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This Rust library helps you build an object tree for
[reo](https://github.com/objectionary/reo) compiler of
[EO](https://www.eolang.org) programs.
Create a tree:
use sot::Sot;
let mut sot = Sot::empty();
sot.add(0)?; // add a vertex no.0
sot.add(1)?; // add a vertex no.1
sot.bind(0, 1, "foo")?; // connect v0 to v1 with label "foo"
sot.put(1, "Hello, world!".as_bytes().to_vec())?; // attach data to v1
You can find a vertex by the label of an edge departing from another vertex:
let id = sot.kid(0, "foo")?; // returns 1
You can find all kids of a vertex:
let kids: Vec<(String, u32)> = sot.kids(0);
You can read the data of a vertex:
let bytes: Vec = sot.data(1)?; // empty if no data written before
Then, you can print the tree:
println!("{:?}", sot);
Also, you can serialize and deserialize the tree.