# How to Version Up 1. Make sure the changes are merged into master branch. 1. Create 'version\_up' branch and checkout there. 1. Regenerate the documentation. 1. `git rm -rf docs` 1. `cargo doc` 1. `mv target/doc docs` 1. `git add docs` 1. `git commit -m 'Regenerate documents'` 1. Update CHANGELOG.md and commit. 1. Update "package.version" in Cargo.toml and commit. 1. Update README.md using `cargo readme > README.md` . 1. Merge branch 'version\_up' into master. 1. Create a new version tag. 1. Reset 'docs' branch to 'master' 1. Push master, docs, and the new tag to origin. 1. Check "https://wbcchsyn.github.io/spin-sync-rs/spin\_sync/" 1. `cargo publish`