## Release Notes ## [0.9.6] ### Added - Added support for AMXXPawn. ## [0.9.5] ### Added - Added call hierarchy provider. ## [0.9.4] ### Added - Added support for linter arguments. - Added deprecated lint. - Added invalid syntax lint. ## [0.9.3] ### Added - Added inline comments support for variables, enum members and defines. - Added default completions (`sizeof`, `voids`, etc). ### Fixed - Fixed a potential panic in the resolver (see [#281](https://github.com/Sarrus1/sourcepawn-vscode/issues/281), thanks [Keldra](https://github.com/ddorab)!). ## [0.9.2] ### Added - Added rename provider. ### Fixed - Fixed incorrect heuristic when inferring the mainPath (Thanks [Suza](https://github.com/Zabaniya001)!). - Fixed spcomp linting on macOS and Linux. ## [0.9.1] ### Fixed - Fixed incorrect completion triggers. - Fixed unresolved variables in methods. - Fixed missing completions in methods. ## [0.9.0] ### Added - Added spcomp status report. - Added automatic mainpath detection when missing. ### Fixed - Fixed diagnostics not disappearing. ## [0.8.0] ### Added - Added a linter provider. - Added constructor completion when using the `new` keyword. - Added a document completion provider (type `/*` above a function/method declaration). ### Fixed - Fixed constructors appearing in method completions. - Fixed constructors being identified as methodmaps references. ## [0.7.0] ### Added - Added support for adding/deleting/editing documents outside of the editor (see #13). - Added support for refreshing semantic analysis outside of the edited file (see #12). ## [0.6.1] ### Added - Added status notifications. - Added support for folder rename in includeDirectories. ## [0.6.0] ### Added - Added `typedef` and `typeset` support. - Added callback completions. - Added file rename/deletion support in includeDirectories. ## [0.5.1] ### Added - Added notifications when a setting is invalid. ### Fixed - Fixed changes in IncludeDirectories not being detected. - Fixed some references not being resolved on the initial parse. ## [0.5.0] ### Added - Added Document Symbol provider. ## [0.4.0] ### Added - Added Reference provider. ### Fixed - Fixed invalid file reads when the file contains invalid UTF-8 characters. ## [0.3.1] ### Fixed - Fixed panic when opening a file without opening its parent folder first. ## [0.3.0] ### Added - Added SignatureHelp provider. ## [0.2.1] ### Fixed - Fixed a potential panic when reading an invalid file. ## [0.2.0] ### Added - Added Hover, GoToDefinition, and Semantic Highlighting. ## [0.1.0] ### Added - Added support for function completions.