# Sonic-rs RoadMap This document shows key roadmap of `sonic-rs` development. It may help users know more about the future features. But the actual work is driven by real-world needs, we may adjust our goals sometimes. ## stability 1. ~~support utf-8 validate~~ 2. ~~add more fuzzing tests~~ 3. make unittest coverage to 90% ## Portability 0. ~~make sonic-rs support stable Rust~~ 1. optimize the performance in aarch64 (WIP: 50%) 2. runtime CPU detection 3. ~~support fallback in unsupported arch~~ ## Features 1. support more JSON RFC: - [`JSON Path`](https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/jsonpath/about/). - [`JSON Merge Patch`](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7396). 2. support the `Deserializer` trait for document (document can be deserialized into a Rust type). ## Performance 1. support zero-copy for FastStr 2. maybe reimplement the `Deserialize` or `Serialize` trait ?.