# Make a release of Solo5 The usual way to make a release of Solo5 is: - Make a new branch: `git checkout -b prepare-vX.Y.Z` - Update CHANGES.md file to include changes - Do a commit with this file: "Update CHANGES for release vX.Y.Z" - Push the current branch and make a new pull-request on GitHub - Waiting review from someone (if the CHANGES.md is clear, etc.) If you have some feedbacks: - Redo the commit with feedbacks - Redo the tag and `make distrib` - Push-force on the same branch `prepare-vX.Y.Z` Only one commit should contains the diff on `CHANGES.md` If everything is ok: - `git tag vX.Y.Z` - Execute `./configure.sh` to generate `Makeconf` - Execute `make distrib` - Execute `./scripts/opam-release.sh` - Push the tag: `git push --tags` - On GitHub, you must create a new release which includes the `solo5-vX.Y.Z.tar.gz` artifact - Locally, you can clone `ocaml/opam-repository` and copy OPAM files into `ocaml/opam-repository/packages` - Make a pull-request on `ocaml/opam-repository` - Waiting review and that's all!