use crate::math::{Matrix, Real, Vector, DIM}; use na::vector; #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] use na::ComplexField; /// The Non-Associated-Cam-Clay plasticity model. #[cfg_attr(feature = "cuda", derive(cust_core::DeviceCopy))] #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde-serialize", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))] #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] #[repr(C)] pub struct NaccPlasticity { mu: Real, kappa: Real, hardening_enabled: bool, hardening_factor: Real, // xi cohesion: Real, // beta friction: Real, // M } impl NaccPlasticity { pub fn new( young_modulus: Real, poisson_ratio: Real, cohesion: Real, hardening_enabled: bool, hardening_factor: Real, friction_angle: Real, ) -> Self { let sin_f = friction_angle.sin(); let d = DIM as Real; Self { mu: crate::utils::shear_modulus(young_modulus, poisson_ratio), kappa: crate::utils::bulk_modulus(young_modulus, poisson_ratio), hardening_enabled, hardening_factor, cohesion, friction: (2.0 as Real / 3.0).sqrt() * 2.0 * sin_f / (3.0 - sin_f) * d / (2.0 / (6.0 - d)).sqrt(), } } pub fn with_m( young_modulus: Real, poisson_ratio: Real, cohesion: Real, hardening_enabled: bool, hardening_factor: Real, m: Real, ) -> Self { Self { mu: crate::utils::shear_modulus(young_modulus, poisson_ratio), kappa: crate::utils::bulk_modulus(young_modulus, poisson_ratio), hardening_enabled, hardening_factor, cohesion, friction: m, } } pub fn project_deformation_gradient( &self, deformation_gradient: Matrix, mut alpha: Real, ) -> (Matrix, Real) { let xi = self.hardening_factor; let beta = self.cohesion; let m = self.friction; let d = DIM as Real; let mut svd = deformation_gradient.svd_unordered(true, true); let square_eigv = svd.singular_values.component_mul(&svd.singular_values); let square_eigv_trace = square_eigv.sum(); let p0 = self.kappa * (1.0e-5 + ((xi * (-alpha).max(0.0)).sinh())); #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let j_e_tr = svd.singular_values[0] * svd.singular_values[1]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let j_e_tr = svd.singular_values[0] * svd.singular_values[1] * svd.singular_values[2]; let s_tr = * j_e_tr.powf(-2.0 / d) * (square_eigv - Vector::repeat(square_eigv_trace / d)); let psi_kappa = self.kappa / 2.0 * (j_e_tr - 1.0 / j_e_tr); let p_tr = -psi_kappa * j_e_tr; if p_tr > p0 { // Project to max tip of the yield surface. let j_e_n1 = (-2.0 * p0 / self.kappa + 1.0).sqrt(); svd.singular_values.fill(j_e_n1.powf(1.0 / d)); if self.hardening_enabled { alpha += (j_e_tr / j_e_n1).ln(); } // info!("Return a: {} > {}", p_tr, p0); return (svd.recompose().unwrap(), alpha); } if p_tr < -beta * p0 { // Project to min tip of the yield surface. let j_e_n1 = (2.0 * beta * p0 / self.kappa + 1.0).sqrt(); svd.singular_values.fill(j_e_n1.powf(1.0 / d)); if self.hardening_enabled { alpha += (j_e_tr / j_e_n1).ln(); } // info!("Retrun B"); return (svd.recompose().unwrap(), alpha); } let y0 = (1.0 + 2.0 * beta) * ((6.0 - d) / 2.0); let y1 = m * m * (p_tr + beta * p0) * (p_tr - p0); let y = y0 * s_tr.norm_squared() + y1; if y < 1.0e-4 { // Inside the yield surface. return (deformation_gradient, alpha); } if self.hardening_enabled && p0 > 1.0e-4 && p_tr < p0 - 1.0e-4 && p_tr > -beta * p0 + 1.0e-4 { // Hardening routine. let p_c = (1.0 - beta) * p0 / 2.0; let q_tr = ((6.0 - d) / 2.0).sqrt() * s_tr.norm(); let direction = vector![p_c - p_tr, 0.0 - q_tr]; let direction = direction.normalize(); let c = m * m * (p_c + beta * p0) * (p_c - p0); let b = m * m * direction[0] * (2.0 * p_c - p0 + beta * p0); let a = m * m * direction[0] * direction[0] + (1.0 + 2.0 * beta) * direction[1] * direction[1]; let discr = (b * b - 4.0 * a * c).sqrt(); let l1 = (-b + discr) / (2.0 * a); let l2 = (-b - discr) / (2.0 * a); let p1 = p_c + l1 * direction[0]; let p2 = p_c + l2 * direction[0]; let p_x = if (p_tr - p_c) * (p1 - p_c) > 0.0 { p1 } else { p2 }; let j_e_x = (-2.0 * p_x / self.kappa + 1.0).abs().sqrt(); if j_e_x > 1.0e-4 { alpha += (j_e_tr / j_e_x).ln(); } } // Yield surface projection. let b_e_n1 = (-y1 / y0).sqrt() * (j_e_tr.powf(2.0 / d) / * s_tr.normalize() + Vector::repeat(square_eigv_trace / d); svd.singular_values =|e| e.sqrt()); // info!("Retrun D"); return (svd.recompose().unwrap(), alpha); } pub fn update_particle( &self, particle_deformation_gradient: &mut Matrix, particle_nacc_alpha: &mut Real, ) { let (new_def, new_alpha) = self.project_deformation_gradient(*particle_deformation_gradient, *particle_nacc_alpha); *particle_deformation_gradient = new_def; *particle_nacc_alpha = new_alpha; } }