Title: SortedList ${version} - Benchmark Tests and Results Description: This benchmark result is generated using Criterion.rs. Tests: Binary search random element: Description: Given a sorted list containing `n` random i32 numbers, binary searches a random number in the sorted list. Get random element: Description: Given a sorted list containing `n` random i32 numbers, access the sorted list at a random index. Insert random element: Description: Insert `n` random i32 numbers to an empty sorted list. Remove first element: Description: Given a sorted list containing `n` random i32 numbers, remove the first element till empty. Remove last element: Description: Given a sorted list containing `n` random i32 numbers, remove the last element till empty. Remove middle element: Description: Given a sorted list containing `n` random i32 numbers, remove the middle element till empty. Remove random element: Description: Given a sorted list containing `n` random i32 numbers, remove a random element from the list till empty.