# SDISĀ²L (Software Distribution Disclaimer License) v1.4.3 (Custom) ___ > The definition of "software" herein is any code, data, or logic system that constitutes the "software" with which this license is packaged, distributed, or associated with. > "Creator", "author", or "owner" herin are the followng people: Chad Baxter, Diego Dustamente, Collin Mistr, Justin Rivera. This software is provided as is, without a warranty. = Under this license **any** user of this software(*you*) **is(*are*)** entitled to the following. - This is limited to: - - The **use** of the software. - The **modification** of the software in any way that suits your needs and/or purposes. - The **distribution** of the software with any other software as a **whole** or **part** as a **dependency**, **include**, **example**, or any **other purpose**. Under this license **any** user of this software(*you*) **is(*are*) not** entitled to the following. - This includes, but is not limited to: - - The **sale, barter or trade**(*or any method of obtaining profit with or from*) this software for profit(*personal, institutional, or otherwise*). - The use of this software for any **destructive** or **dangerous purposes**. - The use of this software with **critical systems**. The creator maintains **all** copyright permissions granted to him/her under copyright laws for any **ideas**, **algorithms**, **structures**, or **code** used with/for/or in creation of this software. - The creator of this software is in no way responsible for any circumstances that arise from using this software. - These include but are not limited to: - - Socio-cultural action. - Legal action. - Loss or destruction of property. - Fines. By using this software you automatically agree to these terms (explicit or implicit). = >The creator of this software reserves the right to change these terms at any time and without notice.