# Soupy [![][img_version]][crates] [![][img_doc]][doc] [![][img_license]][license] [![][img_downloads]][crates] `soupy` is a library for querying tree-based formats, similar to BeautifulSoup. ## Cargo Features - `html`: Support for HTML. Enabled by default. - `html-lenient`: Error-tolerant HTML parser. Slow. Enabled by default. - `html-strict`: Simple, fast HTML parser. Enabled by default. - `xml`: Support for XML. Enabled by default. - `regex`: Support for regex matching in queries. Enabled by default. ## License `soupy` is dual-licensed under MIT and Apache-2.0. [img_version]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/soupy.svg [img_doc]: https://img.shields.io/badge/rust-documentation-blue.svg [img_license]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT%2FApache-blue.svg [img_downloads]:https://img.shields.io/crates/d/soupy.svg [crates]: https://crates.io/crates/soupy [doc]: https://docs.rs/soupy [license]: https://github.com/hankjordan/soupy#license