use crate::gpu_collider::{GpuCollider, GpuColliderSet}; use crate::gpu_grid::{GpuGrid, GpuGridNode, GpuGridProjectionStatus}; use crate::BlockHeaderId; use cuda_std::thread; use cuda_std::*; use na::{vector, Unit}; use sparkl_core::dynamics::solver::BoundaryHandling; use sparkl_core::math::{Point, Real, Vector}; #[kernel] // NOTE: must be called with 4x4x4 (in 3D) or 4x4 (in 2D) threads per block. pub unsafe fn grid_update( dt: Real, mut next_grid: GpuGrid, colliders_ptr: *const GpuCollider, num_colliders: usize, gravity: Vector, ) { let bid = BlockHeaderId(thread::block_idx_x()); #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let shift = vector![ thread::thread_idx_x() as usize, thread::thread_idx_y() as usize ]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let shift = vector![ thread::thread_idx_x() as usize, thread::thread_idx_y() as usize, thread::thread_idx_z() as usize ]; let block = next_grid.active_block_unchecked(bid); let cell_packed_id = bid.to_physical().node_id_unchecked(shift); let cell_pos_int = block.virtual_id.unpack_pos_on_signed_grid() * 4 + shift.cast::(); let cell_width = next_grid.cell_width(); if let Some(cell) = next_grid.get_node_mut(cell_packed_id) { let cell_pos = cell_pos_int.cast::() * cell_width; let collider_set = GpuColliderSet { ptr: colliders_ptr, len: num_colliders, }; update_single_cell( dt, cell, cell_pos.into(), cell_width, &collider_set, gravity, ) } } fn update_single_cell( dt: Real, cell: &mut GpuGridNode, cell_pos: Point, cell_width: Real, colliders: &GpuColliderSet, gravity: Vector, ) { let mut cell_velocity = (cell.momentum_velocity + cell.mass * gravity * dt) * sparkl_core::utils::inv_exact(cell.mass); if cell.projection_status == GpuGridProjectionStatus::NotComputed { let mut best_proj = None; for (i, collider) in colliders.iter().enumerate() { if collider.grid_boundary_handling == BoundaryHandling::None { continue; } if let Some(proj) = collider.shape.project_point_with_max_dist( &collider.position, &cell_pos, false, cell_width * 2.0, ) { let projection_scaled_dir = cell_pos - proj.point; let projection_dist = projection_scaled_dir.norm(); if projection_dist <|(_, dist, _, _)| dist).unwrap_or(Real::MAX) { best_proj = Some((projection_scaled_dir, projection_dist, proj.is_inside, i)); } } } if let Some((scaled_dir, _, is_inside, id)) = best_proj { cell.projection_status = if is_inside { GpuGridProjectionStatus::Inside(id) } else { GpuGridProjectionStatus::Outside(id) }; cell.projection_scaled_dir = scaled_dir; } else { cell.projection_status = GpuGridProjectionStatus::TooFar; } } match cell.projection_status { GpuGridProjectionStatus::Inside(collider_id) | GpuGridProjectionStatus::Outside(collider_id) => { let is_inside = matches!(cell.projection_status, GpuGridProjectionStatus::Inside(_)); let collider = colliders.get(collider_id).unwrap(); match collider.grid_boundary_handling { BoundaryHandling::Stick => { if is_inside { cell_velocity = na::zero(); } } BoundaryHandling::Friction | BoundaryHandling::FrictionZUp => { if let Some((mut normal, dist)) = Unit::try_new_and_get(cell.projection_scaled_dir, 1.0e-5) { if is_inside { normal = -normal; } #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let apply_friction = true; // In 2D, Friction and FrictionZUp act the same. #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let apply_friction = collider.grid_boundary_handling == BoundaryHandling::Friction || (collider.grid_boundary_handling == BoundaryHandling::FrictionZUp && normal.z >= 0.0); if apply_friction { let normal_vel =; if normal_vel < 0.0 { let dist_with_margin = dist - cell_width; if is_inside || dist_with_margin <= 0.0 { let tangent_vel = cell_velocity - normal_vel * normal.into_inner(); let tangent_vel_norm = tangent_vel.norm(); cell_velocity = tangent_vel; if tangent_vel_norm > 1.0e-10 { let friction = collider.friction; cell_velocity = tangent_vel / tangent_vel_norm * (tangent_vel_norm + normal_vel * friction).max(0.0); } } else if -normal_vel * dt > dist_with_margin { cell_velocity -= (dist_with_margin / dt + normal_vel) * normal.into_inner(); } } } } } BoundaryHandling::None => {} } } _ => {} } cell.momentum_velocity = cell_velocity; cell.psi_momentum_velocity *= sparkl_core::utils::inv_exact(cell.psi_mass); }