use amethyst::{winit::{ VirtualKeyCode, },window::ScreenDimensions, renderer::{ RenderingBundle, RenderPbr3D, RenderToWindow, camera::Camera, types::DefaultBackend, }, input::{ InputBundle, StringBindings, is_close_requested, is_key_down, }, core::{ TransformBundle, Transform, }, utils::{ auto_fov::AutoFovSystem, application_root_dir, }, controls::{ FlyControlBundle, FlyControlTag, }, GameDataBuilder, SimpleState, StateData, GameData, Application, Error, SimpleTrans, Trans, StateEvent}; use space_render::cosmos::{ Cosmos, CosmosRender, }; use amethyst::prelude::{World, WorldExt, Builder}; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { // Get the application root directory for asset loading. let app_root = application_root_dir()?; // Add our meshes directory to the asset loader. let assets_dir = app_root.join("assets"); // Load display config let display_config_path = app_root.join("config\\display.ron"); let game_data = GameDataBuilder::new() .with_bundle(InputBundle::::new())? .with( AutoFovSystem::new(), "auto_fov", &[], ) .with_bundle( FlyControlBundle::::new(None, None, None) .with_sensitivity(0.1, 0.1) .with_speed(5.0), )? .with_bundle(TransformBundle::new())? .with_bundle( RenderingBundle::::new() .with_plugin(RenderToWindow::from_config_path(display_config_path)?.with_clear([0.0; 4])) .with_plugin(RenderPbr3D::default()) // We crate a new `Cosmos` which will be placed in a resource. // Alternatively you can use `Cosmos::with_random_distribution(1000)` to provide an arbitrary number of stars. .with_plugin(CosmosRender::new(Some(Cosmos::default()))) )?; let mut app = Application::new(assets_dir, CosmosState, game_data)?;; Ok(()) } pub struct CosmosState; impl SimpleState for CosmosState { fn on_start(&mut self, data: StateData<'_, GameData>) { let world: &mut World =; let (width, height) = { let dims = world.read_resource::(); (dims.width(), dims.height()) }; world.create_entity() .with(Camera::standard_3d(width, height)) .with(Transform::default()) .with(FlyControlTag) .build(); } fn handle_event(&mut self, _data: StateData<'_, GameData>, event: StateEvent) -> SimpleTrans { if let StateEvent::Window(window_event) = event { if is_close_requested(&window_event) || is_key_down(&window_event, VirtualKeyCode::Escape) { Trans::Quit } else { Trans::None } } else { Trans::None } } }