mod bench; use self::bench::{ load_instance_from_file, load_instance_from_wat, load_module_from_file, load_wasm_from_file, wat2wasm, }; use assert_matches::assert_matches; use bench::bench_config; use core::time::Duration; use criterion::{ criterion_group, criterion_main, measurement::WallTime, Bencher, BenchmarkGroup, Criterion, }; use std::{ fmt::{self, Display}, sync::OnceLock, }; use wasmi::{ core::{TrapCode, ValType, F32, F64}, CompilationMode, Engine, Func, FuncType, Instance, Linker, Memory, Module, Store, TypedFunc, Val, }; criterion_group!( name = bench_group_translate; config = Criterion::default() .sample_size(10) .measurement_time(Duration::from_millis(2000)) .warm_up_time(Duration::from_millis(1000)); targets = bench_translate_tiny_keccak, bench_translate_reverse_complement, bench_translate_regex_redux, bench_translate_spidermonkey, bench_translate_pulldown_cmark, bench_translate_bz2, bench_translate_erc20, bench_translate_erc721, bench_translate_erc1155, bench_translate_case_memcpy_memset, bench_translate_case_best, bench_translate_case_worst_stackbomb_small, bench_translate_case_worst_stackbomb_big, ); criterion_group!( name = bench_group_instantiate; config = Criterion::default() .sample_size(10) .measurement_time(Duration::from_millis(2000)) .warm_up_time(Duration::from_millis(1000)); targets = bench_instantiate_tiny_keccak, bench_instantiate_reverse_complement, bench_instantiate_regex_redux, // bench_instantiate_erc20, // bench_instantiate_erc721, // bench_instantiate_erc1155, ); criterion_group!( name = bench_group_overhead; config = Criterion::default() .sample_size(10) .measurement_time(Duration::from_millis(1000)) .warm_up_time(Duration::from_millis(1000)); targets = bench_overhead_call_typed_0, bench_overhead_call_typed_16, bench_overhead_call_untyped_0, bench_overhead_call_untyped_16, ); criterion_group!( name = bench_group_linker; config = Criterion::default() .sample_size(10) .measurement_time(Duration::from_millis(1000)) .warm_up_time(Duration::from_millis(1000)); targets = bench_linker_setup_same, bench_linker_build_finish_same, bench_linker_build_construct_same, bench_linker_setup_unique, bench_linker_build_finish_unique, bench_linker_build_construct_unique, ); criterion_group! { name = bench_group_execute; config = Criterion::default() .sample_size(10) .measurement_time(Duration::from_millis(2000)) .warm_up_time(Duration::from_millis(1000)); targets = bench_execute_tiny_keccak, bench_execute_reverse_complement, bench_execute_regex_redux, bench_execute_counter, bench_execute_br_table, bench_execute_trunc_f2i, bench_execute_global_bump, bench_execute_global_const, bench_execute_recursive_scan, bench_execute_recursive_trap, bench_execute_flat_calls, bench_execute_nested_calls, bench_execute_host_calls, bench_execute_fuse, bench_execute_divrem, bench_execute_fibonacci, bench_execute_recursive_is_even, bench_execute_memory_sum, bench_execute_memory_fill, bench_execute_vec_add, bench_execute_bulk_ops, } criterion_main!( bench_group_translate, bench_group_instantiate, bench_group_execute, bench_group_overhead, bench_group_linker, ); const REVCOMP_INPUT: &[u8] = include_bytes!("rust/cases/reverse_complement/input.txt"); const REVCOMP_OUTPUT: &[u8] = include_bytes!("rust/cases/reverse_complement/output.txt"); enum FuelMetering { Enabled, Disabled, } /// How to validate a Wasm module on translation. enum Validation { /// Uses [`Module::new`]. Checked, /// Uses [`Module::new_unchecked`]. Unchecked, } fn bench_translate_for( c: &mut Criterion, name: &str, path: &str, validation: Validation, mode: CompilationMode, fuel_metering: FuelMetering, ) { let validation_id = match validation { Validation::Checked => "checked", Validation::Unchecked => "unchecked", }; let mode_id = match mode { CompilationMode::Eager => "eager", CompilationMode::LazyTranslation => "lazy-translation", CompilationMode::Lazy => "lazy", }; let fuel_id = match fuel_metering { FuelMetering::Enabled => "fuel", FuelMetering::Disabled => "default", }; let bench_id = format!("translate/{name}/{validation_id}/{mode_id}/{fuel_id}"); c.bench_function(&bench_id, |b| { let mut config = bench_config(); if matches!(fuel_metering, FuelMetering::Enabled) { config.consume_fuel(true); } config.compilation_mode(mode); let create_module = match validation { Validation::Checked => { |engine: &Engine, bytes: &[u8]| -> Module { Module::new(engine, bytes).unwrap() } } Validation::Unchecked => |engine: &Engine, bytes: &[u8]| -> Module { // Safety: We made sure that all translation benchmark inputs are valid Wasm. unsafe { Module::new_unchecked(engine, bytes).unwrap() } }, }; let wasm_bytes = load_wasm_from_file(path); b.iter(|| { let engine = Engine::new(&config); _ = create_module(&engine, &wasm_bytes[..]); }) }); } fn bench_translate_for_all(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str, path: &str) { bench_translate_for( c, name, path, Validation::Checked, CompilationMode::Eager, FuelMetering::Disabled, ); bench_translate_for( c, name, path, Validation::Checked, CompilationMode::Eager, FuelMetering::Enabled, ); bench_translate_for( c, name, path, Validation::Checked, CompilationMode::LazyTranslation, FuelMetering::Disabled, ); bench_translate_for( c, name, path, Validation::Checked, CompilationMode::Lazy, FuelMetering::Disabled, ); bench_translate_for( c, name, path, Validation::Unchecked, CompilationMode::Eager, FuelMetering::Disabled, ); } fn bench_translate_tiny_keccak(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all(c, "tiny_keccak", "benches/rust/cases/tiny_keccak/out.wasm"); } fn bench_translate_reverse_complement(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all( c, "reverse_complement", "benches/rust/cases/reverse_complement/out.wasm", ); } fn bench_translate_regex_redux(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all(c, "regex_redux", "benches/rust/cases/regex_redux/out.wasm"); } fn bench_translate_spidermonkey(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all(c, "spidermonkey", "benches/wasm/spidermonkey.wasm"); } fn bench_translate_bz2(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all(c, "bz2", "benches/wasm/bz2.wasm"); } fn bench_translate_pulldown_cmark(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all(c, "pulldown_cmark", "benches/wasm/pulldown-cmark.wasm"); } fn bench_translate_erc20(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all(c, "erc20", "benches/wasm/erc20.wasm"); } fn bench_translate_erc721(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all(c, "erc721", "benches/wasm/erc721.wasm"); } fn bench_translate_erc1155(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_translate_for_all(c, "erc1155", "benches/wasm/erc1155.wasm"); } fn bench_translate_case_memcpy_memset(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("translate/case/memcpy_memset", |b| { let len = 10_000_000; let src = vec![0xFF; len]; let mut dst = vec![0x00; len]; b.iter(|| { dst.copy_from_slice(&src); dst.fill(0x00); }) }); } fn bench_translate_case_best(c: &mut Criterion) { pub struct Generator(usize); impl Display for Generator { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { for _ in 0..self.0 { // a = b + (c * d) writeln!( f, "(local.set $a \ (i64.add \ (local.get $b) \ (i64.mul \ (local.get $c) (local.get $d)\ )\ )\ )", )?; } Ok(()) } } c.bench_function("translate/case/best", |b| { static WASM: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); let wasm = WASM.get_or_init(|| { let gen = Generator(1_000_000); let wat = format!( "\ (module (func (export \"test\") (result i64) (local $a i64) (local $b i64) (local $c i64) (local $d i64) (local.set $a (i64.const 1)) (local.set $b (i64.const 2)) (local.set $c (i64.const 3)) (local.set $d (i64.const 4)) {gen} (local.get $a) ) ) " ); let wasm = wat2wasm(wat.as_bytes()); assert_eq!(wasm.len(), 10_000_085); wasm }); b.iter_with_large_drop(|| { let engine = Engine::default(); let _ = Module::new(&engine, &wasm[..]).unwrap(); }) }); } pub struct WasmCompileStackBomb { locals: usize, repetitions: usize, } impl Display for WasmCompileStackBomb { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "(local")?; for _ in 0..self.locals { write!(f, " i64")?; } writeln!(f, ")")?; for i in 0..self.locals { writeln!(f, "(local.get {})", i)?; } for i in 0..self.repetitions { let src = i % self.locals; let dst = (i + 1) % self.locals; writeln!(f, "(local.set {dst} (local.get {src}))")?; } for _ in 0..self.locals { writeln!(f, "(drop)")?; } Ok(()) } } fn bench_translate_case_worst_stackbomb_small(c: &mut Criterion) { let locals = 16; let id = format!("translate/case/worst/stackbomb/{locals}"); c.bench_function(&id, |b| { static WASM: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); let wasm = WASM.get_or_init(|| { let gen = WasmCompileStackBomb { locals, repetitions: 2_500_000, }; let wat = format!( "\ (module (func (export \"test\") {gen} ) ) " ); let wasm = wat2wasm(wat.as_bytes()); assert_eq!(wasm.len(), 10_000_090); wasm }); b.iter_with_large_drop(|| { let engine = Engine::default(); let _ = Module::new(&engine, &wasm[..]).unwrap(); }) }); } fn bench_translate_case_worst_stackbomb_big(c: &mut Criterion) { let locals = 10_000; let id = format!("translate/case/worst/stackbomb/{locals}"); c.bench_function(&id, |b| { static WASM: OnceLock> = OnceLock::new(); let wasm = WASM.get_or_init(|| { let gen = WasmCompileStackBomb { locals, repetitions: 2_000_000, }; let wat = format!( "\ (module (func (export \"test\") {gen} ) ) " ); let wasm = wat2wasm(wat.as_bytes()); assert_eq!(wasm.len(), 11_988_715); wasm }); b.iter_with_large_drop(|| { let engine = Engine::default(); let _ = Module::new(&engine, &wasm[..]).unwrap(); }) }); } fn bench_instantiate_using(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str) { let id = format!("instantiate/{name}"); c.bench_function(&id, |b| { let path = format!("benches/rust/cases/{name}/out.wasm"); let module = load_module_from_file(&path); let linker = >::new(module.engine()); b.iter(|| { let mut store = Store::new(module.engine(), ()); let _instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &module).unwrap(); }) }); } fn bench_instantiate_tiny_keccak(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_instantiate_using(c, "tiny_keccak"); } fn bench_instantiate_reverse_complement(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_instantiate_using(c, "reverse_complement"); } fn bench_instantiate_regex_redux(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_instantiate_using(c, "regex_redux"); } fn bench_linker_build_finish_same(c: &mut Criterion) { let len_funcs = 50; let bench_id = format!("linker/build/finish/same/{len_funcs}"); c.bench_function(&bench_id, |b| { let func_names: Vec = (0..len_funcs).map(|i| format!("{i}")).collect(); let mut builder = >::build(); for func_name in &func_names { builder.func_wrap("env", func_name, || ()).unwrap(); } let builder = builder.finish(); b.iter(|| { let engine = Engine::default(); _ = builder.create(&engine); }) }); } fn bench_linker_build_construct_same(c: &mut Criterion) { let len_funcs = 50; let bench_id = format!("linker/build/construct/same/{len_funcs}"); c.bench_function(&bench_id, |b| { let func_names: Vec = (0..len_funcs).map(|i| format!("{i}")).collect(); b.iter(|| { let mut builder = >::build(); for func_name in &func_names { builder.func_wrap("env", func_name, || ()).unwrap(); } }) }); } fn bench_linker_setup_same(c: &mut Criterion) { let len_funcs = 50; let bench_id = format!("linker/setup/same/{len_funcs}"); c.bench_function(&bench_id, |b| { let func_names: Vec = (0..len_funcs).map(|i| format!("{i}")).collect(); b.iter(|| { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut linker = >::new(&engine); for func_name in &func_names { linker.func_wrap("env", func_name, || ()).unwrap(); } }) }); } /// Generates `count` host functions with different signatures. fn generate_unique_host_functions(count: usize) -> Vec<(String, FuncType)> { let types = [ ValType::I32, ValType::I64, ValType::F32, ValType::F64, ValType::FuncRef, ValType::ExternRef, ]; (0..count) .map(|i| { let func_name = format!("{i}"); let (len_params, len_results) = if i % 2 == 0 { ((i / (types.len() * 2)) + 1, 0) } else { (0, (i / (types.len() * 2)) + 1) }; let chosen_type = types[i % 4]; let func_type = FuncType::new( vec![chosen_type; len_params], vec![chosen_type; len_results], ); (func_name, func_type) }) .collect() } fn bench_linker_setup_unique(c: &mut Criterion) { let len_funcs = 50; let bench_id = format!("linker/setup/unique/{len_funcs}"); c.bench_function(&bench_id, |b| { let funcs = generate_unique_host_functions(len_funcs); b.iter(|| { let engine = Engine::default(); let mut linker = >::new(&engine); for (func_name, func_type) in &funcs { linker .func_new( "env", func_name, func_type.clone(), move |_caller, _params, _results| Ok(()), ) .unwrap(); } }) }); } fn bench_linker_build_finish_unique(c: &mut Criterion) { let len_funcs = 50; let bench_id = format!("linker/build/finish/unique/{len_funcs}"); c.bench_function(&bench_id, |b| { let funcs = generate_unique_host_functions(len_funcs); let mut builder = >::build(); for (func_name, func_type) in &funcs { builder .func_new( "env", func_name, func_type.clone(), move |_caller, _params, _results| Ok(()), ) .unwrap(); } let builder = builder.finish(); b.iter(|| { let engine = Engine::default(); _ = builder.create(&engine); }) }); } fn bench_linker_build_construct_unique(c: &mut Criterion) { let len_funcs = 50; let bench_id = format!("linker/build/construct/unique/{len_funcs}"); c.bench_function(&bench_id, |b| { let funcs = generate_unique_host_functions(len_funcs); b.iter(|| { let mut builder = >::build(); for (func_name, func_type) in &funcs { builder .func_new( "env", func_name, func_type.clone(), move |_caller, _params, _results| Ok(()), ) .unwrap(); } }) }); } #[allow(dead_code)] fn bench_instantiate_contract(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str, path: &str) { let bench_id = format!("instantiate/{name}"); c.bench_function(&bench_id, |b| { let module = load_module_from_file(path); let engine = module.engine(); let mut store = Store::new(engine, ()); let mut linker = >::new(engine); linker .define( "env", "memory", wasmi::Memory::new(&mut store, wasmi::MemoryType::new(2, Some(16)).unwrap()) .unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "__unstable__", "seal_get_storage", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32, _2: i32, _3: i32| -> i32 { unimplemented!() }), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "seal0", "seal_value_transferred", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32| ()), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "seal0", "seal_input", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32| ()), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "seal0", "seal_caller", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32| ()), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "seal1", "seal_call", Func::wrap( &mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32, _2: i64, _3: i32, _4: i32, _5: i32, _6: i32, _7: i32| -> i32 { unimplemented!() }, ), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "seal0", "seal_deposit_event", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32, _2: i32, _3: i32| ()), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "__unstable__", "seal_set_storage", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32, _2: i32, _3: i32| -> i32 { unimplemented!() }), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "__unstable__", "seal_clear_storage", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32| -> i32 { unimplemented!() }), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "__unstable__", "seal_contains_storage", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32| -> i32 { unimplemented!() }), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "seal0", "seal_return", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32, _2: i32| ()), ) .unwrap(); linker .define( "seal0", "seal_hash_blake2_256", Func::wrap(&mut store, |_0: i32, _1: i32, _2: i32| ()), ) .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let _instance = linker .instantiate(&mut store, &module) .unwrap() .ensure_no_start(&mut store); }) }); } #[allow(dead_code)] fn bench_instantiate_erc20(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_instantiate_contract(c, "erc20", "benches/wasm/erc20.wasm") } #[allow(dead_code)] fn bench_instantiate_erc721(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_instantiate_contract(c, "erc721", "benches/wasm/erc721.wasm") } #[allow(dead_code)] fn bench_instantiate_erc1155(c: &mut Criterion) { bench_instantiate_contract(c, "erc1155", "benches/wasm/erc1155.wasm") } fn bench_execute_tiny_keccak(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("execute/tiny_keccak", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_file("benches/rust/cases/tiny_keccak/out.wasm"); let data_ptr = instance .get_typed_func::<(), i32>(&store, "setup") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, ()) .unwrap(); let keccak = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "run").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { store, data_ptr).unwrap(); }); instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "teardown") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, data_ptr) .unwrap(); }); } fn bench_execute_reverse_complement(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("execute/reverse_complement", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_file("benches/rust/cases/reverse_complement/out.wasm"); // Allocate buffers for the input and output. let data_ptr = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "setup") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, REVCOMP_INPUT.len() as i32) .unwrap(); // Get the pointer to the input buffer. let input_offset = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "input_ptr") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, data_ptr) .unwrap(); // Copy test data inside the wasm memory. let memory = instance.get_memory(&store, "memory").unwrap(); memory .write(&mut store, input_offset as usize, REVCOMP_INPUT) .unwrap(); // Run the rev complement benchmark. let bench_rev_complement = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "run").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { store, data_ptr).unwrap(); }); // Get the pointer to the output buffer. let output_offset = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "output_ptr") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, data_ptr) .unwrap(); let mut result = [0x00_u8; REVCOMP_OUTPUT.len()]; memory .read(&store, output_offset as usize, &mut result) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(&result[..], REVCOMP_OUTPUT); // Teardown benchmark data. instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "teardown") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, data_ptr) .unwrap(); }); } fn bench_execute_regex_redux(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("execute/regex_redux", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_file("benches/rust/cases/regex_redux/out.wasm"); // Allocate buffers for the input and output. let data_ptr = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "setup") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, REVCOMP_INPUT.len() as i32) .unwrap(); // Get the pointer to the input buffer. let input_data_mem_offset = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "input_ptr") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, data_ptr) .unwrap(); // Copy test data inside the wasm memory. instance .get_memory(&store, "memory") .unwrap() .write(&mut store, input_data_mem_offset as usize, REVCOMP_INPUT) .unwrap(); // Actually run the benchmark: let run = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "run").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { store, data_ptr).unwrap(); }); // Check the result of the regex find. let result = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "output") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, data_ptr) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, 2); // Teardown benchmark data. instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "teardown") .unwrap() .call(&mut store, data_ptr) .unwrap(); }); } fn bench_execute_counter(c: &mut Criterion) { const ITERATIONS: i32 = 1_000_000; c.bench_function("execute/counter", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/counter.wat")); let run = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "run").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let result = store, ITERATIONS).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, ITERATIONS); }) }); } fn bench_execute_br_table(c: &mut Criterion) { const REPETITIONS: usize = 20_000; c.bench_function("execute/br_table", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/br_table.wat")); let br_table = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "br_table") .unwrap(); let expected = [ -10, -20, -30, -40, -50, -60, -70, -80, -90, -100, -110, -120, -130, -140, -150, -160, ]; b.iter(|| { for input in 0..REPETITIONS { let cramped = input % expected.len(); let result = store, cramped as i32).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, expected[cramped]); } }) }); } fn bench_execute_trunc_f2i(c: &mut Criterion) { const ITERATIONS: i32 = 25_000; c.bench_function("execute/trunc_f2i", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/trunc_f2i.wat")); let run = instance .get_typed_func::<(i32, F32, F64), ()>(&store, "trunc_f2i") .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { store, (ITERATIONS, F32::from(42.0), F64::from(69.0))) .unwrap(); }) }); } fn bench_overhead_call_typed_0(c: &mut Criterion) { const REPETITIONS: usize = 20_000; c.bench_function("overhead/call/typed/0", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/bare_call.wat")); let bare_call = instance .get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&store, "bare_call/0") .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { for _ in 0..REPETITIONS { store, ()).unwrap(); } }) }); } fn bench_overhead_call_typed_16(c: &mut Criterion) { const REPETITIONS: usize = 20_000; type InOut = ( i32, i64, F32, F64, i32, i64, F32, F64, i32, i64, F32, F64, i32, i64, F32, F64, ); c.bench_function("overhead/call/typed/16", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/bare_call.wat")); let bare_call = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "bare_call/16") .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { for _ in 0..REPETITIONS { let _ = bare_call .call( &mut store, ( 0, 0, F32::from(0.0), F64::from(0.0), 0, 0, F32::from(0.0), F64::from(0.0), 0, 0, F32::from(0.0), F64::from(0.0), 0, 0, F32::from(0.0), F64::from(0.0), ), ) .unwrap(); } }) }); } fn bench_overhead_call_untyped_0(c: &mut Criterion) { const REPETITIONS: usize = 20_000; c.bench_function("overhead/call/untyped/0", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/bare_call.wat")); let bare_call = instance.get_func(&store, "bare_call/0").unwrap(); let params = &[]; let results = &mut []; b.iter(|| { for _ in 0..REPETITIONS { store, params, results).unwrap(); } }) }); } fn bench_overhead_call_untyped_16(c: &mut Criterion) { const REPETITIONS: usize = 20_000; c.bench_function("overhead/call/untyped/16", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/bare_call.wat")); let bare_call = instance.get_func(&store, "bare_call/16").unwrap(); let params = &[ Val::default(ValType::I32), Val::default(ValType::I64), Val::default(ValType::F32), Val::default(ValType::F64), Val::default(ValType::I32), Val::default(ValType::I64), Val::default(ValType::F32), Val::default(ValType::F64), Val::default(ValType::I32), Val::default(ValType::I64), Val::default(ValType::F32), Val::default(ValType::F64), Val::default(ValType::I32), Val::default(ValType::I64), Val::default(ValType::F32), Val::default(ValType::F64), ]; let results = &mut [0; 16].map(Val::I32); b.iter(|| { for _ in 0..REPETITIONS { store, params, results).unwrap(); } }) }); } fn bench_execute_global_bump(c: &mut Criterion) { const ITERATIONS: i32 = 100_000; c.bench_function("execute/global/bump", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/global_bump.wat")); let run = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "bump").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let result = store, ITERATIONS).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, ITERATIONS); }) }); } fn bench_execute_global_const(c: &mut Criterion) { const ITERATIONS: i32 = 100_000; c.bench_function("execute/global/get_const", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/global_const.wat")); let run = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "call").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let result = store, ITERATIONS).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, ITERATIONS); }) }); } fn bench_execute_recursive_scan(c: &mut Criterion) { const DEPTH: i32 = 8000; const EXPECTED: i32 = ((DEPTH * DEPTH) + DEPTH) / 2; c.bench_function("execute/recursive_scan", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/recursive_scan.wat")); let run = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "func").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let result = store, DEPTH).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, EXPECTED); }) }); } fn bench_execute_recursive_trap(c: &mut Criterion) { use wasmi::errors::ErrorKind; c.bench_function("execute/recursive_trap", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/recursive_trap.wat")); let run = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "call").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let error = store, 1000).unwrap_err(); match error.kind() { ErrorKind::TrapCode(trap_code) => assert_matches!( trap_code, TrapCode::UnreachableCodeReached, "expected unreachable trap", ), _ => panic!("expected unreachable trap"), } }) }); } fn bench_execute_recursive_is_even(c: &mut Criterion) { const ITERATIONS: i32 = 50_000; c.bench_function("execute/is_even/rec", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/is_even.wat")); let run = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "is_even") .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let result = store, ITERATIONS).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, 1); }); }); } fn bench_execute_flat_calls(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_with(g: &mut BenchmarkGroup, wasm: &[u8], n: usize) { /// How often the host functions are called per benchmark run. const ITERATIONS: i64 = 5_000; let id = format!("{n}"); g.bench_function(&id, |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(wasm); let func_name = format!("run/{n}"); let run = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, &func_name) .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { store, ITERATIONS).unwrap(); }); }); } let wasm = include_bytes!("wat/flat_calls.wat"); let mut g = c.benchmark_group("execute/call/flat"); for n in [0, 1, 8, 16] { bench_with(&mut g, wasm, n); } } fn bench_execute_nested_calls(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_with(g: &mut BenchmarkGroup, wasm: &[u8], n: usize) { /// How often the host functions are called per benchmark run. const ITERATIONS: i64 = 5_000; let id = format!("{n}"); g.bench_function(&id, |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(wasm); let func_name = format!("run/{n}"); let run = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, &func_name) .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { store, ITERATIONS).unwrap(); }); }); } let wasm = include_bytes!("wat/nested_calls.wat"); let mut g = c.benchmark_group("execute/call/nested"); for n in [1, 8, 16] { bench_with(&mut g, wasm, n); } } fn bench_execute_host_calls(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_with( g: &mut BenchmarkGroup, store: &mut Store<()>, instance: &Instance, n: usize, ) { /// How often the host functions are called per benchmark run. const ITERATIONS: i64 = 5_000; let id = format!("{n}"); g.bench_function(&id, |b| { let func_name = format!("run/{n}"); let run = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, &func_name) .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { *store, ITERATIONS).unwrap(); }) }); } let mut g = c.benchmark_group("execute/call/host"); let wasm = wat2wasm(include_bytes!("wat/host_calls.wat")); let engine = Engine::default(); let module = Module::new(&engine, &wasm[..]).unwrap(); let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let host0 = Func::wrap(&mut store, || ()); let host1 = Func::wrap(&mut store, |a: i64| a); let host8 = Func::wrap( &mut store, |_0: i64, _1: i64, _2: i64, _3: i64, _4: i64, _5: i64, _6: i64, _7: i64| -> (i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64) { (_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7) }, ); #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] let host16 = Func::wrap( &mut store, |_0: i64, _1: i64, _2: i64, _3: i64, _4: i64, _5: i64, _6: i64, _7: i64, _8: i64, _9: i64, _10: i64, _11: i64, _12: i64, _13: i64, _14: i64, _15: i64| -> ( i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, ) { ( _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, ) }, ); let mut linker = >::new(&engine); linker.define("benchmark", "host/0", host0).unwrap(); linker.define("benchmark", "host/1", host1).unwrap(); linker.define("benchmark", "host/8", host8).unwrap(); linker.define("benchmark", "host/16", host16).unwrap(); let instance = linker .instantiate(&mut store, &module) .unwrap() .ensure_no_start(&mut store) .unwrap(); for n in [0, 1, 8, 16] { bench_with(&mut g, &mut store, &instance, n); } } fn bench_execute_fuse(c: &mut Criterion) { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/fuse.wat")); let mut bench_fuse = |bench_id: &str, func_name: &str, input: i32| { c.bench_function(bench_id, |b| { let run = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, func_name) .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { assert_eq!( store, input).unwrap(), input); }); }); }; bench_fuse("execute/fuse", "test", 1_000_000); } fn bench_execute_divrem(c: &mut Criterion) { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/divrem.wat")); let mut bench_fuse = |bench_id: &str, func_name: &str, input: i32| { c.bench_function(bench_id, |b| { let run = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, func_name) .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { assert_eq!( store, input).unwrap(), 0); }); }); }; bench_fuse("execute/divrem", "test", 250_000); } fn bench_execute_fibonacci(c: &mut Criterion) { const fn fib(n: i64) -> i64 { if n <= 1 { return n; } let mut n1: i64 = 1; let mut n2: i64 = 1; let mut i = 2; while i < n { let tmp = n1.wrapping_add(n2); n1 = n2; n2 = tmp; i += 1; } n2 } const FIBONACCI_REC_N: i64 = 25; const FIBONACCI_TAIL_N: i64 = 50_000; const FIBONACCI_INC_N: i64 = 100_000; let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/fibonacci.wat")); let mut bench_fib = |bench_id: &str, func_name: &str, input: i64| { c.bench_function(bench_id, |b| { let expected = fib(input); let run = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, func_name) .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { assert_eq!( store, input).unwrap(), expected); }); }); }; bench_fib("execute/fibonacci/rec", "fibonacci_rec", FIBONACCI_REC_N); bench_fib("execute/fibonacci/tail", "fibonacci_tail", FIBONACCI_TAIL_N); bench_fib("execute/fibonacci/iter", "fibonacci_iter", FIBONACCI_INC_N); } fn bench_execute_memory_sum(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("execute/memory/sum_bytes", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/memory-sum.wat")); let run = instance .get_typed_func::(&store, "sum_bytes") .unwrap(); let mem = instance.get_memory(&store, "mem").unwrap(); let len = 100_000; mem.grow(&mut store, 1).unwrap(); let expected_sum: i64 = mem.data_mut(&mut store)[..len] .iter_mut() .enumerate() .map(|(n, byte)| { let new_byte = (n % 256) as u8; *byte = new_byte; new_byte as u64 as i64 }) .sum(); b.iter(|| { let result = store, len as i32).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, expected_sum); }); }); } fn bench_execute_memory_fill(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("execute/memory/fill_bytes", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/memory-fill.wat")); let run = instance .get_typed_func::<(i32, i32, i32), ()>(&store, "fill_bytes") .unwrap(); let ptr = 0x100; let len = 100_000; let value = 0x42_u8; let mem = instance.get_memory(&store, "mem").unwrap(); mem.grow(&mut store, 1).unwrap(); mem.data_mut(&mut store)[ptr..(ptr + len)].fill(0x00); b.iter(|| { store, (ptr as i32, len as i32, value as i32)) .unwrap(); }); assert!([ptr..(ptr + len)] .iter() .all(|byte| *byte == value)); }); } fn bench_execute_vec_add(c: &mut Criterion) { fn test_for( b: &mut Bencher, store: &mut Store<()>, run: TypedFunc<(i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>, mem: Memory, len: usize, vec_a: A, vec_b: B, ) where A: IntoIterator, B: IntoIterator, { use core::mem::size_of; let ptr_result = 10; let len_result = len * size_of::(); let ptr_a = ptr_result + len_result; let len_a = len * size_of::(); let ptr_b = ptr_a + len_a; // Reset `result` buffer to zeros: mem.data_mut(&mut *store)[ptr_result..ptr_result + (len * size_of::())].fill(0); // Initialize `a` buffer: for (n, a) in vec_a.into_iter().take(len).enumerate() { mem.write( &mut *store, ptr_a + (n * size_of::()), &a.to_le_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); } // Initialize `b` buffer: for (n, b) in vec_b.into_iter().take(len).enumerate() { mem.write( &mut *store, ptr_b + (n * size_of::()), &b.to_le_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); } // Run actual benchmark: b.iter(|| { &mut *store, (ptr_result as i32, ptr_a as i32, ptr_b as i32, len as i32), ) .unwrap(); }); // Validate the result buffer: for n in 0..len { let mut buffer4 = [0x00; 4]; let mut buffer8 = [0x00; 8]; let a = {*store, ptr_a + (n * size_of::()), &mut buffer4) .unwrap(); i32::from_le_bytes(buffer4) }; let b = {*store, ptr_b + (n * size_of::()), &mut buffer4) .unwrap(); i32::from_le_bytes(buffer4) }; let actual_result = {*store, ptr_result + (n * size_of::()), &mut buffer8) .unwrap(); i64::from_le_bytes(buffer8) }; let expected_result = (a as i64) + (b as i64); assert_eq!( expected_result, actual_result, "given a = {a} and b = {b}, results diverge at index {n}" ); } } c.bench_function("execute/memory/vec_add", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/memory-vec-add.wat")); let run = instance .get_typed_func::<(i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>(&store, "vec_add") .unwrap(); let mem = instance.get_memory(&store, "mem").unwrap(); mem.grow(&mut store, 25).unwrap(); let len = 100_000; test_for( b, &mut store, run, mem, len, (0..len).map(|i| (i * i) as i32), (0..len).map(|i| (i * 10) as i32), ) }); } fn bench_execute_bulk_ops(c: &mut Criterion) { const ITERATIONS: i64 = 5_000; c.bench_function("execute/memory/bulk-ops", |b| { let (mut store, instance) = load_instance_from_wat(include_bytes!("wat/bulk-ops.wat")); let run = instance.get_typed_func::(&store, "run").unwrap(); b.iter(|| { store, ITERATIONS).unwrap(); }) }); }