% title: Hyphenation patterns for Dutch % copyright: Copyright (C) 1996 Piet Tutelaers % notice: This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package. % See http://www.hyphenation.org/tex for more information. % language: % name: Dutch % tag: nl % version: 1.1 (November 1996) % licence: % name: LPPL % version: 1 % or_later: true % url: https://latex-project.org/lppl/ % authors: % - Piet Tutelaers P.T.H.Tutelaers (at) tue.nl % changes: % - Version 1.1 November 1996 % - Copyright changed March 2000 % ========================================== % PURPOSE: 8-bit hyphenation patterns for TeX based upon the new Dutch % spelling, officially since 1 August 1996. These patterns follow % the new hyphenation rules in the ‘Woordenlijst Nederlandse % Taal, SDU Uitgevers, Den Haag 1995’ (the so called ‘Groene % Boekje’) described in section 5.2 (Het afbreekteken). % % The main differences with our earlier patterns based upon the % CELEX dictionary are: % (1) provide 8-bit patterns based upon the T1 character encoding % (the encoding for DC/EC compatible TeX fonts) % (2) don’t hyphenate if this results in a syllable of one letter % before or after the hyphen (hence hyphens in a-drenaline, % studi-o, mensa-pen and vide-oachtig are invalid) % (3) handle words derived from other languages (‘bastaard % woorden’) according to the new rules % % Like the CELEX patterns these patterns don’t hyphenate: % (4) in a changing syllable (menuutje can not be hyphenated as % menu-tje) % (5) in words that have different hyphenations according to % there meaning (buur-tje/buurt-je) %