#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script to deposit stakes and SOL into a stake pool, given the stake pool keyfile # and a path to a file containing a list of validator vote accounts cd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit stake_pool_keyfile=$1 validator_list=$2 sol_amount=$3 create_keypair () { if test ! -f "$1" then solana-keygen new --no-passphrase -s -o "$1" fi } create_user_stakes () { validator_list=$1 sol_amount=$2 authority=$3 while read -r validator do create_keypair "$keys_dir/stake_$validator".json solana create-stake-account "$keys_dir/stake_$validator.json" "$sol_amount" --withdraw-authority "$authority" --stake-authority "$authority" done < "$validator_list" } delegate_user_stakes () { validator_list=$1 authority=$2 while read -r validator do solana delegate-stake --force "$keys_dir/stake_$validator.json" "$validator" --stake-authority "$authority" done < "$validator_list" } deposit_stakes () { stake_pool_pubkey=$1 validator_list=$2 authority=$3 while read -r validator do stake=$(solana-keygen pubkey "$keys_dir/stake_$validator.json") $spl_stake_pool deposit-stake "$stake_pool_pubkey" "$stake" --withdraw-authority "$authority" done < "$validator_list" } keys_dir=keys stake_pool_pubkey=$(solana-keygen pubkey "$stake_pool_keyfile") spl_stake_pool=solarti-stake-pool # Uncomment to use a locally build CLI #spl_stake_pool=../../../target/debug/solarti-stake-pool echo "Setting up keys directory $keys_dir" mkdir -p $keys_dir authority=$keys_dir/authority.json echo "Setting up authority for deposited stake accounts at $authority" create_keypair $authority echo "Creating user stake accounts to deposit into the pool" create_user_stakes "$validator_list" "$sol_amount" $authority echo "Delegating user stakes so that deposit will work" delegate_user_stakes "$validator_list" $authority echo "Waiting for stakes to activate, this may take awhile depending on the network!" echo "If you are running on localnet with 32 slots per epoch, wait 12 seconds..." sleep 12 echo "Depositing stakes into stake pool" deposit_stakes "$stake_pool_pubkey" "$validator_list" $authority