use sovran_state::{Store, State, Action}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; // Define our state #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct BankState { balance: f64, transaction_count: u32, } impl State for BankState {} // Define our actions struct DepositAction(f64); struct WithdrawAction(f64); impl Action for DepositAction { fn reduce(&self, state: BankState) -> BankState { BankState { balance: state.balance + self.0, transaction_count: state.transaction_count + 1, } } } impl Action for WithdrawAction { fn reduce(&self, state: BankState) -> BankState { BankState { balance: state.balance - self.0, transaction_count: state.transaction_count + 1, } } } // Define some example components that use the state struct AccountMonitor { store: Arc, } struct TransactionLogger { store: Arc, } impl AccountMonitor { fn new(store: Arc) -> Self { let monitor = AccountMonitor { store: store.clone() }; // Subscribe to state changes |state: &BankState| { println!("🏦 Account Monitor: Balance changed to ${:.2}", state.balance); }).expect("Failed to subscribe to state changes"); monitor } fn check_balance(&self) -> f64 { .map(|state| state.balance) .unwrap_or(0.0) } } impl TransactionLogger { fn new(store: Arc) -> Self { let logger = TransactionLogger { store: store.clone() }; // Subscribe to state changes |state: &BankState| { println!("📝 Transaction Logger: Transaction #{} processed", state.transaction_count); }).expect("Failed to subscribe to state changes"); logger } } fn main() { // Create store and provide initial state let store = Arc::new(Store::new()); store.provide(BankState { balance: 1000.0, transaction_count: 0, }).expect("Failed to provide initial state"); // Create our components let monitor = AccountMonitor::new(store.clone()); let _logger = TransactionLogger::new(store.clone()); println!("Initial balance: ${:.2}", monitor.check_balance()); // Simulate some transactions println!("\nProcessing transactions...\n"); // Deposit store.dispatch(DepositAction(500.0)) .expect("Failed to process deposit"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); // Withdraw store.dispatch(WithdrawAction(200.0)) .expect("Failed to process withdrawal"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); // Deposit again store.dispatch(DepositAction(750.0)) .expect("Failed to process deposit"); thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); println!("\nFinal balance: ${:.2}", monitor.check_balance()); }