. Set the name as **"Solana Airdrop Service"**.
4. In the "Trigger" section, choose **"Daily"**.
5. In the "Action" section, select **"Start a program"**.
6. Under "Program/script", browse and select the built `solana-airdrop-service.exe` file.
7. Click **"Finish"**.

### Configure Automatic Execution Every 8 Hours

1. Open **Task Scheduler**.
2. Double-click the created task.
3. Go to the **"Triggers"** tab and click **"Edit"**.
4. Check **"Repeat task every 8 hours"**.

## Logging

### Linux/macOS

To monitor logs:

tail -f /tmp/solana_airdrop.log

If using systemd:

journalctl -u solana-airdrop -f

### Windows

To view logs in Windows, open the log file:

notepad C:\tmp\solana_airdrop.log

If the `C:\tmp` folder does not exist, create it:

mkdir C:\tmp