# Contributing Welcome to the Speechmatics Javascript SDK! We're open to contributions from anyone. We hope you can find everything you need in here to get started contributing to this repo. ## Table of Contents - [Useful Links](#useful-links) - [How to Submit Changes](#how-to-submit-changes) - [How to Report a Bug](#how-to-report-a-bug) - [How to Request a Feature](#how-to-request-a-feature) ## Useful Links - [Speechmatics Website](https://www.speechmatics.com/) - [Portal (for generating API keys)](https://portal.speechmatics.com/manage-access/) - [Docs](https://docs.speechmatics.com/) ## How to Submit Changes We try not to be too prescreptive about how people work, but we also believe in helping make things easier by following a couple of basic steps. If you follow these recommendations, it should make the review process simpler and quicker: 1. If your change is large, consider reaching out to us beforehand and discussing the issue. This could save you a lot of time if there are good reasons why we haven't done something. 2. Fork the repo and work on a branch on your fork. Try to give your branches short, descriptive names in the format {type}/{description} e.g. bugfix/missing-try-catch. 3. Make sure your changes are tested - ideally both manually and in the unit tests. 4. When opening a PR back into our repo, provide some simple descriptive comments that list the changes being made in the PR. 5. Give your PR a short, descriptive title. ## How to Report a Bug If you are experiencing a bug, you can report it via the [issues](https://github.com/speechmatics/speechmatics-rs/issues) page. The more details you give us, the better we can understand and fix your problem! ## How to Request a Feature If you want a feature, you can open a discussion via the [issues](https://github.com/speechmatics/speechmatics-rs/issues) page. Try to tag your issue with the most appropriate label available so that we can track it more easily. ## Testing There is a basic level of unit test coverage in this repo. To run the tests you will need to get a Speechmatics API key. You should be able to run the tests with a free-tier account (no credit card required). The command to run the tests is: ``` export API_KEY=YOUR_KEY cargo test --tests --lib --all-features ```