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If you can create a `ConnectionInfo` using any other gateway, or language for your bot, then you can run the songbird voice driver. * Voice receive and RT(C)P packet handling via the `"receive"` feature. * SIMD-accelerated JSON decoding via the `"simd-json"` feature. * And, by default, a fully featured voice system featuring events, queues, seeking on compatible streams, shared multithreaded audio stream caches, and direct Opus data passthrough from DCA files. ## Intents Songbird's gateway functionality requires you to specify the `GUILD_VOICE_STATES` intent. ## Codec support Songbird supports all [codecs and formats provided by Symphonia] (pure-Rust), with Opus support provided by [audiopus] (an FFI wrapper for libopus). **By default, *Songbird will not request any codecs from Symphonia*.** To change this, in your own project you will need to depend on Symphonia as well. ```toml # Including songbird alone gives you support for Opus via the DCA file format. [dependencies.songbird] version = "0.4" features = ["builtin-queue"] # To get additional codecs, you *must* add Symphonia yourself. # This includes the default formats (MKV/WebM, Ogg, Wave) and codecs (FLAC, PCM, Vorbis)... [dependencies.symphonia] version = "0.5.2" features = ["aac", "mp3", "isomp4", "alac"] # ...as well as any extras you need! ``` ## Dependencies Songbird needs a few system dependencies before you can use it. - Opus - Audio codec that Discord uses. [audiopus] will use installed libopus binaries if available via pkgconf on Linux/MacOS, otherwise you will need to install cmake to build opus from source. This is always the case on Windows. For Unix systems, you can install the library with `apt install libopus-dev` on Ubuntu or `pacman -S opus` on Arch Linux. If you do not have it installed it will be built for you. However, you will need a C compiler and the GNU autotools installed. Again, these can be installed with `apt install build-essential autoconf automake libtool m4` on Ubuntu or `pacman -S base-devel` on Arch Linux. This is a required dependency. Songbird cannot work without it. - yt-dlp / youtube-dl / (similar forks) - Audio/Video download tool. yt-dlp can be installed [according to the installation instructions on the main repo]. You can install youtube-dl with Python's package manager, pip, which we recommend for youtube-dl. You can do it with the command `pip install youtube_dl`. Alternatively, you can install it with your system's package manager, `apt install youtube-dl` on Ubuntu or `pacman -S youtube-dl` on Arch Linux. This is an optional dependency for users, but is required as a dev-dependency. It allows Songbird to download audio/video sources from the Internet from a variety of webpages, which it will convert to the Opus audio format Discord uses. ## Examples Full examples showing various types of functionality and integrations can be found in [this crate's examples directory]. ## Contributing If you want to help out or file an issue, please look over [our contributor guidelines]! ## Attribution Songbird's logo is based upon the copyright-free image ["Black-Capped Chickadee"] by George Gorgas White. [serenity]: https://github.com/serenity-rs/serenity [twilight]: https://github.com/twilight-rs/twilight ["Black-Capped Chickadee"]: https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/black-capped-chickadee/ [lavalink]: https://github.com/freyacodes/Lavalink [this crate's examples directory]: https://github.com/serenity-rs/songbird/tree/current/examples [our contributor guidelines]: CONTRIBUTING.md [codecs and formats provided by Symphonia]: https://github.com/pdeljanov/Symphonia#formats-demuxers [audiopus]: https://github.com/lakelezz/audiopus [according to the installation instructions on the main repo]: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp#installation [build badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/serenity-rs/songbird/ci.yml?branch=current&style=flat-square [build]: https://github.com/serenity-rs/songbird/actions [docs-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-current-4d76ae.svg?style=flat-square [docs]: https://serenity-rs.github.io/songbird/current [next-docs-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-next-4d76ae.svg?style=flat-square [next-docs]: https://serenity-rs.github.io/songbird/next [guild]: https://discord.gg/9X7vCus [guild-badge]: https://img.shields.io/discord/381880193251409931.svg?style=flat-square&colorB=7289DA [crates.io link]: https://crates.io/crates/songbird [crates.io version]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/songbird.svg?style=flat-square [rust badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/rust-1.74+-93450a.svg?style=flat-square [rust link]: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2023/11/16/Rust-1.74.0.html