syntax = "proto3"; package authzed.api.v0; option go_package = ""; option java_package = "com.authzed.api.v0"; import "authzed/api/v0/core.proto"; service DeveloperService { rpc EditCheck(EditCheckRequest) returns (EditCheckResponse) {} rpc Validate(ValidateRequest) returns (ValidateResponse) {} rpc Share(ShareRequest) returns (ShareResponse) {} rpc LookupShared(LookupShareRequest) returns (LookupShareResponse) {} rpc UpgradeSchema(UpgradeSchemaRequest) returns (UpgradeSchemaResponse) {} rpc FormatSchema(FormatSchemaRequest) returns (FormatSchemaResponse) {} } message FormatSchemaRequest { string schema = 1; } message FormatSchemaResponse { DeveloperError error = 1; string formatted_schema = 2; } message UpgradeSchemaRequest { repeated string namespace_configs = 1; } message UpgradeSchemaResponse { DeveloperError error = 1; string upgraded_schema = 2; } message ShareRequest { string schema = 1; string relationships_yaml = 2; string validation_yaml = 3; string assertions_yaml = 4; } message ShareResponse { string share_reference = 1; } message LookupShareRequest { string share_reference = 1; } message LookupShareResponse { enum LookupStatus { UNKNOWN_REFERENCE = 0; FAILED_TO_LOOKUP = 1; VALID_REFERENCE = 2; UPGRADED_REFERENCE = 3; } LookupStatus status = 1; string schema = 2; string relationships_yaml = 3; string validation_yaml = 4; string assertions_yaml = 5; } message RequestContext { string schema = 1; repeated RelationTuple relationships = 2; reserved 3; // Was legacy_ns_configs } message EditCheckRequest { RequestContext context = 1; repeated RelationTuple check_relationships = 2; } message EditCheckResult { RelationTuple relationship = 1; bool is_member = 2; DeveloperError error = 3; } message EditCheckResponse { repeated DeveloperError request_errors = 1; repeated EditCheckResult check_results = 2; } message ValidateRequest { RequestContext context = 1; string validation_yaml = 3; bool update_validation_yaml = 4; string assertions_yaml = 5; } message ValidateResponse { repeated DeveloperError request_errors = 1; repeated DeveloperError validation_errors = 2; string updated_validation_yaml = 3; } message DeveloperError { enum Source { UNKNOWN_SOURCE = 0; SCHEMA = 1; RELATIONSHIP = 2; VALIDATION_YAML = 3; CHECK_WATCH = 4; ASSERTION = 5; } enum ErrorKind { UNKNOWN_KIND = 0; PARSE_ERROR = 1; SCHEMA_ISSUE = 2; DUPLICATE_RELATIONSHIP = 3; MISSING_EXPECTED_RELATIONSHIP = 4; EXTRA_RELATIONSHIP_FOUND = 5; UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE = 6; UNKNOWN_RELATION = 7; MAXIMUM_RECURSION = 8; ASSERTION_FAILED = 9; } string message = 1; uint32 line = 2; uint32 column = 3; Source source = 4; ErrorKind kind = 5; repeated string path = 6; // context holds the context for the error. For schema issues, this will be the // name of the object type. For relationship issues, the full relationship string. string context = 7; }