# Hydrogen Alpha Solar Imaging Pipeline
## Overview
A set of utilities and a pipeline for processing raw hydrogen-alpha solar imaging using lucky imaging ("image stacking"). Designed as a specific use-case replacement for PIPP & Autostakkert.
The current and planned steps include:
* Flat and dark correction
* Glitch frame detection
* Quality estimation filtering
* Center-of-mass centering alignment
* Cropping
* Masking
* Radiometric correction
* Parallactic rotation for altazimuth mounting
* Hot pixel detection and correction (planned, partially implemented)
* Debayering (planned, partially implemented)
* Stacking (Shift-and-add method)
Future Plans:
* GUI Support
* Lunar & planetary
## `process_ha`
Processes a solar observation.
process_ha [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --inputs ... --latitude --longitude --output