# specs_engine ![BuildStatus][s1] ![Mit License][s2] ![BuildStatus][s3] ![Docs][s4] [s1]: https://travis-ci.org/bytebuddha/specs_engine.svg?branch=master [s2]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg [s3]: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/030v9gcretmghdn6?svg=true [s4]: https://docs.rs/specs_engine/badge.svg A Simple state machine built around [specs-rs](https://github.com/slide-rs/specs/), a parallel entity and component system. This project is a **Work in Progress** and started life as an expirment on rusty non-code things. Largely based off of the [amethyst](https://amethyst.rs) game engine but designed to be thinner and lighter. Any pull requests, Issuse or feature idea's are very much appreciated.