use crate::cuda::atomic::{AtomicAdd, AtomicInt}; use crate::cuda::{DefaultParticleUpdater, ParticleUpdater}; use crate::gpu_grid::{GpuGrid, GpuGridProjectionStatus}; use crate::{ BlockVirtualId, GpuCollider, GpuColliderSet, GpuParticleModel, NBH_SHIFTS, NBH_SHIFTS_SHARED, NUM_CELL_PER_BLOCK, }; use cuda_std::thread; use cuda_std::*; use nalgebra::vector; use sparkl_core::math::{Kernel, Matrix, Real, Vector}; use sparkl_core::prelude::{ DamageModel, ParticlePhase, ParticlePosition, ParticleStatus, ParticleVelocity, ParticleVolume, }; #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] const NUM_SHARED_CELLS: usize = (4 * 4) * (2 * 2); #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] const NUM_SHARED_CELLS: usize = (4 * 4 * 4) * (2 * 2 * 2); const FREE: u32 = u32::MAX; struct GridGatherData { prev_mass: Real, mass: Real, momentum: Vector, velocity: Vector, psi_mass: Real, psi_momentum: Real, psi_velocity: Real, projection_scaled_dir: Vector, projection_status: GpuGridProjectionStatus, // NOTE: right now we are using a manually implemented lock, based on // integer atomics exchange, to avoid float atomics on shared memory // which are super slow. // If we are to remove this lock at some point in the future, it may be // worth just renaming it to `_padding: u32` instead of just removing it. // This extra padding seems to improve performance (we should investigate // why, perhaps a bank conflict thing). lock: u32, } pub struct InterpolatedParticleData { pub velocity: Vector, pub velocity_gradient: Matrix, pub psi_pos_momentum: Real, pub velocity_gradient_det: Real, pub projection_scaled_dir: Vector, pub projection_status: GpuGridProjectionStatus, } impl Default for InterpolatedParticleData { fn default() -> Self { Self { velocity: na::zero(), velocity_gradient: na::zero(), psi_pos_momentum: na::zero(), velocity_gradient_det: na::zero(), projection_scaled_dir: na::zero(), projection_status: GpuGridProjectionStatus::NotComputed, } } } #[kernel] pub unsafe fn g2p2g( dt: Real, colliders_ptr: *const GpuCollider, num_colliders: usize, particles_status: *mut ParticleStatus, particles_pos: *mut ParticlePosition, particles_vel: *mut ParticleVelocity, particles_volume: *mut ParticleVolume, particles_phase: *mut ParticlePhase, sorted_particle_ids: *const u32, models: *mut GpuParticleModel, curr_grid: GpuGrid, next_grid: GpuGrid, damage_model: DamageModel, halo: bool, ) { g2p2g_generic( dt, colliders_ptr, num_colliders, particles_status, particles_pos, particles_vel, particles_volume, particles_phase, sorted_particle_ids, curr_grid, next_grid, damage_model, halo, DefaultParticleUpdater { models }, ) } // This MUST be called with a block size equal to G2P2G_THREADS pub unsafe fn g2p2g_generic( dt: Real, colliders_ptr: *const GpuCollider, num_colliders: usize, particles_status: *mut ParticleStatus, particles_pos: *mut ParticlePosition, particles_vel: *mut ParticleVelocity, particles_volume: *mut ParticleVolume, particles_phase: *mut ParticlePhase, sorted_particle_ids: *const u32, curr_grid: GpuGrid, mut next_grid: GpuGrid, damage_model: DamageModel, halo: bool, particle_updater: impl ParticleUpdater, ) { let shared_nodes = shared_array![GridGatherData; NUM_SHARED_CELLS]; let bid = thread::block_idx_x(); let tid = thread::thread_idx_x(); let dispatch2active = if halo { next_grid.dispatch_halo_block_to_active_block } else { next_grid.dispatch_block_to_active_block }; let collider_set = GpuColliderSet { ptr: colliders_ptr, len: num_colliders, }; let dispatch_block_to_active_block = *dispatch2active.as_ptr().add(bid as usize); let active_block = *next_grid.active_block_unchecked(dispatch_block_to_active_block.active_block_id); transfer_global_blocks_to_shared_memory(shared_nodes, &curr_grid, active_block.virtual_id); // Sync after shared memory initialization. thread::sync_threads(); if dispatch_block_to_active_block.first_particle + tid < active_block.first_particle + active_block.num_particles { let particle_id = *sorted_particle_ids .add((dispatch_block_to_active_block.first_particle + tid) as usize); let mut particle_status_i = *particles_status.add(particle_id as usize); let mut particle_pos_i = *particles_pos.add(particle_id as usize); let mut particle_vel_i = *particles_vel.add(particle_id as usize); let mut particle_volume_i = *particles_volume.add(particle_id as usize); let mut particle_phase_i = *particles_phase.add(particle_id as usize); particle_g2p2g( dt, particle_id, &collider_set, &mut particle_status_i, &mut particle_pos_i, &mut particle_vel_i, &mut particle_volume_i, &mut particle_phase_i, shared_nodes, next_grid.cell_width(), damage_model, particle_updater, ); *particles_status.add(particle_id as usize) = particle_status_i; *particles_pos.add(particle_id as usize) = particle_pos_i; *particles_vel.add(particle_id as usize) = particle_vel_i; *particles_volume.add(particle_id as usize) = particle_volume_i; *particles_phase.add(particle_id as usize) = particle_phase_i; } // Sync before writeback. thread::sync_threads(); transfer_shared_blocks_to_grid(shared_nodes, &mut next_grid, active_block.virtual_id); } unsafe fn particle_g2p2g( dt: Real, particle_id: u32, colliders: &GpuColliderSet, particle_status: &mut ParticleStatus, particle_pos: &mut ParticlePosition, particle_vel: &mut ParticleVelocity, particle_volume: &mut ParticleVolume, particle_phase: &mut ParticlePhase, shared_nodes: *mut GridGatherData, cell_width: Real, _damage_model: DamageModel, particle_updater: impl ParticleUpdater, ) { let tid = thread::thread_idx_x(); let inv_d = Kernel::inv_d(cell_width); let ref_elt_pos_minus_particle_pos = particle_pos.dir_to_associated_grid_node(cell_width); // APIC grid-to-particle transfer. let mut interpolated_data = InterpolatedParticleData::default(); let w = Kernel::precompute_weights(ref_elt_pos_minus_particle_pos, cell_width); let assoc_cell_before_integration =|e| (e / cell_width).round()); let assoc_cell_index_in_block = particle_pos.associated_cell_index_in_block_off_by_two(cell_width); #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let packed_cell_index_in_block = (assoc_cell_index_in_block.x + 1) + (assoc_cell_index_in_block.y + 1) * 8; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let packed_cell_index_in_block = (assoc_cell_index_in_block.x + 1) + (assoc_cell_index_in_block.y + 1) * 8 + (assoc_cell_index_in_block.z + 1) * 8 * 8; let midcell_mass = { let midcell = &*shared_nodes .add(packed_cell_index_in_block as usize + NBH_SHIFTS_SHARED.last().unwrap()); midcell.prev_mass }; let artificial_pressure_stiffness = particle_updater.artificial_pressure_stiffness(); let mut artificial_pressure_force = Vector::zeros(); for (shift, packed_shift) in NBH_SHIFTS.iter().zip(NBH_SHIFTS_SHARED.iter()) { let dpt = ref_elt_pos_minus_particle_pos + shift.cast::() * cell_width; #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let weight = w[0][shift.x] * w[1][shift.y]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let weight = w[0][shift.x] * w[1][shift.y] * w[2][shift.z]; let cell = &*shared_nodes.add(packed_cell_index_in_block as usize + packed_shift); interpolated_data.velocity += weight * cell.velocity; interpolated_data.velocity_gradient += (weight * inv_d) * cell.velocity * dpt.transpose(); interpolated_data.psi_pos_momentum += weight * cell.psi_velocity; interpolated_data.velocity_gradient_det += weight * * inv_d; // TODO: should this artificial pressure thing be part of another crate instead of the // "main" g2p2g kernel? if artificial_pressure_stiffness != 0.0 && !particle_status.is_static && cell.projection_status.is_outside() { artificial_pressure_force += weight * (midcell_mass - cell.prev_mass) * dpt * artificial_pressure_stiffness; } } { let shift = NBH_SHIFTS[NBH_SHIFTS.len() - 1]; let packed_shift = NBH_SHIFTS_SHARED[NBH_SHIFTS_SHARED.len() - 1]; let dpt = ref_elt_pos_minus_particle_pos + shift.cast::() * cell_width; let cell = &*shared_nodes.add(packed_cell_index_in_block as usize + packed_shift); let proj_norm = cell.projection_scaled_dir.norm(); if proj_norm > 1.0e-5 { let normal = cell.projection_scaled_dir / proj_norm; interpolated_data.projection_scaled_dir = cell.projection_scaled_dir - normal *; if < 0.0 { interpolated_data.projection_status = cell.projection_status.flip(); } else { interpolated_data.projection_status = cell.projection_status; } } } if let Some((stress, force)) = particle_updater.update_particle_and_compute_kirchhoff_stress( dt, cell_width, colliders, particle_id, particle_status, particle_pos, particle_vel, particle_volume, particle_phase, &mut interpolated_data, ) { let inv_d = Kernel::inv_d(cell_width); let ref_elt_pos_minus_particle_pos = particle_pos.dir_to_associated_grid_node(cell_width); let w = Kernel::precompute_weights(ref_elt_pos_minus_particle_pos, cell_width); let affine = particle_volume.mass * interpolated_data.velocity_gradient - (particle_volume.volume0 * inv_d * dt) * stress; let momentum = particle_volume.mass * particle_vel.vector + (force + artificial_pressure_force) * dt; let psi_mass = if particle_phase.phase > 0.0 && !particle_status.failed { particle_volume.mass } else { 0.0 }; let psi_pos_momentum = psi_mass * particle_phase.psi_pos; let assoc_cell_after_integration =|e| (e / cell_width).round()); let particle_cell_movement = (assoc_cell_after_integration - assoc_cell_before_integration).map(|e| e as i64); #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let packed_cell_index_in_block = (packed_cell_index_in_block as i64 + (particle_cell_movement.x) + (particle_cell_movement.y) * 8) as u32; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let packed_cell_index_in_block = (packed_cell_index_in_block as i64 + (particle_cell_movement.x) + (particle_cell_movement.y) * 8 + (particle_cell_movement.z) * 8 * 8) as u32; for (shift, packed_shift) in NBH_SHIFTS.iter().zip(NBH_SHIFTS_SHARED.iter()) { let dpt = ref_elt_pos_minus_particle_pos + shift.cast::() * cell_width; #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let weight = w[0][shift.x] * w[1][shift.y]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let weight = w[0][shift.x] * w[1][shift.y] * w[2][shift.z]; let added_mass = weight * particle_volume.mass; let added_momentum = weight * (affine * dpt + momentum); let added_psi_momentum = weight * psi_pos_momentum; let added_psi_mass = weight * psi_mass; // NOTE: float atomics on shared memory are super slow because they are not // hardware accelerated yet. So we implement a manual lock instead, which seems // much faster in practice (because atomic exchange on integers are hardware-accelerated // on shared memory). let cell = &mut *shared_nodes.add(packed_cell_index_in_block as usize + packed_shift); loop { let old = cell.lock.shared_atomic_exch_acq(tid); if old == FREE { cell.mass += added_mass; cell.momentum += added_momentum; cell.psi_momentum += added_psi_momentum; cell.psi_mass += added_psi_mass; cell.lock.shared_atomic_exch_rel(FREE); break; } } /* // TODO: shared float atomics are much slower than global float atomics. cell.mass.shared_red_add(weight * particle.mass); cell.momentum .shared_red_add(weight * (affine * dpt + momentum)); cell.psi_momentum.shared_red_add(weight * psi_pos_momentum); cell.psi_mass.shared_red_add(weight * psi_mass); */ } } } unsafe fn transfer_global_blocks_to_shared_memory( shared_nodes: *mut GridGatherData, curr_grid: &GpuGrid, active_block_vid: BlockVirtualId, ) { let tid = thread::thread_idx_x(); let blk_sz = thread::block_dim_x(); // There are less threads than the size of the allocated shared memory. // So a single thread has to initialize/writeback several cells between // shared and global memory. let num_cell_per_thread = NUM_SHARED_CELLS / blk_sz as usize; // The contiguous index, in the (4x4x4) * (2x2x2) shared memory blocks, of the first cell // managed by this thread for the shared <-> global memory transfers. From the point of view // of thread indexing, we give cells within the same (4x4x4) sub-block contiguous indices. let first_transfer_cell_id = tid as u64 * num_cell_per_thread as u64; // Identify block/octant that will be touched by this thread during the shared <-> global memory transfers. // Note that thanks to the kernel launch dimensions have to be arranged in such a way that all // the cells addressed by this thread and contiguous in memory and belong to the same octant. let octant = first_transfer_cell_id / NUM_CELL_PER_BLOCK; assert!(octant < 8); #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let octant = vector![(octant & 0b0001) >> 0, (octant & 0b0010) >> 1]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let octant = vector![ (octant & 0b0001) >> 0, (octant & 0b0010) >> 1, (octant & 0b0100) >> 2 ]; let base_block_pos_int = active_block_vid.unpack(); let octant_hid = curr_grid.get_header_block_id(BlockVirtualId::pack( base_block_pos_int + octant.cast::(), )); // It’s interesting to observe that replacing blk_sz by G2P2G_THREADS actually // makes the simulation slower. // TODO: investigate why. Maybe because some unwanted automatic loop unrolling are happening? let num_cell_per_thread = NUM_SHARED_CELLS / blk_sz as usize; // This is the index of the first cell managed by this thread, inside of the (4x4x4) block // identified by the octant. let first_cell_in_octant = (tid as u64 * num_cell_per_thread as u64) % NUM_CELL_PER_BLOCK; if let Some(octant_hid) = octant_hid { for id in first_cell_in_octant..first_cell_in_octant + num_cell_per_thread as u64 { // Compute the (x,y,z) integer coordinates of the cell addressed by this thread, // within the (4x4x4) block. #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let shift_in_octant = vector![id & 0b0011, (id >> 2) & 0b0011]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let shift_in_octant = vector![id & 0b0011, (id >> 2) & 0b0011, id >> 4]; // Compute the corresponding cell in the shared memory (4x4x4) * (2x2x2) buffer. let shift_in_shared = octant * 4 + shift_in_octant; // Flatten the shared memory index. #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let id_in_shared = shift_in_shared.x + shift_in_shared.y * 8; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let id_in_shared = shift_in_shared.x + shift_in_shared.y * 8 + shift_in_shared.z * 8 * 8; // Flatten the shared global_memory_index. let id_in_global = octant_hid .to_physical() .node_id_unchecked(shift_in_octant.cast::()); let shared_node = &mut *shared_nodes.add(id_in_shared as usize); if let Some(global_node) = curr_grid.get_node(id_in_global) { shared_node.velocity = global_node.momentum_velocity; shared_node.psi_velocity = global_node.psi_momentum_velocity; shared_node.projection_scaled_dir = global_node.projection_scaled_dir; shared_node.projection_status = global_node.projection_status; shared_node.prev_mass = global_node.prev_mass; } else { shared_node.velocity = na::zero(); shared_node.psi_velocity = na::zero(); shared_node.projection_scaled_dir = na::zero(); shared_node.projection_status = GpuGridProjectionStatus::NotComputed; shared_node.prev_mass = 0.0; } shared_node.psi_momentum = 0.0; shared_node.psi_mass = 0.0; shared_node.momentum.fill(0.0); shared_node.mass = 0.0; shared_node.lock = FREE; } } else { // This octant didn’t exist during the last simulation step. // TODO: what about gravity? for id in first_cell_in_octant..first_cell_in_octant + num_cell_per_thread as u64 { // Compute the (x,y,z) integer coordinates of the cell addressed by this thread, // within the (4x4x4) block. #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let shift_in_octant = vector![id & 0b0011, (id >> 2) & 0b0011]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let shift_in_octant = vector![id & 0b0011, (id >> 2) & 0b0011, id >> 4]; // Compute the corresponding cell in the shared memory (4x4x4) * (2x2x2) buffer. let shift_in_shared = octant * 4 + shift_in_octant; // Flatten the shared memory index. #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let id_in_shared = shift_in_shared.x + shift_in_shared.y * 8; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let id_in_shared = shift_in_shared.x + shift_in_shared.y * 8 + shift_in_shared.z * 8 * 8; let shared_node = &mut *shared_nodes.add(id_in_shared as usize); shared_node.velocity = na::zero(); shared_node.psi_velocity = na::zero(); shared_node.psi_momentum = 0.0; shared_node.psi_mass = 0.0; shared_node.momentum.fill(0.0); shared_node.mass = 0.0; shared_node.prev_mass = 0.0; shared_node.projection_scaled_dir = na::zero(); shared_node.projection_status = GpuGridProjectionStatus::NotComputed; shared_node.lock = FREE; } } } unsafe fn transfer_shared_blocks_to_grid( shared_nodes: *const GridGatherData, next_grid: &mut GpuGrid, active_block_vid: BlockVirtualId, ) { let tid = thread::thread_idx_x(); let blk_sz = thread::block_dim_x(); // There are less threads than the size of the allocated shared memory. // So a single thread has to initialize/writeback several cells between // shared and global memory. let num_cell_per_thread = NUM_SHARED_CELLS / blk_sz as usize; // The contiguous index, in the (4x4x4) * (2x2x2) shared memory blocks, of the first cell // managed by this thread for the shared <-> global memory transfers. From the point of view // of thread indexing, we give cells within the same (4x4x4) sub-block contiguous indices. let first_transfer_cell_id = tid as u64 * num_cell_per_thread as u64; // Identify block/octant that will be touched by this thread during the shared <-> global memory transfers. // Note that thanks to the kernel launch dimensions have to be arranged in such a way that all // the cells addressed by this thread and contiguous in memory and belong to the same octant. let octant = first_transfer_cell_id / NUM_CELL_PER_BLOCK; assert!(octant < 8); #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let octant = vector![(octant & 0b0001) >> 0, (octant & 0b0010) >> 1]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let octant = vector![ (octant & 0b0001) >> 0, (octant & 0b0010) >> 1, (octant & 0b0100) >> 2 ]; let base_block_pos_int = active_block_vid.unpack(); let octant_hid = next_grid .get_header_block_id(BlockVirtualId::pack( base_block_pos_int + octant.cast::(), )) .unwrap(); // It’s interesting to observe that replacing blk_sz by G2P2G_THREADS actually // makes the simulation slower. // TODO: investigate why. Maybe because some unwanted automatic loop unrolling are happening? let num_cell_per_thread = NUM_SHARED_CELLS / blk_sz as usize; // This is the index of the first cell managed by this thread, inside of the (4x4x4) block // identified by the octant. let first_cell_in_octant = (tid as u64 * num_cell_per_thread as u64) % NUM_CELL_PER_BLOCK; for id in first_cell_in_octant..first_cell_in_octant + num_cell_per_thread as u64 { // Compute the (x,y,z) integer coordinates of the cell addressed by this thread, // within the (4x4x4) block. #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let shift_in_octant = vector![id & 0b0011, (id >> 2) & 0b0011]; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let shift_in_octant = vector![id & 0b0011, (id >> 2) & 0b0011, id >> 4]; // Compute the corresponding cell in the shared memory (4x4x4) * (2x2x2) buffer. let shift_in_shared = octant * 4 + shift_in_octant; // Flatten the shared memory index. #[cfg(feature = "dim2")] let id_in_shared = shift_in_shared.x + shift_in_shared.y * 8; #[cfg(feature = "dim3")] let id_in_shared = shift_in_shared.x + shift_in_shared.y * 8 + shift_in_shared.z * 8 * 8; // Flatten the shared global_memory_index. let id_in_global = octant_hid .to_physical() .node_id_unchecked(shift_in_octant.cast::()); let shared_node = &*shared_nodes.add(id_in_shared as usize); if let Some(global_node) = next_grid.get_node_mut(id_in_global) { global_node.mass.global_red_add(shared_node.mass); global_node .momentum_velocity .global_red_add(shared_node.momentum); global_node .psi_momentum_velocity .global_red_add(shared_node.psi_momentum); global_node.psi_mass.global_red_add(shared_node.psi_mass); } } }