# Hydrogen Alpha Solar Imaging Pipeline ## Overview A set of utilities and a pipeline for processing raw hydrogen-alpha solar imaging using lucky imaging ("image stacking"). Designed as a specific use-case replacement for PIPP & Autostakkert. The current and planned steps include: * Flat and dark correction * Glitch frame detection * Quality estimation filtering * Center-of-mass centering alignment * Cropping * Masking * Radiometric correction * Parallactic rotation for altazimuth mounting * Hot pixel detection and correction (planned, partially implemented) * Debayering (planned, partially implemented) * Stacking (Shift-and-add method) Future Plans: * GUI Support * Lunar & planetary ## `process_ha` Processes a solar observation. ``` USAGE: process_ha [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --inputs ... --latitude --longitude --output FLAGS: --help Prints help information -v Show verbose output -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -B, --blue Blue weight -d, --dark Dark frame image -f, --flat Flat frame image -G, --green Green weight -h, --height Crop height -i, --inputs ... Input SER files -l, --latitude Observer latitude -L, --longitude Observer longitude -m, --mask Image mask -S, --maxsigma Maximum sigma value (quality) -s, --minsigma Minimum sigma value (quality) -o, --output Output file -P, --percentofmax Scale maximum value to percentage max possible (0-100) -q, --quality Quality limit (top % frames) -R, --red Red weight -t, --threshold Object detection threshold -w, --width Crop width ``` ## `run.sh` A wrapper for process_ha with standardized parameters for chromosphere, prominenance, and optional white-light stacks. Meant to be easily editable given the requirements/specifications of an observation. Required parameter: root directory of the observation files. Optional parameter: version string as output filename suffix. ## `ser_extract` Extracts individual frames from ser files, optionally performs calibrations and quality limiting/sorting, and saves them to an output directory. ``` SAGE: ser_extract [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --inputs ... FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -q, --quality Quality estimation sorting -v Show verbose output -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -d, --dark Dark frame image -f, --flat Flat frame image -i, --inputs ... Input -S, --maxsigma Maximum sigma value (quality) -s, --minsigma Minimum sigma value (quality) -o, --output Output directory ```