use std::{io::Read as _, path::Path}; use southpaw::sys::{ABS_HAT0X, ABS_HAT0Y, BTN_EAST, BTN_SOUTH, BTN_START, EV_ABS, EV_KEY}; use southpaw::{AbsAxis, Device, KeyCode, Scancode}; const CODE: [(&str, u16, i32); 11] = [ ("UP", ABS_HAT0Y, -1), ("UP", ABS_HAT0Y, -1), ("DOWN", ABS_HAT0Y, 1), ("DOWN", ABS_HAT0Y, 1), ("LEFT", ABS_HAT0X, -1), ("RIGHT", ABS_HAT0X, 1), ("LEFT", ABS_HAT0X, -1), ("RIGHT", ABS_HAT0X, 1), ("B", BTN_SOUTH, 1), ("A", BTN_EAST, 1), ("START", BTN_START, 1), ]; fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { env_logger::init(); let mut args = std::env::args(); let exe =; let Some(path) = else { eprintln!("usage: {} PATH", exe); std::process::exit(1); }; let path = Path::new(&path); std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(false) .write(true) .open(path)?; let controller = Device::builder() .name("SNES Gamepad") .id(0x03, 0x0810, 0xe501, 0x01) .supported_event_codes([ Scancode::Key(KeyCode::BtnSouth), Scancode::Key(KeyCode::BtnNorth), Scancode::Key(KeyCode::BtnEast), Scancode::Key(KeyCode::BtnWest), Scancode::AbsoluteAxis(AbsAxis::X), Scancode::AbsoluteAxis(AbsAxis::Y), ]) .mount(Path::new(&path))?; println!("Press enter to begin sending the secret code..."); let _ = std::io::stdin().read(&mut [0u8]).unwrap(); for (s, code, value) in CODE { println!("{}!", s); gen_button_press(&controller, code, value)?; std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)); } Ok(()) } fn gen_button_press(controller: &southpaw::Device, code: u16, value: i32) -> std::io::Result<()> { let event_type = match code { ABS_HAT0X | ABS_HAT0Y => EV_ABS, _ => EV_KEY, }; controller.publish_event(southpaw::InputEvent::new(event_type, code, value))?; controller.publish_event(southpaw::InputEvent::new(event_type, code, 0))?; Ok(()) }