{ "name": "Solana Token List", "logoURI": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/trustwallet/assets@master/blockchains/solana/info/logo.png", "keywords": ["solana", "spl"], "tags": { "stablecoin": { "name": "stablecoin", "description": "Tokens that are fixed to an external asset, e.g. the US dollar" }, "ethereum": { "name": "ethereum", "description": "Asset bridged from ethereum" }, "lp-token": { "name": "lp-token", "description": "Asset representing liquidity provider token" }, "wrapped-sollet": { "name": "wrapped-sollet", "description": "Asset wrapped using sollet bridge" }, "wrapped": { "name": "wrapped", "description": "Asset wrapped using wormhole bridge" }, "leveraged": { "name": "leveraged", "description": "Leveraged asset" }, "bull": { "name": "bull", "description": "Leveraged Bull asset" }, "bear": { "name": "bear", "description": "Leveraged Bear asset" }, "nft": { "name": "nft", "description": "Non-fungible token" }, "security-token": { "name": "security-token", "description": "Tokens that are used to gain access to an electronically restricted resource" }, "utility-token": { "name": "utility-token", "description": "Tokens that are designed to be spent within a certain blockchain ecosystem e.g. most of the SPL-Tokens" }, "tokenized-stock": { "name": "tokenized-stock", "description": "Tokenized stocks are tokenized derivatives that represent traditional securities, particularly shares in publicly firms traded on regulated exchanges" } }, "timestamp": "2021-03-03T19:57:21+0000", "tokens": [ { "chainId": 101, "address": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112", "symbol": "SOL", "name": "Wrapped SOL", "decimals": 9, "logoURI": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solana-labs/token-list/main/assets/mainnet/So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112/logo.png", "tags": [], "extensions": { "website": "https://solana.com/", "serumV3Usdc": "9wFFyRfZBsuAha4YcuxcXLKwMxJR43S7fPfQLusDBzvT", "serumV3Usdt": "HWHvQhFmJB3NUcu1aihKmrKegfVxBEHzwVX6yZCKEsi1", "coingeckoId": "solana" } }, { "chainId": 101, "address": "BEcGFQK1T1tSu3kvHC17cyCkQ5dvXqAJ7ExB2bb5Do7a", "symbol": "COIN", "name": "Wrapped COIN", "decimals": 6, "logoURI": "", "tags": [], "extensions": { "website": "https://solana.com/" } }, { "chainId": 101, "address": "FSRvxBNrQWX2Fy2qvKMLL3ryEdRtE3PUTZBcdKwASZTU", "symbol": "PC", "name": "Wrapped PC", "decimals": 6, "logoURI": "", "tags": [], "extensions": { "website": "https://solana.com/" } } ], "version": { "major": 0, "minor": 2, "patch": 2 } }