use core::iter; use core::mem; use core::time::Duration; use criterion::measurement::{Measurement, WallTime}; use criterion::{ black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Bencher, BenchmarkGroup, BenchmarkId, Criterion, Throughput, }; use rand::rngs::StdRng; use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng}; use spacetimedb_lib::db::raw_def::v9::RawIndexAlgorithm; use spacetimedb_lib::db::raw_def::v9::RawModuleDefV9Builder; use spacetimedb_primitives::{ColList, IndexId, TableId}; use spacetimedb_sats::{AlgebraicType, AlgebraicValue, ProductType, ProductValue}; use spacetimedb_schema::def::ModuleDef; use spacetimedb_schema::schema::TableSchema; use spacetimedb_table::blob_store::NullBlobStore; use spacetimedb_table::indexes::Byte; use spacetimedb_table::indexes::{Bytes, PageOffset, RowPointer, Size, SquashedOffset, PAGE_DATA_SIZE}; use spacetimedb_table::layout::{row_size_for_bytes, row_size_for_type}; use spacetimedb_table::pages::Pages; use spacetimedb_table::row_type_visitor::{row_type_visitor, VarLenVisitorProgram}; use spacetimedb_table::table::Table; use spacetimedb_table::var_len::{NullVarLenVisitor, VarLenGranule, VarLenMembers, VarLenRef}; fn time(acc: &mut Duration, body: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> R { let start = WallTime.start(); let ret = body(); let end = WallTime.end(start); *acc = WallTime.add(acc, &end); black_box(ret) } fn iter_time_with( b: &mut Bencher, x: &mut X, mut pre: impl FnMut(u64, &mut X) -> P, mut body: impl FnMut(P, u64, &mut X) -> B, ) { b.iter_custom(|num_iters| { let mut elapsed =; for i in 0..num_iters { let p = black_box(pre(i, x)); black_box(&x); time(&mut elapsed, || body(p, i, x)); black_box(&x); } elapsed }) } // Strictly this would be unsafe, // since it causes UB when applied to types that contain padding/`poison`, // but it's a benchmark so who cares. fn as_bytes(t: &T) -> &Bytes { let ptr = (t as *const T).cast::(); unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, mem::size_of::()) } } #[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // It's a benchmark, clippy. Who cares. unsafe trait Row { fn row_type() -> ProductType; fn var_len_visitor() -> VarLenVisitorProgram { row_type_visitor(&Self::row_type().into()) } fn to_product(self) -> ProductValue; } #[allow(clippy::missing_safety_doc)] // It's a benchmark, clippy. Who cares. /// Apply only to types which: /// - Contain no padding bytes. /// - Contain no members which are stored BFLATN as var-len. unsafe trait FixedLenRow: Row + Sized { fn as_bytes(&self) -> &Bytes { as_bytes(self) } fn from_u64(u: u64) -> Self; } unsafe impl Row for u64 { fn row_type() -> ProductType { [AlgebraicType::U64].into() } fn to_product(self) -> ProductValue { AlgebraicValue::U64(self).into() } } unsafe impl FixedLenRow for u64 { fn from_u64(u: u64) -> Self { u } } #[repr(C)] struct U32x8 { vals: [u32; 8], } // TODO: get rid of this once we change to >= Rust 1.79. const TY_U32: AlgebraicType = AlgebraicType::U32; unsafe impl Row for U32x8 { fn row_type() -> ProductType { [TY_U32; 8].into() } fn to_product(self) -> ProductValue { } } unsafe impl FixedLenRow for U32x8 { fn from_u64(u: u64) -> Self { Self { vals: [u as u32; 8] } } } #[repr(C)] struct U32x64 { vals: [u32; 64], } unsafe impl Row for U32x64 { fn row_type() -> ProductType { [TY_U32; 64].into() } fn to_product(self) -> ProductValue { } } unsafe impl FixedLenRow for U32x64 { fn from_u64(u: u64) -> Self { Self { vals: [u as u32; 64] } } } unsafe impl Row for Box { fn row_type() -> ProductType { [AlgebraicType::String].into() } fn to_product(self) -> ProductValue { AlgebraicValue::String(self).into() } } const fn rows_per_page() -> usize { PageOffset::PAGE_END.idx() / row_size_for_type::().len() } #[allow(unused)] fn var_len_rows_per_page(data_size_in_bytes: usize) -> usize { let var_object_size = row_size_for_type::().len() + VarLenGranule::bytes_to_granules(data_size_in_bytes).0 * VarLenGranule::SIZE.len(); PageOffset::PAGE_END.idx() / var_object_size } fn reserve_empty_page(c: &mut Criterion) { const RESERVE_SIZE: Size = row_size_for_bytes(8); let mut group = c.benchmark_group("reserve_empty_page"); group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(PAGE_DATA_SIZE as _)); group.bench_function("leave_uninit", |b| { let mut pages = Pages::default(); b.iter(|| { let _ = black_box(pages.reserve_empty_page(RESERVE_SIZE)); }); }); let fill_with_zeros = |_, _, pages: &mut Pages| { let page = pages.reserve_empty_page(RESERVE_SIZE).unwrap(); let page = pages.get_page_mut(page); unsafe { page.zero_data() }; }; group.bench_function("fill_with_zeros", |b| { iter_time_with(b, &mut Pages::default(), |_, _| (), fill_with_zeros) }); } fn insert_one_page_worth_fixed_len(pages: &mut Pages, visitor: &impl VarLenMembers, val: &R) { let size = row_size_for_type::(); for _ in 0..rows_per_page::() { let _ = black_box(unsafe { black_box(&mut *pages).insert_row(visitor, size, val.as_bytes(), &[], &mut NullBlobStore) }); } } type Group<'a, 'b> = &'a mut BenchmarkGroup<'b, WallTime>; // time to insert a whole bunch of rows fn insert_one_page_fixed_len(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_insert_one_page_fixed_len(group: Group<'_, '_>, visitor: &impl VarLenMembers, name: &str) { group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes( rows_per_page::() as u64 * mem::size_of::() as u64, )); group.bench_function(name, |b| { let mut pages = Pages::default(); // `0xa5` is the alternating bit pattern, which makes incorrect accesses obvious. insert_one_page_worth_fixed_len(&mut pages, visitor, &R::from_u64(0xa5a5a5a5_a5a5a5a5)); let pre = |_, pages: &mut Pages| pages.clear(); iter_time_with(b, &mut pages, pre, |_, _, pages| { insert_one_page_worth_fixed_len(pages, visitor, &R::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbeef)) }); }); } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("insert_one_page_fixed_len"); bench_insert_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "u64/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_insert_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &u64::var_len_visitor(), "u64/VarLenVisitorProgram"); bench_insert_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "U32x8/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_insert_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &U32x8::var_len_visitor(), "U32x8/VarLenVisitorProgram"); bench_insert_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "U32x64/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_insert_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &U32x64::var_len_visitor(), "U32x64/VarLenVisitorProgram"); } fn fill_page_with_fixed_len_collect_row_pointers( pages: &mut Pages, visitor: &impl VarLenMembers, val: &R, ) -> Vec { let mut ptrs = Vec::with_capacity(rows_per_page::()); for _ in 0..rows_per_page::() { let (page, offset) = unsafe { pages.insert_row( visitor, row_size_for_type::(), val.as_bytes(), &[], &mut NullBlobStore, ) } .unwrap(); let ptr = RowPointer::new(false, page, offset, SquashedOffset::COMMITTED_STATE); ptrs.push(ptr); } ptrs } // insert a whole bunch of rows, then time to delete them all fn delete_one_page_fixed_len(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_delete_one_page_fixed_len(group: Group<'_, '_>, visitor: &impl VarLenMembers, name: &str) { let rows_per_page = rows_per_page::(); group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(rows_per_page as u64 * mem::size_of::() as u64)); group.bench_function(name, |b| { let pre = |i, pages: &mut _| { let val = R::from_u64(i); fill_page_with_fixed_len_collect_row_pointers::(pages, visitor, &val) }; iter_time_with(b, &mut Pages::default(), pre, |ptrs, _, pages| { for ptr in ptrs { unsafe { pages.delete_row(visitor, row_size_for_type::(), black_box(ptr), &mut NullBlobStore) }; } }); }); } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("delete_one_page_fixed_len"); bench_delete_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "u64/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_delete_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &u64::var_len_visitor(), "u64/VarLenVisitorProgram"); bench_delete_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "U32x8/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_delete_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &U32x8::var_len_visitor(), "U32x8/VarLenVisitorProgram"); bench_delete_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "U32x64/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_delete_one_page_fixed_len::(&mut group, &U32x64::var_len_visitor(), "U32x64/VarLenVisitorProgram"); } // insert a whole bunch of rows, then time to access them fn retrieve_one_page_fixed_len(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_retrieve_one_page(group: Group<'_, '_>, visitor: &impl VarLenMembers, name: &str) { let rows_per_page = rows_per_page::(); group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(rows_per_page as u64 * mem::size_of::() as u64)); group.bench_function(name, |b| { let mut pages = Pages::default(); let ptrs = fill_page_with_fixed_len_collect_row_pointers(&mut pages, visitor, &R::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbeef)); b.iter(|| { for &ptr in &ptrs { let bytes = black_box(&pages).get_fixed_len_row(ptr, row_size_for_type::()); let val: *const R = bytes.as_ptr().cast(); let val: R = unsafe { std::ptr::read(val) }; black_box(val); } }); }); } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("retrieve_one_page_fixed_len"); bench_retrieve_one_page::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "u64/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_retrieve_one_page::(&mut group, &u64::var_len_visitor(), "u64/VarLenVisitorProgram"); bench_retrieve_one_page::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "U32x8/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_retrieve_one_page::(&mut group, &U32x8::var_len_visitor(), "U32x8/VarLenVisitorProgram"); bench_retrieve_one_page::(&mut group, &NullVarLenVisitor, "U32x64/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_retrieve_one_page::(&mut group, &U32x64::var_len_visitor(), "U32x64/VarLenVisitorProgram"); } // insert a bunch of rows, // delete some fraction of them to create holes in multiple pages, // then time to insert into those holes fn insert_with_holes_fixed_len(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_insert_with_holes(c: &mut Criterion, var_len_visitor: &impl VarLenMembers, name: &str) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group(format!("insert_with_holes_fixed_len/{}", name)); let val = R::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbeef); for delete_ratio in [0.1f64, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 1.0] { let num_pages = 16; let total_num_rows = rows_per_page::() * num_pages; let num_to_delete = (total_num_rows as f64 * delete_ratio) as usize; let num_to_delete_in_bytes = num_to_delete * mem::size_of::(); let row_size = row_size_for_type::(); group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(num_to_delete_in_bytes as u64)); group.bench_function(delete_ratio.to_string(), |b| { let mut pages = Pages::default(); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0xa5a5a5a5_a5a5a5a5); for _ in 0..num_pages { let page = pages.reserve_empty_page(row_size).unwrap(); let page = pages.get_page_mut(page); unsafe { page.zero_data() }; } let pre = |_, pages: &mut Pages| { pages.clear(); let mut ptrs_to_delete = Vec::with_capacity(num_to_delete); for _ in 0..total_num_rows { let (page_idx, offset) = unsafe { pages.insert_row(var_len_visitor, row_size, val.as_bytes(), &[], &mut NullBlobStore) } .unwrap(); if rng.gen_bool(delete_ratio) { ptrs_to_delete.push(RowPointer::new( false, page_idx, offset, SquashedOffset::COMMITTED_STATE, )); } } let actual_num_deleted = ptrs_to_delete.len(); for ptr in ptrs_to_delete { unsafe { pages.delete_row(var_len_visitor, row_size, ptr, &mut NullBlobStore); } } actual_num_deleted }; let body = |actual_num_deleted, _, pages: &mut Pages| { for _ in 0..actual_num_deleted { let _ = black_box(unsafe { pages.insert_row(var_len_visitor, row_size, val.as_bytes(), &[], &mut NullBlobStore) }); } }; iter_time_with(b, &mut pages, pre, body); }); } } bench_insert_with_holes::(c, &NullVarLenVisitor, "u64/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_insert_with_holes::(c, &u64::var_len_visitor(), "u64/VarLenVisitorProgram"); bench_insert_with_holes::(c, &NullVarLenVisitor, "U32x8/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_insert_with_holes::(c, &U32x8::var_len_visitor(), "U32x8/VarLenVisitorProgram"); bench_insert_with_holes::(c, &NullVarLenVisitor, "U32x64/NullVarLenVisitor"); bench_insert_with_holes::(c, &U32x64::var_len_visitor(), "U32x64/VarLenVisitorProgram"); } // insert a whole bunch of rows, then time to copy_filter materialize a view fn copy_filter_fixed_len(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_copy_filter(c: &mut Criterion, name: &str) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group(format!("copy_filter_fixed_len/{}", name)); let row_size = black_box(row_size_for_type::()); let val = R::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbeef); for keep_ratio in [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 1.0] { let visitor = &NullVarLenVisitor; let mut pages = Pages::default(); let num_pages = 16; let total_num_rows = rows_per_page::() * num_pages; for _ in 0..total_num_rows { unsafe { pages.insert_row(visitor, row_size, val.as_bytes(), &[], &mut NullBlobStore) }.unwrap(); } let num_to_keep = (total_num_rows as f64 * keep_ratio) as usize; let num_to_keep_bytes = num_to_keep * mem::size_of::(); group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(num_to_keep_bytes as u64)); let mut rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0xa5a5a5a5_a5a5a5a5); // To avoid advancing RNG in the benchmark, // precompute a big vec of bools, with one bool for each value that we may or may not keep. let keep_seq: Vec = (0..total_num_rows).map(|_| rng.gen_bool(keep_ratio)).collect(); group.bench_function(keep_ratio.to_string(), |b| { b.iter_with_large_drop(|| unsafe { let mut keep_iter = keep_seq.iter().copied(); black_box(&pages).copy_filter(visitor, row_size, &mut NullBlobStore, |_, _| { black_box( }) }); }); } } bench_copy_filter::(c, "u64"); bench_copy_filter::(c, "U32x8"); bench_copy_filter::(c, "U32x64"); } // TODO(bench): // - Duplicate above benchmarks with var-len rows of various sizes // - In the insert-with-holes benchmark, randomize size of each row to simulate fragmentation. // - Extend above benchmarks to go through `Table` with `AlgebraicValue`. criterion_group!( pages, reserve_empty_page, insert_one_page_fixed_len, delete_one_page_fixed_len, retrieve_one_page_fixed_len, insert_with_holes_fixed_len, copy_filter_fixed_len, ); fn schema_from_ty(ty: ProductType, name: &str) -> TableSchema { let mut result = TableSchema::from_product_type(ty); result.table_name = name.into(); result } fn make_table(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_make_table(group: Group<'_, '_>, name: &str) { let ty = R::row_type(); let schema = schema_from_ty(ty.clone(), name); group.bench_function(name, |b| { b.iter_custom(|num_iters| { let schemas = vec![schema.clone(); num_iters as usize]; let mut tables = Vec::with_capacity(num_iters as usize); let start = WallTime.start(); for schema in schemas { tables.push(Table::new(schema.into(), SquashedOffset::COMMITTED_STATE)); } let elapsed = WallTime.end(start); black_box(tables); elapsed }); }); } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("make_table"); bench_make_table::(&mut group, "u64"); bench_make_table::(&mut group, "U32x8"); bench_make_table::(&mut group, "U32x64"); } fn make_table_for_row_type(name: &str) -> Table { let ty = R::row_type(); let schema = schema_from_ty(ty.clone(), name); Table::new(schema.into(), SquashedOffset::COMMITTED_STATE) } fn use_type_throughput(group: &mut BenchmarkGroup<'_, impl Measurement>) { group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(mem::size_of::() as u64)); } fn table_insert_one_row(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_insert_row(group: Group<'_, '_>, val: R, name: &str) { let table = make_table_for_row_type::(name); let val = black_box(val.to_product()); // Insert before benching to alloc and fault in a page. let mut ctx = (table, NullBlobStore); let ptr = ctx.0.insert(&mut ctx.1, &val).unwrap().1.pointer(); let pre = |_, (table, bs): &mut (Table, NullBlobStore)| { table.delete(bs, ptr, |_| ()).unwrap(); }; group.bench_function(name, |b| { iter_time_with(b, &mut ctx, pre, |_, _, (table, bs)| { table.insert(bs, &val).map(|r| r.1.pointer()) }); }); } { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("table_insert_one_row/fixed_len"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_insert_row(&mut group, 0xdeadbeef_0badbabeu64, "u64"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_insert_row(&mut group, U32x8::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbabe), "U32x8"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_insert_row(&mut group, U32x64::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbabe), "U32x64"); } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("table_insert_one_row/String"); group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(1)); bench_insert_row(&mut group, Box::from(""), "0"); group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(1)); bench_insert_row(&mut group, Box::from("a"), "1"); for num_granules in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] { let num_bytes = VarLenGranule::DATA_SIZE * num_granules; group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(num_bytes as u64)); bench_insert_row( &mut group, "a".repeat(num_bytes).into_boxed_str(), &num_bytes.to_string(), ); } } fn table_delete_one_row(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_delete_row(group: Group<'_, '_>, val: R, name: &str) { let table = make_table_for_row_type::(name); let val = val.to_product(); // Insert before benching to alloc and fault in a page. let mut ctx = (table, NullBlobStore); let insert = |_: u64, (table, bs): &mut (Table, NullBlobStore)| table.insert(bs, &val).unwrap().1.pointer(); group.bench_function(name, |b| { iter_time_with(b, &mut ctx, insert, |row, _, (table, bs)| table.delete(bs, row, |_| ())); }); } { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("table_delete_one_row/fixed_len"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_delete_row(&mut group, 0xdeadbeef_0badbabeu64, "u64"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_delete_row(&mut group, U32x8::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbabe), "U32x8"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_delete_row(&mut group, U32x64::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbabe), "U32x64"); } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("table_delete_one_row/String"); group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(1)); bench_delete_row(&mut group, Box::from(""), "0"); group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(1)); bench_delete_row(&mut group, Box::from("a"), "1"); for num_granules in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] { let num_bytes = VarLenGranule::DATA_SIZE * num_granules; group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(num_bytes as u64)); bench_delete_row( &mut group, "a".repeat(num_bytes).into_boxed_str(), &num_bytes.to_string(), ); } } fn table_extract_one_row(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_extract_row(group: Group<'_, '_>, val: R, name: &str) { let mut table = make_table_for_row_type::(name); let val = val.to_product(); let mut blob_store = NullBlobStore; let row = black_box(table.insert(&mut blob_store, &val).unwrap().1); group.bench_function(name, |b| { b.iter_with_large_drop(|| black_box(row.to_product_value())); }); } { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("table_extract_one_row/fixed_len"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_extract_row(&mut group, 0xdeadbeef_0badbabeu64, "u64"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_extract_row(&mut group, U32x8::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbabe), "U32x8"); use_type_throughput::(&mut group); bench_extract_row(&mut group, U32x64::from_u64(0xdeadbeef_0badbabe), "U32x64"); } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("table_extract_one_row/String"); group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(1)); bench_extract_row(&mut group, Box::from(""), "0"); group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(1)); bench_extract_row(&mut group, Box::from("a"), "1"); for num_granules in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] { let num_bytes = VarLenGranule::DATA_SIZE * num_granules; group.throughput(Throughput::Bytes(num_bytes as u64)); bench_extract_row( &mut group, "a".repeat(num_bytes).into_boxed_str(), &num_bytes.to_string(), ); } } // TODO(bench): // - table insert_with_holes benchmark // - table copy_filter benchmark // - index benchmarks: for a variety of table sizes, // - insert a row into a table with an index // - delete a row from a table with an index // - seek a row in an index criterion_group!( table, make_table, table_insert_one_row, table_delete_one_row, table_extract_one_row, ); trait IndexedRow: Row + Sized { fn indexed_columns() -> ColList { 0.into() } fn table_name() -> String { std::any::type_name::() .chars() .filter(|c| c.is_alphabetic()) .collect() } /// Don't call this in a loop, it runs validation code. fn make_schema() -> TableSchema { let name = Self::table_name(); let mut builder = RawModuleDefV9Builder::new(); builder .build_table_with_new_type(name.clone(), Self::row_type(), true) .with_index( RawIndexAlgorithm::BTree { columns: Self::indexed_columns(), }, "accessor_name_doesnt_matter", None, ); let def: ModuleDef = builder.finish().try_into().expect("failed to build table schema"); def.table_schema(&name[..], TableId::SENTINEL).unwrap() } fn throughput() -> Throughput { Throughput::Bytes(mem::size_of::() as u64) } fn column_value_from_u64(u: u64) -> AlgebraicValue; } impl IndexedRow for u64 { fn column_value_from_u64(u: u64) -> AlgebraicValue { AlgebraicValue::U64(u) } } impl IndexedRow for U32x8 { fn column_value_from_u64(u: u64) -> AlgebraicValue { AlgebraicValue::U32(u as _) } } impl IndexedRow for U32x64 { fn column_value_from_u64(u: u64) -> AlgebraicValue { AlgebraicValue::U32(u as _) } } impl IndexedRow for Box { fn column_value_from_u64(u: u64) -> AlgebraicValue { AlgebraicValue::String(u.to_string().into()) } fn throughput() -> Throughput { // I'm too lazy to come up with an interface that computes the length of a string // and passes it to throughput. Throughput::Elements(1) } } fn make_table_with_indexes() -> Table { let schema = R::make_schema(); let mut tbl = Table::new(schema.into(), SquashedOffset::COMMITTED_STATE); let cols = R::indexed_columns(); let idx = tbl.new_index(IndexId::SENTINEL, &cols, false).unwrap(); tbl.insert_index(&NullBlobStore, cols, idx); tbl } #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] const TABLE_SIZE_POWERS: [u64; 7] = [0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17]; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] const TABLE_SIZE_POWERS: [u64; 6] = [0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14]; fn powers(ps: [u64; N]) -> [u64; N] {|n| 1 << n) } fn insert_num_same( tbl: &mut Table, mut make_row: impl FnMut() -> R, num_same: usize, ) -> Option { iter::repeat(make_row().to_product()) .take(num_same) .zip(0u32..) .map(|(mut row, n)| { if let Some(slot) = row.elements.get_mut(1) { *slot = n.into(); } tbl.insert(&mut NullBlobStore, &row).map(|(_, row)| row.pointer()).ok() }) .last() .flatten() } fn clear_all_same(tbl: &mut Table, val_same: u64) { let ptrs = tbl .index_seek( &NullBlobStore, &R::indexed_columns(), &R::column_value_from_u64(val_same), ) .unwrap() .map(|r| r.pointer()) .collect::>(); for ptr in ptrs { tbl.delete(&mut NullBlobStore, ptr, |_| ()).unwrap(); } } fn bench_id_for_index(name: &str, num_rows: u64, same_ratio: f64, num_same: usize) -> BenchmarkId { BenchmarkId::new( name, format_args!("(rows = {num_rows}, sratio = {same_ratio}, snum = {num_same})"), ) } fn make_table_with_same_ratio( mut make_row: impl FnMut(u64) -> R, num_rows: u64, same_ratio: f64, ) -> (Table, usize, u64) { let mut tbl = make_table_with_indexes::(); let num_same = (num_rows as f64 * same_ratio) as usize; let num_same = num_same.max(1); let num_diff = num_rows / num_same as u64; for i in 0..num_diff { insert_num_same(&mut tbl, || make_row(i), num_same); } (tbl, num_same, num_diff) } fn index_insert(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_index_insert( mut make_row: impl FnMut(u64) -> R, group: Group<'_, '_>, name: &str, num_rows: u64, same_ratio: f64, ) { let make_row_move = &mut make_row; let (tbl, num_same, _) = make_table_with_same_ratio::(make_row_move, num_rows, same_ratio); let mut ctx = (tbl, NullBlobStore); group.bench_with_input( bench_id_for_index(name, num_rows, same_ratio, num_same), &num_rows, |b, &num_rows| { let pre = |_, (tbl, _): &mut (Table, NullBlobStore)| { clear_all_same::(tbl, num_rows); insert_num_same(tbl, || make_row(num_rows), num_same - 1); make_row(num_rows).to_product() }; iter_time_with(b, &mut ctx, pre, |row, _, (tbl, bs)| { tbl.insert(bs, &row).map(|r| r.1.pointer()) }); }, ); } fn bench_many_table_sizes( mut make_row: impl FnMut(u64) -> R, group: Group<'_, '_>, name: &str, same_ratio: f64, ) { group.throughput(R::throughput()); for num_rows in powers(TABLE_SIZE_POWERS) { bench_index_insert(&mut make_row, group, name, num_rows, same_ratio); } } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("index_insert"); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "u64", 0.0); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.00); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.01); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.05); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.10); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.25); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.50); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 1.00); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x64", 0.0); bench_many_table_sizes::>(|i| i.to_string().into(), &mut group, "String", 0.0); } fn index_seek(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_index_seek( mut make_row: impl FnMut(u64) -> R, group: Group<'_, '_>, name: &str, num_rows: u64, same_ratio: f64, ) { let make_row_move = &mut make_row; let (tbl, num_same, num_diff) = make_table_with_same_ratio::(make_row_move, num_rows, same_ratio); group.bench_with_input( bench_id_for_index(name, num_rows, same_ratio, num_same), &num_diff, |b, &num_diff| { let col_to_seek = black_box(R::column_value_from_u64(num_diff / 2)); let col_ids = black_box(R::indexed_columns()); b.iter_custom(|num_iters| { let mut elapsed =; for _ in 0..num_iters { let (row, none) = time(&mut elapsed, || { let mut iter = black_box(&tbl) .index_seek(&NullBlobStore, &col_ids, &col_to_seek) .unwrap(); (, }); assert!( num_same > 1 || none.is_none(), "Found a second row at {:?}: {:?} (first row is {:?})", none, none.unwrap().to_product_value(), row.unwrap().to_product_value(), ); } elapsed }); }, ); } fn bench_many_table_sizes( mut make_row: impl FnMut(u64) -> R, group: Group<'_, '_>, name: &str, same_ratio: f64, ) { group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(1)); for num_rows in powers(TABLE_SIZE_POWERS) { bench_index_seek(&mut make_row, group, name, num_rows, same_ratio); } } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("index_seek"); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "u64", 0.0); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.00); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.01); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.05); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.10); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.25); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.50); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 1.00); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x64", 0.0); bench_many_table_sizes::>(|i| i.to_string().into(), &mut group, "String", 0.0); } fn index_delete(c: &mut Criterion) { fn bench_index_delete( mut make_row: impl FnMut(u64) -> R, group: Group<'_, '_>, name: &str, num_rows: u64, same_ratio: f64, ) { let make_row_move = &mut make_row; let (mut tbl, num_same, _) = make_table_with_same_ratio::(make_row_move, num_rows, same_ratio); group.bench_with_input( bench_id_for_index(name, num_rows, same_ratio, num_same), &num_rows, |b, &num_rows| { let pre = |_, tbl: &mut Table| { clear_all_same::(tbl, num_rows); insert_num_same(tbl, || make_row(num_rows), num_same).unwrap() }; iter_time_with(b, &mut tbl, pre, |ptr, _, tbl| { tbl.delete(&mut NullBlobStore, ptr, |_| ()) }); }, ); } fn bench_many_table_sizes( mut make_row: impl FnMut(u64) -> R, group: Group<'_, '_>, name: &str, same_ratio: f64, ) { group.throughput(R::throughput()); for num_rows in powers(TABLE_SIZE_POWERS) { bench_index_delete(&mut make_row, group, name, num_rows, same_ratio); } } let mut group = c.benchmark_group("index_delete"); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "u64", 0.0); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.0); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.01); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.05); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.10); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.25); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 0.50); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x8", 1.00); bench_many_table_sizes::(FixedLenRow::from_u64, &mut group, "U32x64", 0.0); bench_many_table_sizes::>(|i| i.to_string().into(), &mut group, "String", 0.0); } criterion_group!(index, index_insert, index_seek, index_delete); criterion_main!(pages, table, index);