# Spider Cloud CLI Spider Cloud CLI is a command-line interface to interact with the [Spider Cloud](https://spider.cloud) web crawler. It allows you to scrape, crawl, search, and perform various other web-related tasks through simple commands. ## Installation Install the CLI using [`homebrew`](https://brew.sh/) or [`cargo`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/) from [crates.io](https://crates.io): ### Homebrew ```sh brew tap spider-rs/spider-cloud-cli brew install spider-cloud-cli ``` ### Cargo ```sh cargo install spider-cloud-cli ``` ## Usage After installing, you can use the CLI by typing `spider-cloud-cli` followed by a command and its respective arguments. ### Authentication Before using most of the commands, you need to authenticate by providing an API key: ```sh spider-cloud-cli auth --api_key YOUR_API_KEY ``` ### Commands #### Scrape Scrape data from a specified URL. ```sh spider-cloud-cli scrape --url http://example.com ``` #### Crawl Crawl a specified URL with an optional limit on the number of pages. ```sh spider-cloud-cli crawl --url http://example.com --limit 10 ``` #### Links Fetch links from a specified URL. ```sh spider-cloud-cli links --url http://example.com ``` #### Screenshot Take a screenshot of a specified URL. ```sh spider-cloud-cli screenshot --url http://example.com ``` #### Search Search for a query. ```sh spider-cloud-cli search --query "example query" ``` #### Transform Transform specified data. ```sh spider-cloud-cli transform --data "sample data" ``` #### Extract Contacts Extract contact information from a specified URL. ```sh spider-cloud-cli extract_contacts --url http://example.com ``` #### Label Label data from a specified URL. ```sh spider-cloud-cli label --url http://example.com ``` #### Get Crawl State Get the crawl state of a specified URL. ```sh spider-cloud-cli get_crawl_state --url http://example.com ``` #### Query Query records of a specified domain. ```sh spider-cloud-cli query --domain example.com ``` #### Get Credits Fetch the account credits left. ```sh spider-cloud-cli get_credits ``` ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details. ## Contributing Issues and pull requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](https://github.com/spider-rs/spider-clients/issues) if you have any questions or suggestions. ## Acknowledgements Special thanks to the developers and contributors of the libraries and tools used in this project.