From Tue May 14 15:51:18 1996 Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 16:45:33 -0400 From: To: Subject: Problems With Float Version of J0 Dear Steve, I took your advice and added tests using absolute error to the test suite for Bessel functions. Using 20 supposed zeros for J0 from the program that I wrote about previously, I evaluated both the ordinary function and the extended function. These tests show that functions j0() and j0l() are performing quite well. The float version is another story. I have appended to this letter a printout of the test results on j0f(). These tests show that j0f() is having problems at root numbers 4-8, 12-14 and 18-20. The date on my copy of j0f.c is 06-26-92. That is probably the date that I downloaded it from a now-unknown ftp site. K.B. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPECIAL VALUES: Testing zeros of j0f 1: j0f(+2.4048254489898681641) = +3.8498217946880686213E-008 xjn(+2.4048254489898681641) = +5.6434399591553123861E-008 The absolute error was 1.793618164E-008 = 2 ^ -25.73 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 0.00 2: j0f(+5.5200781822204589844) = +4.041770917950771036E-009 xjn(+5.5200781822204589844) = +2.4476658908592181924E-008 The absolute error was 2.043488799E-008 = 2 ^ -25.54 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 0.00 3: j0f(+8.6537275314331054687) = +1.6691650728262175107E-007 xjn(+8.6537275314331054687) = +1.0355305744110084508E-007 The absolute error was 6.336344984E-008 = 2 ^ -23.91 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 0.09 4: j0f(+11.791533470153808594) = -33.760066986083984375 xjn(+11.791533470153808594) = -2.2522115142687429816E-007 The absolute error was 33.76006676 = 2 ^ 5.08 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 29.08 5: j0f(+14.930917739868164062) = -54.7330780029296875 xjn(+14.930917739868164062) = -6.4815051614267151555E-009 The absolute error was 54.733078 = 2 ^ 5.77 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 29.77 6: j0f(+18.071063995361328125) = -80.640838623046875 xjn(+18.071063995361328125) = +5.1532317789417495776E-009 The absolute error was 80.64083863 = 2 ^ 6.33 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 30.33 7: j0f(+21.211637496948242188) = -1.1907993524573612376E-007 xjn(+21.211637496948242188) = -1.5023347966693257607E-007 The absolute error was 3.115354442E-008 = 2 ^ -24.94 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 0.00 8: j0f(+24.352472305297851563) = -147.2607269287109375 xjn(+24.352472305297851563) = +1.252456994374032222E-007 The absolute error was 147.2607271 = 2 ^ 7.20 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 31.20 9: j0f(+27.493478775024414062) = +8.6456402925705333473E-008 xjn(+27.493478775024414062) = +5.4331104330891022151E-008 The absolute error was 3.212529859E-008 = 2 ^ -24.89 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 0.00 10: j0f(+30.634607315063476562) = +1.0253265259052568581E-007 xjn(+30.634607315063476562) = +1.2205545645928957006E-007 The absolute error was 1.952280387E-008 = 2 ^ -25.61 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 0.00 11: j0f(+33.775821685791015625) = -2.7330395369062898681E-007 xjn(+33.775821685791015625) = -2.0213095109233050977E-007 The absolute error was 7.11730026E-008 = 2 ^ -23.74 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 0.26 12: j0f(+36.9170989990234375) = -339.718048095703125 xjn(+36.9170989990234375) = +8.4751580680371841227E-008 The absolute error was 339.7180482 = 2 ^ 8.41 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 32.41 13: j0f(+40.0584259033203125) = -400.16937255859375 xjn(+40.0584259033203125) = -1.748483989425018841E-008 The absolute error was 400.1693725 = 2 ^ 8.64 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 32.64 14: j0f(+43.19979095458984375) = -465.55548095703125 xjn(+43.19979095458984375) = -9.2091405612589154812E-008 The absolute error was 465.5554809 = 2 ^ 8.86 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 32.86 15: j0f(+46.3411865234375) = +6.1005941631719906582E-008 xjn(+46.3411865234375) = +2.1663259198486025751E-007 The absolute error was 1.556266504E-007 = 2 ^ -22.62 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 1.38 16: j0f(+49.482608795166015625) = +8.6089109174736222485E-008 xjn(+49.482608795166015625) = -1.2502526471826288659E-007 The absolute error was 2.111143739E-007 = 2 ^ -22.18 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 1.82 17: j0f(+52.624050140380859375) = +1.9535471551535010803E-007 xjn(+52.624050140380859375) = +1.8706569473118370298E-007 The absolute error was 8.289020784E-009 = 2 ^ -26.85 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 0.00 18: j0f(+55.76551055908203125) = -776.44805908203125 xjn(+55.76551055908203125) = -2.0935556016131989757E-008 The absolute error was 776.4480591 = 2 ^ 9.60 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 33.60 19: j0f(+58.906982421875) = -866.50811767578125 xjn(+58.906982421875) = +1.5637660924818661331E-007 The absolute error was 866.5081178 = 2 ^ 9.76 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 33.76 20: j0f(+62.04846954345703125) = -961.50311279296875 xjn(+62.04846954345703125) = +3.57798884839853627E-008 The absolute error was 961.5031128 = 2 ^ 9.91 Accuracy loss in base 2 significant digits is 33.91