use crate::math::{Matrix, Real, Vector, DIM}; #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] use na::ComplexField; #[cfg_attr(feature = "cuda", derive(cust_core::DeviceCopy))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialize", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(C)] pub struct DruckerPragerPlasticity { pub h0: Real, pub h1: Real, pub h2: Real, pub h3: Real, pub lambda: Real, pub mu: Real, pub only_active_when_failed: bool, } impl DruckerPragerPlasticity { pub fn new(young_modulus: Real, poisson_ration: Real) -> Self { let (lambda, mu) = crate::utils::lame_lambda_mu(young_modulus, poisson_ration); DruckerPragerPlasticity { h0: (35.0 as Real).to_radians(), h1: (9.0 as Real).to_radians(), h2: 0.2, h3: (10.0 as Real).to_radians(), lambda, mu, only_active_when_failed: false, } } pub fn project_deformation_gradient( &self, singular_values: Vector, log_vol_gain: Real, alpha: Real, ) -> Option<(Vector, Real)> { let d = DIM as Real; let strain =|e| e.ln()) + Vector::repeat(log_vol_gain / d); let strain_trace = strain.sum(); let deviatoric_strain = strain - Vector::repeat(strain_trace / d); if deviatoric_strain == Vector::zeros() || strain_trace > 0.0 { return Some((Vector::repeat(1.0), strain.norm())); } let gamma = deviatoric_strain.norm() + (d * self.lambda + 2.0 * / (2.0 * * strain_trace * alpha; if gamma <= 0.0 { return None; } let h = strain - gamma * deviatoric_strain.normalize(); Some((|e| e.exp()), gamma)) } fn alpha(&self, q: Real) -> Real { let angle = self.h0 + (self.h1 * q - self.h3) * (-self.h2 * q).exp(); let s_angle = angle.sin(); (2.0 as Real / 3.0).sqrt() * (2.0 * s_angle) / (3.0 - s_angle) } pub fn update_particle( &self, particle_phase: Real, particle_deformation_gradient: &mut Matrix, particle_plastic_deformation_gradient_det: &mut Real, particle_plastic_hardening: &mut Real, particle_log_vol_gain: &mut Real, ) { if self.only_active_when_failed && particle_phase != 0.0 { return; } let mut svd = particle_deformation_gradient.svd_unordered(true, true); let alpha = self.alpha(*particle_plastic_hardening); if let Some((new_singular_values, dq)) = self.project_deformation_gradient(svd.singular_values, *particle_log_vol_gain, alpha) { let prev_det = svd.singular_values.product(); let new_det = new_singular_values.product(); *particle_plastic_deformation_gradient_det *= prev_det / new_det; *particle_log_vol_gain += prev_det.ln() - new_det.ln(); svd.singular_values = new_singular_values; *particle_plastic_hardening += dq; // TODO: Is it OK to store this here? *particle_deformation_gradient = svd.recompose().unwrap(); } // Else, do nothing because we are inside of the yield surface. } }