#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script to add new validators to a stake pool, given the stake pool keyfile and # a file listing validator vote account pubkeys cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit stake_pool_keyfile=$1 validator_list=$2 # File containing validator vote account addresses, each will be added to the stake pool after creation add_validator_stakes () { stake_pool=$1 validator_list=$2 while read -r validator do $spl_stake_pool add-validator "$stake_pool" "$validator" done < "$validator_list" } spl_stake_pool=solarti-stake-pool # Uncomment to use a local build #spl_stake_pool=../../../target/debug/solarti-stake-pool stake_pool_pubkey=$(solana-keygen pubkey "$stake_pool_keyfile") echo "Adding validator stake accounts to the pool" add_validator_stakes "$stake_pool_pubkey" "$validator_list"