use sphinx::progress::ShowProgress as _; use sphinx::{UpdateContext, Widget}; struct App; impl sphinx::App for App { fn initial_page(&mut self) -> Box { Box::new(Page::default()) } } enum Page { WaitingForInput, Calculating((sphinx::progress::ProgressUi, sphinx::oneshot::Receiver)), Complete(u64), } impl Default for Page { fn default() -> Self { Page::WaitingForInput } } impl sphinx::Page for Page { fn name(&self) -> &str { "example-state-machine" } fn render(&mut self, ctx: UpdateContext) -> sphinx::Switch { let UpdateContext { ui, runtime, repainter, .. } = ctx; match self { Page::WaitingForInput => { if ui.button("Click Me!").clicked() { let (progress, adapter) = sphinx::progress::create(repainter); let proc = runtime.execute_oneshot(async { // A very slow method of totalling the first 1000 integers let mut sum: u64 = 0; for i in (0..1000).into_iter().show_progress(adapter) { sum += i; std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(10)); } sum }); *self = Page::Calculating((progress, proc)); } } Page::Calculating((view, rec)) => { if let Some(bar) = { bar.ui(ui); } if let Ok(Some(sum)) = rec.try_recv() { *self = Page::Complete(sum); } } Page::Complete(sum) => { ui.label(format!("Sum (0..1000): {sum}")); } }; sphinx::ok!(); } } fn main() { sphinx::run(App, sphinx::WindowOptions::single()); }