use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use sorceress::{ synthdef::{decoder, encoder::encode_synth_defs, Input, SynthDef}, ugen, }; use std::{ collections::HashMap, fs, io::{self, Write}, iter, process::Command, }; use tempdir::TempDir; #[test] fn test_synthdefs() { let mut test_synthdefs = Vec::new(); test_synthdefs.push(SynthDef::new("SinOsc-mono", |_| { ugen::Out::ar() .bus(0) .channels(ugen::SinOsc::ar().freq(440)) })); test_synthdefs.push(SynthDef::new("SinOsc-stereo-expanded", |_| { ugen::Out::ar() .bus(0) .channels(ugen::SinOsc::ar().freq(vec![440, 220])) })); test_synthdefs.push(SynthDef::new("bubbles", |params| { let out = params.named("out", 0.0); let glissando_function = ugen::LFSaw::kr() .freq(0.4) .madd(24, ugen::LFSaw::kr().freq(vec![8.0, 7.23]).madd(3, 80)) .midicps(); let echoing_sine_wave = ugen::CombN::ar() .input(ugen::SinOsc::ar().freq(glissando_function).mul(0.04)) .decay_time(4); ugen::Out::ar().bus(out).channels(echoing_sine_wave) })); test_synthdefs.push(SynthDef::new("diskout", |params| { let buffer_number = params.named("bufnum", 0.0); ugen::DiskOut::ar() .bufnum(buffer_number) .channels(ugen::In::ar().bus(0).number_of_channels(2)) })); test_synthdefs.push(SynthDef::new("mouse", |_| { ugen::Out::ar().channels( ugen::SinOsc::ar() .freq(ugen::MouseX::kr().minval(1).maxval(5)) .mul(ugen::MouseY::kr()), ) })); verify_synthdefs_against_fixtures(test_synthdefs) } fn verify_synthdefs_against_fixtures(test_synthdefs: Vec) { let test_synthdefs = test_synthdefs .into_iter() .map(|synthdef| (, synthdef)) .collect::>(); let fixture_synthdefs = load_fixture_synthdefs(); for name in fixture_synthdefs.keys() { if !test_synthdefs.contains_key(name) { panic!("no test found for fixture synthdef named {}", name); } } for (name, synthdef) in test_synthdefs.into_iter() { let encoded_synthdef = encode_synth_defs(iter::once(synthdef)); let fixture_synthdef = fixture_synthdefs .get(&name) .ok_or_else(|| format!("no fixture synthdef named {}", name)) .unwrap(); compare(fixture_synthdef, &encoded_synthdef, &name); } } fn load_fixture_synthdefs() -> HashMap> { let fake_home_dir = temp_dir(); let synthdefs_dir = temp_dir(); let output = Command::new("sclang") .arg("tests/data/") .env("SYNTHDEFS_DIR", synthdefs_dir.as_ref()) // HOME is set to `/homeless-shelter` in nix builds, so this fixes it. .env("HOME", fake_home_dir.as_ref()) .output() .unwrap(); if !output.status.success() { println!("========== sclang output =========="); io::stdout().write_all(&output.stdout).unwrap(); io::stdout().write_all(&output.stderr).unwrap(); panic!("failed to encode fixture synthdefs with sclang"); } fs::read_dir(&synthdefs_dir) .unwrap() .map(|file| { let path = file.unwrap().path(); let synthdef_name = path.file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); let encoded_synthdef = fs::read(&path).unwrap(); (synthdef_name, encoded_synthdef) }) .collect::>() } fn compare(lhs: &[u8], rhs: &[u8], name: &str) { let format = |synthdef: &[u8]| { denorm::SynthDefFile::new(&decoder::SynthDefFile::decode(synthdef).unwrap()) }; assert_eq!( format(&lhs), format(&rhs), "comparing synth definitions for synthdef: {}", name ); } fn temp_dir() -> TempDir { TempDir::new("sorceress-tests").unwrap() } mod denorm { //! A denormalized verison synth definition with more useful equality comparisons. use sorceress::synthdef::decoder; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, hash::Hash, }; impl SynthDefFile { pub fn new(file: &decoder::SynthDefFile) -> SynthDefFile { SynthDefFile { synth_defs: file.synth_defs.iter().map(SynthDef::new).collect(), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct SynthDefFile { synth_defs: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct SynthDef { name: String, parameters: HashMap, ugens: HashSet, variants: HashMap, } impl SynthDef { fn new(synthdef: &decoder::SynthDef) -> SynthDef { let name =; let parameters = synthdef .parameter_names .iter() .map(|parameter_name| { (parameter_name.value.clone(), parameter_name.parameter_index) }) .collect(); let ugens = synthdef .ugens .iter() .map(|ugen| UGenSpec::new(synthdef, ugen)) .collect(); SynthDef { name, parameters, ugens, variants: synthdef .variants .iter() .map(|variant| { (, VariantSpec { parameters: variant.parameters.clone(), }, ) }) .collect(), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] struct UGenSpec { class_name: String, rate: i8, special_index: i16, inputs: Vec, outputs: Vec, } impl UGenSpec { fn new(synthdef: &decoder::SynthDef, ugen: &decoder::UGenSpec) -> UGenSpec { UGenSpec { class_name: ugen.class_name.clone(), rate: ugen.rate, special_index: ugen.special_index, inputs: ugen .inputs .iter() .map(|input| match *input { decoder::Input::UGen { index, output_index, } => Input::UGen { spec: UGenSpec::new(synthdef, &synthdef.ugens[index]), output_index, }, decoder::Input::Constant { index } => { Input::Constant(synthdef.constants[index].to_string()) } }) .collect(), outputs: ugen.outputs.clone(), } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] enum Input { UGen { spec: UGenSpec, output_index: usize }, Constant(String), } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct VariantSpec { parameters: Vec, } }