use super::{ ArrowType, PathPoint, Point, Sketch, SketchCircle, SketchColor, SketchElement, SketchLine, SketchPath, SketchRectangle, SketchText, Style, }; use cgmath::num_traits::zero; use cgmath::{Bounded, Deg, InnerSpace, Vector2}; use svg::node::element::path::Data; use svg::node::element::{ Circle, Definitions, Group, Line, Marker, Path, Pattern, Rectangle, Text, }; use svg::Document; pub struct SketchConverter { unique_prefix: String, unique_id: u32, patterns: Vec, markers: Vec, } impl SketchConverter { const FILLED_ARROW: &'static str = "filled_arrow"; pub fn new>(unique_prefix: S) -> Self { Self { unique_prefix: unique_prefix.into(), unique_id: 0, patterns: Vec::new(), markers: Vec::new(), } } pub fn get_unique_pattern_id(&mut self) -> String { self.unique_id += 1; format!("{}_pattern{:04}", self.unique_prefix, self.unique_id) } pub fn get_unique_rotation(&mut self) -> Deg { const PATTERN_ROTATION: f64 = 63.512; Deg((self.unique_id as f64) * PATTERN_ROTATION) } pub fn add_pattern(&mut self, pattern: Pattern) { self.patterns.push(pattern) } } fn round(value: f64) -> f64 { const SCALAR: f64 = 40.0; (value * SCALAR).round() / SCALAR } fn round_tuple(x: f64, y: f64) -> (f64, f64) { (round(x), round(y)) } impl SketchConverter { pub fn convert>(unique_prefix: S, sketch: &Sketch) -> Document { let mut svg = Group::new(); let mut converter = SketchConverter::new(unique_prefix); let (mut view_box_min, view_box_max) = Self::get_items_bounding_box(sketch.items.iter().flatten()); view_box_min = sketch.view_box_min.unwrap_or(view_box_min); let view_box_max = sketch.view_box_max.unwrap_or(view_box_max); let mut dimensions = view_box_max - view_box_min; let offset = dimensions * sketch.relative_padding; view_box_min -= offset; dimensions += offset * 2.0; let background_rectangle = Rectangle::new() .set("x", view_box_min.x) .set("y", view_box_min.y) .set("width", "100%") .set("height", "100%") .set("style", converter)); for element in sketch.items.iter().flatten() { svg = converter.convert_item(svg, element); } let mut definitions = Definitions::new(); for pattern in &converter.patterns { definitions = definitions.add(pattern.clone()); } for marker in &converter.markers { definitions = definitions.add(marker.clone()); } let mut document = Document::new().set("width", sketch.width); if let Some(height) = sketch.height { document = document.set("height", height) } document .set( "viewBox", format!( "{} {} {} {}", view_box_min.x, view_box_min.y, dimensions.x, dimensions.y ), ) .set("xmlns:xlink", "") .add(definitions) .add(background_rectangle) .add(svg) } fn convert_item(&mut self, svg: Group, element: &SketchElement) -> Group { match element { SketchElement::Text(SketchText { text, position, font_size, horizontal_alignment, angle, dy, style, }) => { let mut text = Text::new(text) .set("x", position.x) .set("y", position.y) .set("style", style.get_attribute_string(self)) .set("font-size", *font_size) .set( "transform", format!( "translate ({} {}) rotate ({}) translate({} {})", position.x, position.y, angle.0, -position.x, -position.y ), ) .set("dy", *dy); if let Some(alignment) = horizontal_alignment { text = text.set("text-anchor", alignment.get_svg_value()) } svg.add(text) } SketchElement::Circle(SketchCircle { center, radius, style, }) => svg.add( Circle::new() .set("cx", round(center.x)) .set("cy", round(center.y)) .set("r", round(*radius)) .set("style", style.get_attribute_string(self)), ), SketchElement::Rectangle(SketchRectangle { c0, c1, style }) => svg.add( Rectangle::new() .set("x", round(c0.x)) .set("y", round(c0.y)) .set("width", round(c1.x - c0.x)) .set("height", round(c1.y - c0.y)) .set("style", style.get_attribute_string(self)), ), SketchElement::Path(SketchPath { data_points, style }) => { let mut data = Data::new(); for point in data_points { match point { PathPoint::MoveTo(point) => { data = data.move_to(round_tuple(point.x, point.y)) } PathPoint::MoveBy(vector) => { data = data.move_by(round_tuple(vector.x, vector.y)) } PathPoint::LineTo(point) => { data = data.line_to(round_tuple(point.x, point.y)) } PathPoint::LineBy(vector) => { data = data.line_by(round_tuple(vector.x, vector.y)) } PathPoint::ArcTo { radii, rotation, large_arc, sweep, to, } => { data = data.elliptical_arc_to(( radii.x, radii.y, rotation.0, i32::from(*large_arc), i32::from(*sweep), to.x, to.y, )); } PathPoint::Close => data = data.close(), } } let path = Path::new() .set("d", data) .set("style", style.get_attribute_string(self)); svg.add(path) } SketchElement::Line(SketchLine { from, to, draw_double_line, style, shift_from, shift_to, }) => { let normalized = (to - from).normalize(); let from = from - normalized * *shift_from; let to = to + normalized * *shift_to; if *draw_double_line { const FILLED_ARROW_CLEARANCE: f64 = 0.7; const HALF_ARROW_CLEARANCE: f64 = 2.5; let mut end_marker_clearance = zero(); let mut start_marker_clearance = zero(); match style.marker_end { Some(ArrowType::FilledArrow) => { end_marker_clearance = normalized * FILLED_ARROW_CLEARANCE; } Some(ArrowType::HalfArrow) => { start_marker_clearance = normalized * HALF_ARROW_CLEARANCE; } None => {} } match style.marker_start { Some(ArrowType::FilledArrow) => { start_marker_clearance += normalized * FILLED_ARROW_CLEARANCE; } Some(ArrowType::HalfArrow) => { end_marker_clearance += normalized * HALF_ARROW_CLEARANCE; } None => {} } let perpendicular = Vector2::new(normalized.y, -normalized.x); let line_width = style.stroke_width.unwrap_or(1.0); let offset = perpendicular * line_width * 0.8; let with_line = self.add_svg_line( svg, from - offset + end_marker_clearance, to - offset - start_marker_clearance, style, ); self.add_svg_line( with_line, to + offset - end_marker_clearance, from + offset + start_marker_clearance, style, ) } else { self.add_svg_line(svg, from, to, style) } } } } fn add_svg_line(&mut self, svg: Group, from: Point, to: Point, style: &Style) -> Group { svg.add( Line::new() .set("x1", round(from.x)) .set("y1", round(from.y)) .set("x2", round(to.x)) .set("y2", round(to.y)) .set("style", style.get_attribute_string(self)), ) } fn get_items_bounding_box<'a, I: Iterator>( items: I, ) -> (Point, Point) { let mut min = Point::max_value(); let mut max = Point::min_value(); for item in items { let (item_min, item_max) = Self::get_item_bounding_box(item); min =, f64::min); max =, f64::max); } (min, max) } fn get_item_bounding_box(item: &SketchElement) -> (Point, Point) { match item { SketchElement::Text(SketchText { text, position, font_size, .. }) => { const HEIGHT_MULTIPLIER: f64 = 80.0; const WIDTH_MULTIPLIER: f64 = 10.5; let font_size_scale = font_size / 100.0; let char_len = text.chars().count() as f64; let dimensions = Vector2::new(WIDTH_MULTIPLIER * char_len, HEIGHT_MULTIPLIER) * font_size_scale; ( Point::new(position.x, position.y - dimensions.y), Point::new(position.x + dimensions.x, position.y), ) } SketchElement::Circle(SketchCircle { center, radius, .. }) => { let offset = Vector2::new(*radius, *radius); (center - offset, center + offset) } SketchElement::Rectangle(rect) => (rect.c0, rect.c1), SketchElement::Path(SketchPath { data_points, .. }) => { let mut min = Point::max_value(); let mut max = Point::min_value(); let mut last_point = None; let mut loop_start = None; for data_point in data_points { last_point = match data_point { PathPoint::MoveTo(point) => { loop_start = Some(*point); loop_start } PathPoint::MoveBy(vector) => { loop_start = Some( last_point.expect("MoveBy must not be the first path element") + vector, ); loop_start } PathPoint::LineTo(point) => { if last_point.is_none() { panic!("Path must start with a move command"); } Some(*point) } PathPoint::LineBy(vector) => { Some(last_point.expect("Path must start with a move command") + vector) } PathPoint::ArcTo { to, .. } => Some(*to), PathPoint::Close => loop_start, }; if let Some(last_point) = last_point { min =, f64::min); max =, f64::max); } } (min, max) } SketchElement::Line(SketchLine { from, to, .. }) => { (*to, f64::min),*to, f64::max)) } } } pub fn add_arrowhead( &mut self, style: &Style, arrow_type: ArrowType, flip_arrow: bool, ) -> String { self.unique_id += 1; let arrow_url = format!( "{}_{}{:04}", self.unique_prefix, Self::FILLED_ARROW, self.unique_id ); let mut path = match arrow_type { ArrowType::FilledArrow => Path::new().set( "d", Data::new() .move_to((0.0, 0.0)) .line_to((5.0, 1.5)) .line_to((0.0, 3.0)) .close(), ), ArrowType::HalfArrow => Path::new().set( "d", Data::new() .move_to((1.0, 0.0)) .line_to((4.0, 0.0)) .line_to((0.0, 2.0)) .close(), ), }; if flip_arrow { path = path.set("transform", "scale(-1 1) translate (-5 0)"); } let mut marker = Marker::new() .set("id", arrow_url.clone()) .set("markerWidth", 5) .set("markerHeight", 3) .set("stroke", "none") .set("orient", "auto") .set( "fill", style.stroke_color.unwrap_or(SketchColor::BLACK).to_string(), ) .add(path); marker = match arrow_type { ArrowType::FilledArrow => marker .set("refX", if flip_arrow { 4.9 } else { 0.1 }) .set("refY", 1.5), ArrowType::HalfArrow => marker .set("refX", if flip_arrow { 4.0 } else { 1.0 }) .set("refY", 0.5), }; self.markers.push(marker); arrow_url } }